
  • 网络cut flowers;Fresh Cut Flowers;Fresh Cutting Flowers;TR-FLG
  1. 百合(LiLiumspp.)花姿秀美,花茎挺拔,是点缀庭院的名贵观赏花卉,是世界上著名的五大鲜切花之一,深受世界各国人民的喜爱。

    With the graceful posture , tall and straight flower stalk , Lily ( LiLium spp. ) is suitable for using in the garden . As one of the most famous cut flowers in the world , it is widely favored by the peoples from various countries .

  2. 假设有家企业希望出口鲜切花。

    Think of a business that wants to export cut flowers .

  3. 通过用不同CO2浓度对百合生长期施肥,研究了在350μL/L、600μL/L、800μL/L和1000μL/LCO2浓度处理下的百合鲜切花生长开花及其生理基础。

    We researched Lily 's Fresh cutting of Lily flowers growth , blossom and physiological basis under the controlling concentration of CO2 with 350 , 600 , 800 and 1 000 ppm .

  4. 施钾还可减缓瓶插期间鲜切花叶片和花被片中可溶性糖、淀粉和叶片中蛋白质含量的下降以及花被片中MDA含量的升高。

    During the period of cut flower in vase , applied K also delays the reduction of leaf and petal starch and soluble sugar content and leaf protein content and the increase of petal MDA content .

  5. 大丽菊(DahliapinnataCav)因花型丰富、花色多样及色彩鲜艳而极具观赏性,在园林植物栽培与鲜切花中被广泛运用。

    Dahlia ( Dahlia pinnata Cav ) possess good ornamental characteristics for abundant shapes and colors of the petal , so it is widely used for landscape plants cultivation and cut flower .

  6. 以麝香百合(Liliumlongiflorum.Thumb)鲜切花的贮藏保鲜为研究对象,通过不同采前处理对麝香百合鲜切花贮藏保鲜效果的探讨,发现采前处理对麝香百合鲜切花贮藏的品质和寿命有显著影响。

    The paper is an exploration into the effect of various treatments before harvest on preservation of flower cutting of Lilium longiflorum . Remarkable influence of treatment before harvest has been discovered on the quality and life-span of the preserved flower-cuttings of Lilium longiflorum .

  7. 百合(LiLiumspp.)在我国栽培历史悠久,种质资源丰富,百合花姿绰约,色彩斑斓,花型丰富,喻意美好,是世界著名五大鲜切花之一,拥有球根花卉之王的美誉。

    Lily ( Lilium spp. ) cultivation in China has a long history , rich germplasm resources , Lily appearance graceful , colorful , rich flower types , metaphor meaning beautiful , is the five world famous delicacy cuts one of flowers , with " Bullbar flower king " reputation .

  8. 植酸及其对鲜切花保鲜作用研究进展

    Study on Phytic Acid and its Preservative Function of Cutoff Flower

  9. 施用钾肥提高百合鲜切花的品质。

    Applied K increases the quality of lily freshly cut flower .

  10. 植物色素对马蹄莲鲜切花的染色效应

    Effects of Plant Pigments on Dyeing of Fresh cut Zantedeschia aethiopica

  11. 4种鲜切花保鲜剂保鲜效果的研究

    Studied on effect of preservative solutions on 4 commercial cut flowers

  12. 我国鲜切花物流发展问题的探讨

    Discuss on Material Flow Development of Fresh Cutting Flower in China

  13. 荷花鲜切花化学保鲜试验研究

    Test on Chemical Fresh-keeping for Cutting Flowers of Water Lily

  14. 对海南鲜切花产业发展的几点思考

    Thoughts on the development of fresh cut-flower industry in Hainan

  15. 鲜切花真空预冷过程温度的红外热成像检测

    Temperature Detection of Cut Flower during Vacuum Cooling with Thermal Infrared Image

  16. 河北省鲜切花生产存在的问题及发展对策

    Problems and Development Strategies of Fresh Cut Flowers Production in Hebei Province

  17. 武汉市鲜切花市场的调查研究

    A survey on the Market of Fresh Cut Flower in Wuhan City

  18. 鲜切花的保鲜包装技术研究初探

    Fresh - Keeping and Packing of Fresh Cut Flower

  19. 鲜切花的保鲜冷藏链及其深加工技术

    The Preservation Cold Chain of Fresh Cut Flowers and its Further Processing Technology

  20. 请随时将鲜切花在任何我们的纪念-公园地点。

    Pleasefeel free to place fresh cut flowers at any of our Memorial-Parklocations .

  21. 鲜切花凋萎的原因及其保鲜包装技术研究

    The Ditto Cause and Fresh-keeping and Packaging Technology Research of Fresh Cut Flower

  22. 菊花鲜切花染色技术的研究

    Study on the Technique of Dyeing Fresh Cut Chrysanthemum

  23. 药剂处理对鲜切花菜贮藏效果的初步研究

    Effect of Chemicals on the Storage of Fresh-cut Cauliflowers

  24. 福建发展鲜切花的研究

    A Study on Developing Fresh Cut Flowers in Fujian

  25. 湖北省鲜切花发展现状分析与建议

    Analysis and Suggestion for Status Que of Fresh Flower-cutting Development in Hubei province

  26. 花烛鲜切花的衰败原因探析

    The Causes of Aging and Decay in Fresh-cut Anthurium

  27. 云南鲜切花采后保鲜包装及贮运技术

    Fresh package and reserving technology of the flowers being cut off in Yunnan

  28. 运用8种植物色素对马蹄莲鲜切花进行染色。

    Eight plant pigments are used to dye of fresh cut Zantedeschia aethiopica .

  29. 不同储藏温度条件下臭氧水对鲜切花椰菜保鲜效果的研究

    Study on the ozone water for fresh-cut cauliflower preservation under different storage temperatures

  30. 非洲菊鲜切花瓶插保鲜液的比较研究

    Comparative Research of Preservative of Chrysanthemum Cut Flower