
  • 网络lebanese;Syrian-Lebanese
  1. 黎巴嫩人曾是一个航海民族。

    The Lebanese were a seafaring people .

  2. 移入美国的主要是黎巴嫩人、叙利亚人和部分埃及人。

    The first wave consisted of Lebanese and Syrian , and some Egyptian immigrants .

  3. 至于移民人口,有数百万黎巴嫩人定居国外,多数马龙派和伽南派(Canaani)人如今都在国外生活。

    As for the emigrant population , millions of Lebanese , mostly Maronite / Canaani are present outside the country .

  4. 但是一些黎巴嫩人说总理做得并不够。

    But some Lebanese say he 's not doing enough .

  5. 柯美尔表示黎巴嫩人擅长危机管理。

    Kamel says Lebanese people are good at crisis management .

  6. 许多黎巴嫩人害怕叙利亚国内的杀戮会蔓延过黎巴嫩戒备不严的边境。

    Many Lebanese have feared that the bloodshed would eventually spill across their meekly defended border .

  7. 尽管大多数黎巴嫩人是穆斯林教派,但马龙教派的基督教徒约占人口的五分之一。

    Although most Lebanese are Muslims , Maronite Christians make up about one fifth of the population .

  8. 为迎合越来越多的黎巴嫩人渴望改变容貌的需求,该国一家银行近日开始向顾客提供整形手术所需费用的特殊贷款。

    A Lebanese bank is offering loans to finance plastic surgery to meet growing demand from people seeking to improve their looks .

  9. 结果是,黎巴嫩人平均每年只消费1.6公斤橄榄油,是西班牙人平均消费的十分之一。

    The upshot is that the average Lebanese consumes 1.6kg of olive oil each year , a tenth of what the average Spaniard consumes .

  10. 丹麦官员说,四名被捕男子是44岁的突尼斯人、29岁的黎巴嫩人、寻求庇护的伊拉克人和一名来历不明的人。

    Danish officials said the four arrested are a44-year-old Tunisian , a29-year-old born in Lebanon , an Iraqi asylum-seeker and a fourth man whose origin was not yet clear .

  11. 他们知道我丈夫是黎巴嫩人,是象他们大多数人一样的什叶派教徒。而且,我经常来这儿问一些这儿没有的水果和蔬菜。

    They knew my husband was Lebanese , a Shiite like most of them , and that I always came there asking for fruits and vegetables that didn 't exist .

  12. 今年发生的几次暴力事件已经夺去了好几十名黎巴嫩人的生命。而叙利亚军队对黎巴嫩边境城镇的袭击几乎是每天都发生的事情。

    Several outbursts of violence have taken the lives of dozens of Lebanese this year , and attacks by Syrian army forces on Lebanese border towns are almost a daily occurrence .

  13. 2005年,世界看着黎巴嫩人举着雪松革命的旗帜,赶走了叙利亚占领者,在自由选举中选举出新领导人。

    In2005 , the world watched as the citizens of Lebanon raised the banner of the Cedar Revolution , they drove out the Syrian occupiers and chose new leaders in free elections .

  14. “我们不是黎巴嫩人”,他说,“我们是巴勒斯坦人,我们的国家叫做巴勒斯坦,有一天我们的真主,会让我们难民的孩子回到属于他们故土的地方。”

    " We are not Lebanese " He said ," We are Palestinians , we have a land called Palestine and one day , Insha Allah , our children as refugees will return to the home that is rightly theirs . "

  15. 与此同时,随着黎巴嫩也人冲突,要求国际调停的呼声肯定会高涨起来。

    Meanwhile , as Lebanon is dragged into the fray , calls for international mediation are sure to get louder .

  16. 他就是奥瓦里·宾·塔拉·宾·阿杜拉中斯·肥苏王女陛上,是沙特国王法赫德的侄女,沙特创建人的孙女,也是当今黎巴嫩创建人的外孙。

    He is His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud , nephew of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia , grandson of the country 's founder , grandson also of the founder of modern day Lebanon .

  17. 布里科是一位在黎巴嫩出生的瑞典人,他非常看重员工的多样性,但作为一家英国公司,amec的形象应当是守时而可靠。

    Mr brikho is a Lebanese-born Swedish citizen who sets great store by the diversity of his workforce but , as a British company , AMEC is expect ed to be punctual and reliable .

  18. 黎巴嫩拥有大约四百万人。

    Lebanon is home to around four million people .

  19. 在黎巴嫩至少有三人因为怀疑为以色列充当间谍而被捕。

    At least three pople have been arrested in Lebanon on suspicion of spying for Israel .

  20. 突尼斯、约旦和黎巴嫩都有为年轻人就业设立的项目,可以将其进一步扩大。例如可以聘请大学毕业生到贫穷社区任教。

    In Tunisia , Jordan , and Lebanon there are services programs for young people that could be scaled up , for example to employ university graduates to teach in poor communities .

  21. 在以军攻势的前几周,数千名澳大利亚人成功撤离出了黎巴嫩,而另外却有数百名生活在澳大利亚的黎巴嫩人在这场冲突中失去了家人和朋友。

    Thousands of Australians were evacuated from Lebanon in the first weeks of the Israeli military offensive , while hundreds more living in Australia lost family and friends during the hostilities .