
  1. 由于发生了一系列政治刺杀案,黎巴嫩议会目前同叙利亚的关系十分紧张。

    The current parliament has had rocky relations with Syria , following a series of political assassinations .

  2. 黎巴嫩议会通过了新的法案,首次赋予在该国居住的巴勒斯坦难民合法工作的权利。

    The Lebanese parliament has passed new legislation that for the first time grants Palestinian refugees living in the country the right to work legally .

  3. 她表示,她希望黎巴嫩6月份的议会选举将是自由和公正的。

    Clinton expressed hope that Lebanon 's June parliamentary elections will be free and fair .

  4. 他说,黎巴嫩总统拉胡德和议会将在本星期认可这个计划。

    He said Lebanese President Emile Lahoud and his council are expected to ratify the plan during the coming week .