
  1. 鲁迅论主&奴根性

    On the Master & Nature of Slave

  2. 先洗净了东方固有的不净思想&鲁迅论封建性道德

    " Washing the Inherent Oriental Dirty Thought First " & Luxun 's View on Feudal Morality

  3. 中国新文化的几个层面&段国超先生《鲁迅论稿》序(续)

    On the Several Layers of Chinese New Culture & Preface to Duan Guo-chao s " Manuscripts on Lu Xun ";

  4. 辩证的,推论的属于或关于推理根据的,而不是形式的文艺继承与创新的辩证法则&析鲁迅《论旧形式的采用》

    Of or relating to the matter of reasoning , rather than the form . Dialectical Principle of Literary Inheritance and Innovation ;

  5. 鲁迅与史密斯论中国国民性之比较

    Comparison of Comments Between Luxun and Smith 's on Chinese National Character

  6. 当终极消失以后鲁迅与卡夫卡比较论生命的终极探求浅论《安娜·卡列尼娜》中的生命思考

    A comparison between Lu Xun and Kafka Ultimately Seeking to the Life & On the reflection of life in Anna Karenina

  7. 摘要新时期以来,随着鲁迅研究的不断深入,鲁迅本体论研究随之而出。

    Lately period , along with to continuously going deep into of the Lu xun 's research , Lu xun 's ontology studying also is valued increasingly .