
  1. 2004年,德国、俄罗斯也相继研制出了载人高温超导磁悬浮实验车。

    Consequently , in 2004 , Germany and Russia developed HTS maglev test vehicles .

  2. 2000年12月31日,我国西南交通大学超导技术研究所研制成功世界首辆载人高温超导磁悬浮实验车。

    The first man-loading high temperature superconducting ( HTS ) maglev test vehicle in the world was tested successfully on Dec. 31 , 2000 in Applied Superconductivity Laboratory , Southwest Jiaotong University , China .

  3. 这种简单新颖的自稳悬浮方式实现了磁悬浮车的应用可能性,其中较为瞩目的是2000年世界首辆载人高温超导磁悬浮实验车世纪号的研制成功。

    This novel and simple passive stable magnetic levitation yields the possible applications like the Maglev train , especially the successful development of the first man-loading high temperature superconducting ( HTS ) Maglev test vehicle in 2000 .

  4. 高温超导磁悬浮测试系统是为研究高温超导磁悬浮实验车提供实验数据的主要测试系统。

    High Temperature Superconduction Maglev Measurement System is a kind of main test system for offering experiment data , in order to study high temperature superconduction magnetically levitated train .

  5. 作为高温超导体与外场相互作用模型的一个应用,本文最后对类似于当前高温超导磁悬浮实验车底盘的平板式高温超导磁浮系统的曲线通过性能进行了初步研究。

    As an application of the model , the curve-negotiation performance of a board-like superconducting magnetically levitated system is considered .