
  • 网络Marc Faber
  1. 其他追逐机会的公司还包括资深新兴市场基金经理麦嘉华(MarcFaber)任董事长的LeopardCapital。该公司计划为两只以缅甸为主要投资对象的基金筹资1.5亿美元。

    Others in the hunt include Leopard Capital , whose chairman is veteran emerging-markets fund manager Marc Faber , which is seeking to raise $ 150 million for two Myanmar-focused funds .

  2. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)前研究部主管肯尼思•罗格夫(KennethRogoff),与以成功预测了亚洲金融危机而闻名的独立分析师麦嘉华(MarcFaber),也发出了同样的警告。

    Kenneth Rogoff , former research director at the International Monetary Fund , and Marc Faber , an independent analyst , famous for predicting the Asian financial crisis , have also sounded the alarm .

  3. 贝南克(Bernanke)说今年晚些时候的经济将会走强,所以到时候他可以松开油门,也就是“在今年晚些时候开始减弱刺激性的量化宽松(QE)计划”。对此麦嘉华(MarcFaber)笑了。没错,他笑了。

    Faber laughs at Bernanke 's remark that the economy would be strong enough later this year so he could take his foot off the gas , that is begin ' tapering , or scaling back it 's stimulative quantitative easing ( QE ) program later this year . ' Yes , laughed .

  4. 据BusinessInsider.com报道,麦嘉华夸张地说,“QE基本上会成为我们下半辈子日常生活的一部分”。麦嘉华还说,2010年在贝南克灾难性试验的早期阶段,他曾给出“美联储奔向QE99”的警告。

    According to BusinessInsider.com , ' embracing hyperbole , ' Faber ' suggested that QE would basically be a part of everyday life for the rest of our lives , ' adding that back in 2010 in the early days of Bernanke 's disastrous experiment , Faber warned ' the Fed 's headed for QE99 . '