
  • 网络quality service;Quality;high quality service
  1. 在保证产品质量的同时,公司更注重高品质服务。

    The company attaches more importance to the high quality service at the same time to guarantee the products quality .

  2. 酒店的高品质服务给巴勒斯坦代表团留下美好印象。

    The entire delegation left the event highly impressed with the quality of the hotel 's service offerings .

  3. 用户希望网络服务能够针对自己提出的服务要求,提供具有复合功能的高品质服务。

    Users desire high quality services which provide composite functions aiming at their own service requests through the network .

  4. 南京地区可上门龋绝对提供安全的黄、铂金首饰变现及其它高品质服务。

    Nanjing-site dental caries can be absolutely safe yellow , platinum and gold jewelry cash and other high-quality services .

  5. 员工-公司恪守以人为本,并为高品质服务提供人力保障,鼓励员工追求自我价值的实现。

    Staff means to give the priority to human , supply human resources indemnification to high-quality service and encourage staff to pursue for self-value .

  6. 无论是各种国际性会议、豪华宴会、高档商务宴请或大型婚宴庆典,我们都将提供标准的高品质服务。

    No matter it is international conference , luxurious banquet , top-grade commercial affair , or large-scale wedding banquet , we will offer the standard high-quality service .

  7. 新方法对于上述异常流量的监控是对于超过流量基线的流量,针对不同业务流量打不同标记,分流路由至业务安全设备或清洗设备等,实现对既有业务的高品质服务。

    New method for monitoring the abnormal traffic dozen different tags for different traffic over the flow of traffic baseline , the diversion route to business security equipment or cleaning equipment to achieve high-quality services for both business .

  8. 球会客服部应注意完善客户关系的管理,通过对其消费习惯的熟悉,让会员感受到尊贵专享的高品质服务,进而提升会员的忠诚度和归属感。

    The customer service department should be noticed to improve the customer relationship management by familiarity with their spending habits to make them feel the exclusive and high-quality service , thus enhance the members ' loyalty and sense of belonging .

  9. 铁路智能运输系统强调从系统的角度对铁路各专业领域进行综合优化,其最大特点体现在以“高安全、高效率、高品质服务”综合提高铁路运输的整体水平和竞争力。

    Railway Intelligent Transportation System ( RITS ) emphasizes the integrated optimization of each specialty from the system point of view , which features the enhancement of the entire rail system and the competitiveness of railway transportation with higher level of safety , higher efficiency and higher quality of service .

  10. 加快实施传染病医院、疾控中心标准化建设,提高城乡社区医疗服务能力。增加高品质公共服务供给。

    The central region should accelerate the standardization of hospitals for infectious diseases and centers for disease control and prevention , and improve the ability of urban and rural communities to provide medical services .

  11. 不论客户的大小,我们都将让您享受到创新性高品质的服务。

    No matter what size of clients high-quality and innovative services .

  12. 我们衷心感谢您的惠顾,我们将提供高品质的服务和产品。

    We sincerely appreciate your patronage and provide high-quality service and satisfactory products .

  13. 东风斯诺威将为客户提供高性能的产品、高品质的服务。

    Dong Feng Sno-Way will supply you high quality products and best service .

  14. 追求高品质,服务全方位。

    Seek for high quality , Provide perfect service .

  15. 我们将永远致力于标准化的管理及高品质的服务。

    We will always committed to the standardization of the management and high quality service .

  16. 真诚希望能与您共享先进的机台性能及高品质的服务。

    Sincerely hope to work with you to share advanced machine performance and high quality service .

  17. 全程一体化高品质护理服务体系的创建与临床应用研究

    A study on the establishment and clinical application of whole course integration high quality nursing system

  18. 一个位于槟城的装修工程公司–为您的新居装修献上物有所值和高品质的服务。

    A renovation and construction company in Penang-providing value and quality services for all your home renovations .

  19. 专注为国际国内客户提供,影视广告和宣传片的高品质创作服务。

    Concentrate on the clients from the whole world , create the high quality AD and propaganda film .

  20. 睿捷专业为大型客户供应产品,同时也为小型客户提供了高品质的服务。

    Roy & Joy specializes in large corporate contracts , also supply smaller companies to a high standard .

  21. 在辛苦工作了一个星期以后,能够去酒店体验一下高品质的服务和生活品质,也算是对自己的犒劳。

    A high quality hospitality experience is a reward he would give to himself after five hectic workdays .

  22. 坚持以“务实、创新、发展”的精神,为你提供高品质的服务。

    Influenced by the spirit of'Sureness , Innovation , Development ' , we provide you high quality service .

  23. 公司奉行信誉第一,顾客至上的原则,竭诚为顾客提供高品质的服务。

    The company pursues credibility first , customer-oriented principle and dedication to provide customers with high quality service .

  24. 彼此协同合作、共同奋斗,为客户提供高品质的服务是我们的动力和乐趣。

    We think it 's our joys to cooperating with customers and offer high quality service to them .

  25. 我们致力于为客户提供高品质的服务、精度高的产品和高效率的解决方案。

    We endeavours to provide high quality service , high accuracy products and high efficiency solution to the clients .

  26. 结果表明,采用优化的组密钥分发方案,在对系统整体性能影响不大的情况下,可以为高优先级的用户提供更高品质的服务。

    The result indicates that subscribers with high priority could receive better service without deteriorating the system performance obviously .

  27. 凭借独特的创意、严谨的工作态度和高品质的服务,赢得了广大客户的信任和赞赏。

    Relying on the unique creative , serious attitude and high quality service , Obtained the customer trust and praise .

  28. 公司在全国各地设有专营店、代理商和分支机构,能最快捷的为您提供高品质的服务。

    We also set up agents , branch offices in China to provide our efficient and best services to the customers .

  29. 我们的原则:我们专注于用我们的真挚和诚意,提供高品质的服务。

    OUR PRINCIPLES : We are committed to provide high qualities services with integrity and honesty on the price you paid .

  30. 以家庭办公室为主要组织形式,向富裕人士提供高品质金融服务,是私人银行的重要特征。

    Taking family offices as main means , supplying HNWIs with supreme financial services , are key characteristics of private banking .