
xiān xuè
  • blood
鲜血 [xiān xuè]
  • [blood] 鲜红的血

鲜血[xiān xuè]
  1. 鲜血从他手臂上深深的伤口中涌出。

    Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm .

  2. 一股鲜血从伤口流出来。

    A stream of blood flowed from the wound .

  3. 他一看到夏普浸满鲜血的制服,脸色顿时变得煞白。

    His face blanched as he looked at Sharpe 's blood-drenched uniform

  4. 他向后倒去,鲜血从他大腿上的一个口子里涌了出来。

    He fell back , blood welling from a gash in his thigh .

  5. 尤尔卡的手指折断了,鲜血直流。

    Yulka 's fingers were bloody and cracked .

  6. 他撕破的衣服被鲜血浸透了。

    His torn clothes were soaked in blood .

  7. 鲜血溅落在黑色的水泥地上。

    Blood spattered the dark concrete

  8. 我无可奉献,除了鲜血、辛劳、泪水和汗水。

    I have nothing to offer but blood , toil , tears and sweat .

  9. 鲜血从他嘴里一滴一滴地流出来。

    Blood was trickling from his mouth .

  10. 他穿的衣服上溅满了鲜血。

    His vesture was dabbled in blood .

  11. 伤口中鲜血直流。

    The wound gushed blood .

  12. 花刺弄伤了她的手指,鲜血涌了出来。

    The   thorns   hurt   her   fingers   and   blood   came   out .

  13. 帮助汉兹包扎他腿上鲜血直流的伤口。

    Hands tie up the great bleeding wound in his leg .

  14. 这张裹尸布上有着鲜血的痕迹以及带有苦难与拷问的标记。

    The shroud also contains traces of blood and marks consistent with scourging and crucifixion .

  15. 他们的手沾满了鲜血。

    Their hands were full of blood .

  16. 当从手臂上拔出箭来时,一股鲜血涌了出来。

    There was a gush of blood as the arrow was pulled out from the arm .

  17. 在此次爆炸案中,人行道被鲜血染红,而俯瞰这条人行道的就是波士顿公共图书馆(BostonPublicLibrary)&这个地方代表着凶手所痛恨的一切:文明、宽容和启蒙。

    And overlooking the bloodstained sidewalk is a place representing everything the murderers hate : civility , tolerance , enlightenment : Boston Public Library .

  18. 当DPS的时候,使用鲜血灵气.15%的伤害加成比邪恶的共CD降低要好。

    When DPSing , use Blood Presence . The15 % boost to damage is better than Unholy 's GCD reduction .

  19. 方法随机选择106例RA患者和340例健康鲜血员,采用病例对照研究方法。

    Methods 106 RA patients and 340 healthy blood donors were selected by random sample . Case-control method was used for study .

  20. 来自北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市(Charlotte)的尼古拉·克洛斯(NicoleGross)挣扎着要站起来,她的衬衫破烂不堪,腿受重伤,身旁一滩鲜血。

    Nicole Gross from Charlotte , North Carolina , struggled to get up , her shirt in tatters , her leg severely injured .

  21. 卡扎菲在10月6日播出的录音(已知的最后录音)讲话中说,利比亚殉难者的鲜血不会白流,并呼吁支持者与北约和利比亚新成立的全国过渡委员会(NationalTransitionalCouncil)进行战斗。

    ' The blood of the martyrs of the Libyan people will not go to waste , 'he said in his last known broadcast , on Oct.6 , urging supporters to fight NATO and Libya 's new National Transitional Council .

  22. 用干扰素无环鸟苷、丙种球蛋白或血浆、鲜血、血小板悬液治疗7d。

    They were treated with interferon , acyclovir , γ - globulin or plasma , fresh blood and platelet suspension for 7 days .

  23. 方法用营养琼脂、鲜血琼脂、SS培养基分离培养病原菌,并进行生化试验和体外抑菌试验。

    Methods The suspicious strain of bacterium isolated from disease cobra was cultured by nutrient agar , blood agar and SS culture medium . Biochemical testing and antibacterial activity in vitro were also performed .

  24. 在这处没有花纸的墙上,有一个用鲜血潦草写成的字:拉契(RACHE)

    Across this bare space there was scrawled in blood-red letters a single word -- RACHE

  25. 他在回忆录中写道,杰姬·肯尼迪(JackieKennedy)脚步酿跄地慢慢走进医院的那些房间,粉色套装上还沾染着丈夫的鲜血,那是我看到的有史以来最令人难以释怀的一幕。

    There is no more haunting sight in all the history I 've observed , he wrote in his memoir , than Jackie Kennedy , walking slowly , unsteadily into those hospital rooms , her pink suit stained with her husband 's blood .

  26. 巫妖王在Putricide教授,鲜血女王Lana'thel和辛德拉苟萨被击败前不会被激活。

    The Lich King may not be attempted until Professor Putricide , Blood-Queen Lana'thel , and Sindragosa are defeated .

  27. 故事里,当Llywelyn出外打猎回来后发现婴儿床被打翻了,婴儿也不见了,只见满嘴鲜血的格勒特。

    In the story , Llywelyn returns from hunting to find his baby 's cradle overturned , missing and the dog with blood around its mouth .

  28. 是Anu族人食用鲜血来使他们的寿命维持在8000到18000年之间,这就是在地球上的人类如何会开始食肉的原始致因。

    It is the Annanuki 's consumption of blood to sustain their lengthy life spans of8000 to18,000 years that is the original cause of how consumption of flesh began in human form upon earth .

  29. 他给出的证据是受害人脖子上精确的切口和鲜血流尽的躯体—一种被谴责为juju(某些西非部族所用的物神)的“神圣”礼物,或者可称为西非的巫术。

    His evidence was the precise slit in the victim 's neck and a body drained of blood - a divine tribute that is condemned as juju , or black magic , in West Africa .

  30. 有人用眼泪来守护的,有人用鲜血割舍。

    Someone with tears to guard , someone with blood sacrifice .