
  • 网络The Loess Plateau
  1. 《黄土高坡》这就是一望无际、极度缺水的黄土高坡!

    Loess Plateau This is the endless Loess Plateau lacking of water severely .

  2. 系在黄土高坡上的心结脊椎动物心传导系统的发生

    The Heart Know Tied in the Loess Plateau Development of the Conduction System in Vertebrate

  3. 发生地点在广袤的黄土高坡上一个叫做双水村的地方。

    Occurred in the vast loess altiplano a village called dual-water areas .

  4. 例:由于干旱,黄土高坡上的几条河流已经干涸了。

    Eg : Rivers on the Yellow High Land nearly dried up in the drought .

  5. 榆林的本土文化是中华民族传统文化中的一朵奇葩,以坚强的毅力和不屈不饶的精神绽放于黄土高坡之上。

    As a exotic flower of Chinese traditional culture , the mainland culture in Yulin blooms in the Loess Plateau with strong willpower and indomitable spirits .

  6. 宝鸡市区位于渭河盆地中,南有秦岭山脉,北邻黄土高坡,如此地貌类型特征,地震影响的潜在威胁很大,所以地震危险性评价是宝鸡市地质灾害评估中的一项重要工作。

    The landscape type of Baoji features greatly in the potential threat of future earthquakes . The seismic hazard assessment is an important work among the geological hazard assessments of Baoji city .