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gǔ wèi
  • position of bone
骨位[gǔ wèi]
  1. 为方便加工(为增加骨位排气),建议此处做镶件。

    For easy machining ,( For adding vent at rib ), we suggest making insert here .

  2. 方法:对26例患者进行冠状位和轴状位扫描,结合平扫和增强,对所有的图象分别使用软组织窗位和骨窗位进行分析。

    Methods : 26 cases were examed by two ways ( Coronal and Transverse ), combined plain and enhance scanning .

  3. 对正常和病态股骨头松质骨中立位纵向进行应力松弛、蠕变实验。

    The stress relaxation and creep experiment on meso-position portrait between normal and morbidity head of femur cancellous bone were proceeded .

  4. 结果87例儿童上颌前部埋伏多生牙,共130颗,临床上术前定位分为三种类型,Ⅰ型:部分骨埋伏位22例,其中唇侧7例,腭侧15例;

    Results The location of 130 embedded supernumerary teeth in maxillary anterior area of 87 children can be classified three types : ① Partly bone embedded , there were 22 cases lip side 7 cases , palatal side 15 cases .

  5. 要将Core-Vent种植体植入牙龈组织以下至牙骨后固位。

    The insert of Core-Vent Implant is designed to be submerged under the gum tissue , allowing time for the implant to attach directly to the bone .

  6. 结论:乳腺癌骨转移病位证素主要为肝、经络、肾、脾、筋骨。

    Conclusion : The main locations of disease in breast cancer bone metastases were liver , meridian , kidney , spleen and bones .

  7. 方法金属环X线正、侧、轴位片及薄骨正、侧位片;

    Methods Take ring localization at the limbus and X ray radiography with eutopic , lateral , axial and thin bone radiography .

  8. 利用它与髌骨的弧差,皮温驱之从5~9个方向将碎骨聚合于解剖位直至愈合。

    It dives correlative radian differences between patellar and NT-PC from 5-9 directions to concentrate the comminuted patella on anatomic position until union under skin temperature .

  9. 然而,在传统的手术条件下,医生的可视区域有限,依靠反复获取患部的X光图像,不连续地获取植入物或手术工具与患骨之间的相对位姿信息。

    However , because of the limited viewing area , the surgeons achieve relative position and orientation information on implants , surgical tools and patient relying on the repeated X-ray in the traditional conditions .

  10. 全身骨肿瘤中恶性骨肿瘤前三位髂骨较下肢长骨发生率:骨肉瘤低17%。

    In the whole body bone tumor the malignant bone tumor first three qia bones compare the lower limb long bone : Osteosarcoma is 17 % .