
  • high level talented person cultivating
  1. 高等职业教育作为知识创新和高层次人才培养的主体,如何充分利用Internet网在学校建立起现代化的管理信息系统,是我们需要深入探讨和解决的一个重要课题。

    Vocational education as knowledge innovation and high level personnel training body , how to take full advantage of the Internet network at the school to establish a modern management information system , is that we need to discuss and resolve an important issue .

  2. 高校是我国教育体系的重要组成部分,也是我国高层次人才培养的重要机构。

    College is one important part of our higher educational system .

  3. 关于风景园林高层次人才培养规格的思考

    Thinking of the Training Standards for Top-notch Talents of Landscape Architecture

  4. 资源勘查工程专业高层次人才培养新模式

    Modified Cultivating Model for High Level Talents in the Resource Exploration Engineering

  5. 校园文化建设之于高等教育可持续发展、高层次人才培养具有重要的作用。

    The sustainability of has an important role in higher education development .

  6. 高校图书馆人才流失与高层次人才培养

    Brain Drain in the Libraries of Universities and Cultivation of High-level Talents

  7. 专业学位教育已经成为我国高层次人才培养的重要组成部分。

    Professional degree education is an important part in cultivation of high-level talents .

  8. 探索高层次人才培养新思路推进博士后工作跨越式发展

    Exploring the new thinking of high-level personnel training , advancing the development of post-doctor 's work

  9. 该系统适合于航运企业管理现代化和高层次人才培养的需要。

    The system is fit for the modernization of shipping management and fostering the high-level talents .

  10. 在化工高层次人才培养中,传递过程课程具有重要的地位。

    The course of transport phenomena plays an important role in cultivating high-grade personnel in chemical engineering .

  11. 本科教学工作是高层次人才培养的基础,是学校综合实力的标志。

    Undergraduates ' education lays a solid foundation in higher level personnel training , representing the comprehensive capabilities .

  12. 研究型大学代表着我国高等教育发展的水平,承担着高层次人才培养和高水平科学研究,并为大众化教育做出应有贡献的重任。

    Research universities represent the standards of higher education , and take responsibilities of nurturing talents and practicing research in China .

  13. 是中国高层次人才培养和科技技术研究的重要基地之一。

    It is now one of the major breeding ground for high-profile talents and important base in science and technology research .

  14. 创办临沂综合性大学,将显著提高临沂市高层次人才培养能力与水平;

    The founding of Linyi University will greatly improve the ability and level of high-level qualified personnel 's training of Linyi city ;

  15. 高校作为科研和高层次人才培养基地,在社会发展中具有特殊地位。

    As a scientific research strategic place and the high level talented person cultivation base , universities play special roles in the society development .

  16. 基于此,本文提出了一些加强教育经济与管理专业高层次人才培养及学科建设的对策建议。

    Based on this , this paper puts forward some suggestion to strengthen subject construction and talent cultivating countermeasures of educational economics and management .

  17. 高校作为高层次人才培养的基地,是创造先进生产力和先进文化的摇篮。

    As the bases for cultivating high-level talents , colleges and universities function as the cradle of creating advanced productive forces and advanced cultures .

  18. 高等学校作为科技知识产出的摇篮,是知识创新、知识传播、技术创新和高层次人才培养的基地。

    Universities as the cradle of science and technology output is the knowledge innovation , knowledge communication , technical innovation and high-level personnel training base .

  19. 高层次人才培养的水平不应该只表现在数量上,还表现在质量上。

    The level of personnel training of high level should not only display on the quantity , it should be a high standard on the quality .

  20. 高等学校作为高素质、高层次人才培养的重要基地,其人力资源的开发与管理有着特殊重要的意义。

    As a important base to foster high character and high talent , the exploiture and management of human resource of college has the special and important meaning .

  21. 导师和研究生关系的和谐程度,直接影响到研究生教育教学的成效和高层次人才培养的质量。

    The degree of the harmony between supervisors and postgraduate , directly affect the effectiveness of the graduate education teaching and quality of high level talented person cultivation .

  22. 为适应经济社会发展对高层次人才培养的要求,各高校都在进行改革和创新,探索研究生培养的新模式和新途径。

    To adapt the economic and social requirements of high-level personnel training , universities are carrying out reform and Innovation , and exploring variety of training models and approaches .

  23. 如:人文环境优越;高校抱团集中;各类高层次人才培养的高地;教育竞争力强等。

    For example : advantageous intelligence environment ; colleges and universities-intensive ; the highland fostering senior talents all levels ; the strong competitive power of education and so on .

  24. 为了实现高层次人才培养基本立足于国内这一战略目标,非英语专业研究生英语的教学改革已迫在眉睫。

    In order to attain this strategic goal of fostering them in China , the English language teaching reform for science postgraduates is an extremely urgent task to be done .

  25. 结论合理规划卫生人力资源,使各专业协调发展,加强高层次人才培养,进行城乡合理资源调整。

    Conclusion It is essential to rationally plan health human resources so as to achieve the coordinated development of various specialties , step up training of high-caliber personnel , and readjust urban and rural resources .

  26. 为加速医学领域的高层次人才培养,上海于2006年启动了医学领军人才培养计划,选拔56名优秀中青年医学人才列入培养对象。

    In order to accelerate the cultivation of high-level talents in medical field , the Project on Cultivation of Medical Elite , which selected 56 outstanding mid-aged and young medical talents , has been launched in 2006 in Shanghai .

  27. 高校应抓住机遇,转变培训观念,改革培训内容和课程设置,突出高层次人才培养,加大经费投入,重视国际化培训,切实保障培训质量。

    We should seize the chance , transform training concept , reform training contents and course design , attach importance to talents cultivation , increase funds input , and pay attention to international training to guarantee the quality of training .

  28. 军校大学生德育工作作为军校大学生培养工作的重要组成部分,是衡量是否达到高层次人才培养目标的重要指标,也是确保军队打得赢,不变质的根本保证。

    As the important part of military academy training work , the military academy students ' moral education is the important norm of weighing achievement of the top notch talent , and also the prime guarantee to make sure " win without deteriorated " .

  29. 中国博士后制度已粗具规模,在高层次人才培养、吸引留学人员回国工作、促进学术交流与发展和优化高级人才资源配置等方面发挥了积极作用。

    China 's post-doctoral system has begun to take shape and plays active roles in training high-level researchers , attracting students studying overseas to come back to work in China , stimulating academic exchange and progress , optimizing the distribution of highly-qualified human resources and so on .

  30. 为适应经济社会发展对学术型、应用型、复合型等不同类型高层次人才培养的多样化要求,各高校在不断探索创新,寻求研究生培养的新模式和新途径。

    To adapt to requirements of different types of high-level personnel training for diversification of economic and social development , such as academic type , application type , compound type , universities are carrying out reform and Innovation , and exploring variety of new training models and approaches .