
  • 网络High Frequency Board
  1. 通过实验找出了最佳射频频率。这对于TRP激光陀螺高频板的设计具有重要的参考价值。

    It also obtains the best RF through experiment which has important reference value to the design of high frequency oscillate ( HFO ) .

  2. 高频线路板基板&三嗪覆铜板

    High frequency printed circuit basic board - triazine copper clad panel

  3. 通过多次实验,讨论了高频电路板设计中的阻抗匹配、信号延迟和信号完整性问题。

    The problems of impedance match signal delay and signal integrality in the design of high-frequency PCB are discussed via a large of examination .

  4. 本文介绍了氰酸酯化合物,三嗪覆铜板的制备及其在高频线路板上的应用。

    Cyanate compound , the preparation of triazine copper clad panel and1ts application in high frequency printed circuit board were introduced in this paper .

  5. 热固性聚苯醚树脂在高频印制电路板上的应用

    Application of Thermosetting Polyphenylene Oxide Resin for High Frequency Printed Circuit Boards

  6. 高频印刷线路板覆铜板用树脂基体的研究进展

    Advances of Some Substrate Materials Used in High Frequency Printed Circuit Boards

  7. 船舶板材边界条件对高频感应弯板成形的影响

    Influence of Boundary Condition on High Frequency Inducting Plate Bending

  8. 高频微波印制板生产可行性设计

    Production Feasibility Design of High Frequency Microwave PCB

  9. 论述了热固性聚苯醚树脂基覆铜板的特性及其在高频印刷电路板上的应用。

    The characteristic of thermosetting polyphenylene oxide resin copper clad laminates as wel as their application in the high frequency printed circuit board is introduced .

  10. 论文的主要工作是开发高频感应弯板成形工艺的有限元预测模型及其试验装置,研究感应加热各参数对板料弯曲成形效果的影响规律。

    Main research contents in this paper are developing the FEA model of high frequency induction heating forming of plate , and exploring laws of this process .

  11. 介绍了利用微带电路来确定一组高性能、高频印刷电路板材料的介电常数和损耗角正切的方法,且给出了一组印刷电路板材料的特性测量值。

    The paper introduces measurements about dielectric constant and tangential loss angle of a group of good function and high frequency printed electronic circuit plate with microstrip circuit .

  12. 最后,经过七天的竞价,诺沃辛卖出了四件零件,包括以500美元的售价卖出一个雷达调节器和以32美元卖出一个高频无线电电路板。

    During a seven-day auction on eBay that ended on May29 , Novocin says he sold four items , including an X-Band Weather Radar Modulator for and a high-frequency radio circuit card for .

  13. 由于火焰或激光局部加热存在着诸多局限性,因此本文研究了一种新的板料热应力成形技术&高频感应弯板成形工艺。

    Due to a great deal of limitation of heating by flame or laser , a new thermal stress forming process & high frequency induction heating forming of plate is studied in this paper .

  14. 主要讲述了结合印制板生产工艺要求,设计高频微波印制板需要考虑的主要因素,并给出相关的设计参数。

    This article mainly focuses on what factor shall be taken into consideration based on the PCB production technics requirements during designing of the high frequency microwave PCB , and provides the related design param - eters .

  15. 在陶瓷高频印制电路板放电电路的基础上,首次设计与制造了硼硅酸玻璃片&金属微带线结构,以便于同微型质谱仪兼容与匹配。

    In order to be compatible with the Micro Mass Spectrometer , on the basis of the above discharge circuits , we design and manufacture the structure of metal micro strip line on borosilicate glass for the first time .