
qí shǒu
  • rider;jockey;horseman;equestrian
骑手 [qí shǒu]
  • [jockey] 擅长骑马的人

骑手[qí shǒu]
  1. 杰拉尔德是个出色的骑手。

    Gerald was a fine horseman .

  2. 他马骑得和骑手一样好。

    He can ride a horse like a horseman .

  3. 这匹马起跳完全不是时候,把骑手摔了下来。

    The horse completely mistimed the jump and threw its rider .

  4. 马在过第一道篱障时把骑手掀了下来。

    The horse unseated its rider at the first fence .

  5. 有两名骑手在第二场赛马中从马上摔了下来。

    Two riders were thrown in the second race .

  6. 她是个好骑手,但太鲁莽。

    She was a good rider , but reckless .

  7. 她的成绩表明她是全国最出色的骑手之一。

    Her success has stamped her as one of the country 's top riders .

  8. 这匹马后腿直立,将骑手摔下。

    The horse reared , throwing its rider .

  9. 她是一位勇敢的骑手。

    She is a nerveless rider .

  10. 没过五分钟,马和骑手都大汗淋漓。

    Both horse and rider were dripping with sweat within five minutes

  11. 现在越来越多的骑手决心赛完全程。

    More riders than ever are now determined to go the distance .

  12. 比科斯达夫赛场上的前3名骑手之间只差12秒。

    Only 12 seconds separated the first three riders on the Bickerstaffe course

  13. 乐队开始奏乐,骑手们列队绕场行进。

    The band struck up , and riders paraded round the ring .

  14. 骑手说他经常会用鞭子抽马。

    The jockey said he tended to flick horses with the whip .

  15. 骑手们勒缰停住,对身后的人大嚷,让他们回去。

    The horsemen reined in and shouted at the men behind to turn back

  16. 我知道还有其他骑手可能在短程赛马中打败我。

    I knew there were other riders who could beat me in a sprint .

  17. 进入第四圈时,两名身经百战的骑手开始领先。

    Going into the fourth lap , the two most broadly experienced riders led the field

  18. 这个环节的部分骑手夸大了这场越野比赛的困难。

    Some of the riders in this section made heavy weather of the cross-country race .

  19. 她成了一位出色的女骑手。

    She developed into an excellent horsewoman .

  20. 在更大的欢呼声中骑手们冲过来了,只听呼的一声,就全部飞奔而过!

    Then came the riders amid even louder cheers and whoosh ! It was all over .

  21. 那匹马尥了个蹶子,把骑手掀下马,还撞倒了旁边站着的一个小伙子。

    The horse reared , throwing its rider and knocking down a youth standing beside it .

  22. 我们选了这位西班牙骑手早年一些不为人知的照片刊登出来。

    We print a selection of previously unseen photos from the Spanish rider 's early years .

  23. 这名骑手的马轻而易举地越过了栅栏。

    The rider 's horse easily surmounted the fence .

  24. 骑手飞快地从城中穿过,把敌人逼近的消息告诉人们。

    The rider galloped through the town , warning the people of the enemy 's advance .

  25. 他挥鞭策马,刚好赶在其他骑手前到达终点标。

    Whipping his horse on , he reached the finishing post just ahead of the other riders .

  26. 尽管那位第一流的职业骑手最有希望赢得比赛的胜利,但他身体感到不舒服,结果未得名次。

    Although favourite to win the race , the champion jockey had an off day and was unplaced .

  27. 人们发现那位骑手让马服用兴奋剂,因而取消其比赛资格一年以示惩罚。

    The rider was found guilty of giving the horse drugs , and was warned off for a year .

  28. 其他道路使用者,包括骑马者,都可以遵守规则,那自行车骑手为什么不可以呢?

    Other road users , including horse riders , manage to obey the rules so why not cyclists ?

  29. 然后他们把自行车留给下一个骑手。

    They then leave the bike for the next rider .

  30. 骑手可以急转弯。

    Riders can make tight turns .