
  • 网络High Net Worth;high net-worth;HNW;UHNW
  1. 汇丰私人银行(hsbcprivatebank)在为高净值客户制定投资组合建议时,会使用这样一些结构性产品。

    HSBC Private Bank uses some of these structures in its portfolio proposals for high net worth clients .

  2. 这份报告称,未来十年中,七国集团(G7)所有成员国的高净值人士数量都将翻倍。

    All G7 nations will see the number of high net worth individuals double over the next decade , according to the report .

  3. 面向美国联合航空(UnitedAirlines)头等舱以及商务舱乘客的文学杂志《Rhapsody》,提供了一个机制,帮助将高净值人群财富转化为给严肃作家的报酬。

    Rhapsody , the literary magazine for United Airlines " first-class and business passengers , is a mechanism for converting HNWI wealth into fees for serious writers .

  4. 类似的,美国作家安德鲁•所罗门(AndrewSolomon)或许有条件花费11年撰写他的著作《那些与众不同的孩子》(FarFromtheTree),他的父亲霍华德(Howard)是一位超高净值人士、一位医药业大亨。

    Similarly , American writer Andrew Solomon ( whose ultra-HNWI father Howard was a pharmaceutical mogul ) could afford to spend 11 years writing his book Far From the Tree .

  5. 还有一些高净值人士当代艺术家,包括巴西电影制片人沃尔特•萨勒斯(WalterSalles,来自古老的银行业家族)以及优雅的英国小说家爱德华•圣•奥宾(EdwardStAubyn)。

    Other contemporary HNWI artists include Brazilian film-maker Walter Salles , from an old banking family , and posh English novelist Edward St Aubyn .

  6. 本周早些时候,我们报道了租车服务公司Uber请高盛(GoldmanSachs)为其融资的消息,该公司打算向高盛的高净值客户定向发行可转债。

    Earlier this week we reported that Uber had hired Goldman Sachs to raise money from the bank 's high-net-worth clients , via a private placement of convertible notes .

  7. “在我们的客户中,从主权财富基金到高净值人士,都希望有机会投资于实物自然资源,”巴克莱资本负责该基金的董事总经理马克布朗(markbrown)说。

    " Our clients , from sovereign wealth funds to high net worth individuals , want opportunities to invest in physical natural resources , " mark brown , a managing director at Barclays Capital who heads the fund , said .

  8. 该公司联席创始人兼首席执行官威廉德雷克(williamdrake)相信:“针对高净值客户的建议应具有独立性,不要计划逼迫客户进入某种特定的资产类别”。

    William Drake , co-founder and chief executive , believes " advice to high net worth clients should be indepen-dent with no agenda to push a client into a particular asset class " .

  9. 报告称,高净值个人的增长速度已经超过了GDP和人均GDP的增长。报告认为,这说明相对于他们的国家,这些富人正变得越来越富有。

    The report says that the rate of growth of high net worth individuals has outpaced growth in both gross domestic product , and GDP per head , which it believes indicates that the rich are getting richer relative to their respective countries .

  10. 凭藉其林立的路易威登(LouisVuitton)专卖店、豪华夜店、价格动辄数百万美元的房产,新加坡作为一个城市对全球高净值个人来说也变得越来越重要。

    With its high density of Louis Vuitton boutiques , luxury nightclubs and multi-million dollar property , Singapore is also growing in importance as a city for the world 's high net worth individuals .

  11. 巴克莱财富首席投资官凯文勒科克(kevinlecocq)认为,在高净值投资组合中,对冲基金明显可以代替固定利率部分。

    Kevin LeCocq , chief investment officer of Barclays Wealth , believes that hedge funds are an obvious substitute for the fixed-interest element of a high-net-worth portfolio .

  12. 巴克莱财富(barclayswealth)称,这些资产等级的使用已经“从机构渗透到了散户层面,越来越多的高净值个人正在把它们看作自己资产配置的重要部分”。

    Barclays Wealth reports that the use of these asset classes has already been " filtering down from the institutional to the retail space , with growing numbers of high-net worth individuals seeing them as an important part of their asset allocation " .

  13. Wealth-X发现,超高净值人士人均拥有2.7套房产,其8%的财富投资于房地产。

    Wealth-X finds that the average UHNW individual owns 2.7 properties and that 8 % of their wealth is invested in real estate .

  14. 开发公司cinnamon88首席执行官罗宾帕特森(robinpaterson)表示,受高净值个人和公司资金的推动,超级豪宅市场的起价仍在上升。

    Robin Paterson , chief executive of cinnamon 88 , a development company , says the starting figures for the super-prime property market keep rising , fuelled by high net worth individuals as well as corporate funds .

  15. 瑞银(UBS)和Wealth-X进行的一项新研究显示,全球有21.1275万人是资产总额超过3000万美元的超高净值人士。

    According to a new study from UBS and Wealth-X , there are 211,275 people in the world who could be considered ultra high net worth , with assets totaling north of $ 30 million .

  16. 美林财富管理英国及爱尔兰业务负责人尼克塔克(NickTucker)表示:这并非泡沫,在高净值富裕群体及其财富方面,亚洲已经赶上欧洲。

    Nick Tucker , head of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management 's operations for the UK and Ireland , said : It 's not a bubble . Asia has caught up with Europe in terms of its high-net worth population and their wealth .

  17. 全世界超高净值(UNHW)人群的财富激增,使得这一切成为可能。

    The explosion of wealth among ultra high net worth ( UNHW ) individuals around the world has made all of this possible .

  18. 纽约为高净值家庭服务的私人投资者学院(InstituteforPrivateInvestors)的执行董事明迪•罗森塔尔(MindyRosenthal)说,相对对冲基金投资和私募基金投资这些比较难以估价的资产,银行更愿意以证券等流动性更强的资产为抵押发放贷款。

    Banks are more likely to lend against more liquid offerings , like securities , than against assets like interests in a hedge fund or private-equity fund that are harder to value , says Mindy Rosenthal , executive director of the Institute for Private Investors , a New York group for high-net-worth families .

  19. tru-est集团旗下pam的财富管理奖项今年表明,为高净值个人理财的最优秀管理人目前采取一种更加透明的投资流程,以及一种更为严格的风险管理流程。

    Wealth Management Awards by PAM , part of the tru-est group , this year indicated that the best managers looking after high net worth individuals now employ a more transparent investment process and a more rigorous risk management process .

  20. 在Felda此次发行的新股中,只有不到三分之一的股票卖给了国内个人投资者、马来西亚中央和地方机构、当地基金或经马来西亚贸工部审批被视为高净值个人的投资者。

    Less than a third of Felda 's IPO shares were sold to domestic individual investors , Malaysian and regional institutions , local funds or high net-worth individuals approved as investors by Malaysia 's trade ministry .

  21. 六家向高净值个人提供贷款的私人银行的法律代表、纽约Herrick,Feinstein律师事务所的合伙人斯蒂芬•布罗迪(StephenBrodie)说,如今艺术品抵押贷款比三、四年前“常见多了”。

    Still , Stephen Brodie , a partner at law firm Herrick , Feinstein in New York who represents six different private banks in lending to high-net-worth individuals , says art loans are ' far more common ' today than they were three or four years ago .

  22. 但高净值个人(HNWI)不会举债投资,尽管他们经常会涉足到期时间更长的资产等投资工具,但这些富人通常是流动性和灵活性较强的投资者。

    But high net worth individuals ( HNWI 's ) are not liabilities-driven , and while they often have exposure to investment vehicles that are longer duration assets , the wealthy are often liquid and flexible investors .

  23. 本文首先对中国高净值客户进行消费者行为分析。

    First , the article research the China high-net-worth clients behavior .

  24. 超高净值人士是非常激进的投资者,他表示。

    Ultra-high net worth individuals are very aggressive investors , he said .

  25. 高净值人士艺术将变得更为普遍。

    HNWI art is going to become much more common .

  26. 据贝恩的报告显示,中国的超高净值个人约有40000人。

    The population of ultra-high-net-worth is around 40,000 , according to Bain .

  27. 这将成为高净值人士艺术的经典主题。

    That will become a classic theme of HNWI art .

  28. 一些高净值人士的继承人会毕生投入慈善事业。

    Some HNWI heirs will devote their lives to philanthropy .

  29. 我想高净值男性已经准备好了。

    I think high net worth men are ready .

  30. 中国缺乏机构投资者,因此所有人都把目光对准高净值人群。

    China lacks institutional investors so everyone focuses on high net worth individuals .