
  • 网络The Eos;aurora
  1. 我一直是黎明女神的崇拜者,如希腊人般真诚。

    I have been as sincere a worshipper of Aurora as the Greeks .

  2. 卡拉·瑟瑞斯在她(看似)最后一次任务中,把她的黎明女神雕像给了谁?

    To whom does Kara Thrace give her statue of Aurora before her seemingly final mission ?

  3. 巴比伦的黎明女神,太阳神的配偶。

    Aja The Babylonian dawn goddess and consort of the sun god .

  4. 从那时起,无论黎明女神还是黑夜女神,都未见她坐下来休息片刻。

    From then on , whether or dark goddess of the dawn goddess , she has not been a moment to sit down and rest .

  5. 他们的女儿出生了他们称她为黎明的女神奥罗拉

    A daughter was born , and they called her Aurora .

  6. 在北半球,这种现象就是所谓的黎明的女神,或北极光。

    In the Northern Hemisphere , the phenomenon is called aurora borealis , or northern lights .

  7. 生活的色彩:绿色。北极光,或黎明的女神,制造光辉的显示在空中靠近耶洛奈夫。西北部的加拿大的领土。

    Life in Color : Green The northern lights , or aurora borealis , produce a brilliant display in the skies near Yellowknife , Northwest Territories , Canada .

  8. 在过去,一个更加传奇式,但不准确的翻译就是“从金色黎明而来”,主要建立在众多吠陀梵语中“黎明女神”即是“黎明”的错误假设的基础上。

    A more romantic , but inaccurate , translation of the name in the past has been bringer of the golden dawn , based on the mistaken assumption that the second part of the name is a variant of the Vedic word " ushas " meaning " dawn " .