
  • Mcdull
  1. 而悲惨的麦兜却要到武当山上学太极。

    McDull has to go to Wudang Mountain to study taijiquan .

  2. 麦兜的走红有时会令一手打造他的麦佳碧有些摸不着头脑。

    The popularity of McDull occasionally confounds his creator Alice Mak .

  3. 在他看来,H和A的样子看起来不过差那么一点点而已。他学校的校长说,麦兜并不蠢,只是太过善良。

    When he gets an H , he thinks it looks only a bit different from an A. According to his headmaster , he isn ` t that stupid , he is just too kind .

  4. 但事实证明,头脑木讷的麦兜更有魅力。

    But it turned out that the woodenheaded McDull was more appealing

  5. 在香港,人们最喜爱的小猪非“麦兜”莫属。

    The best-loved pig in Hong Kong is called McDull .

  6. 在其中一部麦兜系列影片当中,麦兜对观众说:

    In one of the McDull movies , he talks to the audience :

  7. 预计今年晚些时候将于上海开设一家麦兜的旗舰店。

    McDull flagship store is expected to open in Shanghai later this year .

  8. 就像麦兜一样,麦佳碧说话和动作都是慢条斯理的。

    Like McDull , Mak moves and speaks slowly .

  9. 成人读者对《麦唛麦兜系列》绘本的解读

    Adult Readers ' Interpretation toward " Picture Books of Mcdull and Mcmug "

  10. 麦兜名字的由来有一个故事。

    The name McDull actually has a story itself .

  11. 麦兜:怎么什么都没有?那要墨鱼丸粗面吧。

    McDull : Nothing left today ? How about noodle with squid ball ?

  12. 大角咀也是麦兜成长的地方。

    It is also where McDull grows up .

  13. 但是,我从没想过要让麦兜在漫画中长大。

    But I wouldn ` t want him to ever grow up in the cartoons .

  14. 麦兜系列影片首次拍摄于2001年,第一部名为《麦兜的故事》。

    The series of McDull films actually began in2001 with the film My Life as McDull .

  15. 麦兜是一只右眼上有个胎记的小猪。

    McDull is a male pig who can be distinguished by a birthmark on his right eye .

  16. 就这样,直到有一天,麦兜发现了一个天大的秘密,他由此产生了学习动力,一切开始转变。

    Things keep changing until he discovers a big secret , which becomes his motive for learning .

  17. 迄今已有五部麦兜系列电影在内地和香港上映。

    So far , there are five McDull movies showed in both the mainland and Hong Kong .

  18. 我的名字叫麦兜。

    My name is McDull .

  19. 他和妻子麦家碧一起创作了卡通形象麦唛和麦兜。

    Along with his wife , Alice Mak , he created the cartoon characters McMug and McDull .

  20. 他学校的校长说,麦兜并不蠢,只是太过善良。

    According to his headmaster , he isn ` t that stupid , he is just too kind .

  21. 港产卡通《麦兜故事》只得第四,颇令人失望。

    The Hong Kong made animation " my life as mcdull " got7 % only and is disappointingly fourth .

  22. 可爱却又笨拙的粉红小猪麦兜大概是今夏最具感染力的角色了!

    The cute but clumsy pink piglet , McDull , just might be the most contagious thing this summer .

  23. 得巴:麦兜啊,他们的鱼丸跟粗面卖光了,就是所有跟鱼丸和粗面的配搭都没了。

    Darby : Hey , fishball and noodle are both gone * You can 't combine them with other things .

  24. 这家公司的老板谢立文后来也成了她的丈夫,同时也是麦兜系列电影的编剧以及麦兜丛书的作者。

    The company boss , Brian Tse , later became her husband and scriptwriter of all McDull movies and books .

  25. 《麦兜故事》(2001)&这部港产动画片,实在是太聪明了点,不过对于孩子们来说可能不大好懂。

    My Life as McDull ( 2001 ) - This Hong Kong-made animation is too intelligent to be just for kids .

  26. 她称自己是个简单的人,并没打算赋予麦兜的故事太多的内涵。

    She describes herself as a simple person , who does not try to draw too much meaning from the McDull stories .

  27. 麦兜是一个不怎么聪明的小孩,但他始终尽力做到最好,让妈妈开心。

    McDull is not the brightest kid on the block , but he continually tries to do his best and please his mother .

  28. 尽管很多小孩都十分喜爱麦兜,但这个故事远非只有浅显的幽默,人们感到开心的同时,也会有些许酸楚。

    Although many children love McDull , the story is far more than its surface funniness . It is delightful and acidic at the same time .

  29. 与之前几部麦兜系列影片不同的是,本片故事的发生地不再是香港标志性的林立高楼喧嚣窄巷,而移到了内地的武当庙和三峡大坝。

    This film is not set amidst the typical crowded skyscrapers and street bulletins of Hong Kong , but features the Wudang temple and Three Gorges Dam instead .

  30. 麦兜最初只是一个配角,出现在他表弟麦唛的故事中。麦唛是只聪明的小猪,是“父母心中的好孩子榜样”。

    McDull was at first a supporting character in a story about his cousin McMug , a smart piglet and " what parents expect of their children . "