
  • Mazda;MX;MAZADA
  1. 要想提升销量和声誉,马自达公司需要对自己重新定位。

    Mazda needs to reposition itself if it is to boost its sales and reputation .

  2. 马自达(MazdaMotorCorp.MazdaMotorCorp)和三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotorsCorp.)均报告上个月在华销售大幅下滑。

    Both Mazda Motor Corp. and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. reported sharp declines in Chinese sales last month .

  3. 昨日,普京出席了马自达汽车(mazdamotor)在符拉迪沃斯托克的汽车装配厂的启动仪式。

    Mr Putin yesterday attended the opening of a new Mazda Motor car assembly plant in Vladivostok .

  4. 本田(Honda)推出了名为“地球之梦”(EarthDreams)的高效节能系列发动机,马自达则推出了“创驰蓝天”(Skyactiv)系列发动机。

    Honda has introduced a line of high-efficiency engines it calls Earth Dreams , while the Mazda 's is called Skyactiv .

  5. 单看今年在美国的销售业绩,马自达汽车公司(MazdaMotorCorp.)可谓顺风顺水,风光无限。

    Judging by U.S. sales so far this year , Mazda Motor Corp. looks to be on a roll .

  6. 在这些方面,马自达3mps不会令世界兴奋,但也不会落后于主要竞争对手太远。

    In these respects the 3 MPS neither sets the world alight nor lags significantly behind its main rivals .

  7. 马自达M6轿车前照灯自动调平系统的故障诊断与排除

    Fault Diagnosis and Clearing of Headlamp Self-leveling System on MAZDA M6

  8. 一汽马自达M6轿车自动空调系统电气元件的检测

    On the electric element test of Mazda 6L automatic air-conditioning system

  9. 马自达M6轿车防盗系统的检修

    The troubleshooting and repair of MAZDA M6 car anti-theft system

  10. 马自达M6轿车后悬架分装设备激光检测系统

    Laser Detecting System in Rear Suspension Subpackage Plant for M6

  11. 沃尔沃还与福特持有少数股权的马自达(mazda)有着合作关系。

    Volvo also co-operates with Mazda , in which Ford has a minority stake .

  12. 马自达M6轿车CAN故障诊断与维修

    Malfunction diagnosis and maintenance of Mazda 6 CAN

  13. 另两家日本汽车制造商本田(Honda)和马自达(Mazda)也表示,他们在日本的所有工厂会一直关闭到上周日。

    Honda and Mazda Motor Corp. have said all their plants in Japan will be closed until Sunday .

  14. 在马自达3mps顶盖下面配备的,是不久前专门为较小型超级车型预留的发动机。

    Beneath the bonnet of the 3 MPS is the kind of engine that , not so long ago , was reserved for junior supercars .

  15. 马自达M6轿车采用了电子防盗系统,可有效地防止车辆被盗。

    Mazda M6 car adopts electronic anti-theft system , It can protect the vehicles from stealing efficiently .

  16. 马自达在福特(Ford)的帮助下恢复元气,后来,在1996年马自达再次陷入困境时,福特购入该公司三分之一股权。

    It did so with help from Ford , which went on to acquire a third of the Japanese company in 1996 when Mazda was once again in difficulties .

  17. 马自达M6音响的突破

    Mazda M6 audio breakthrough

  18. 克莱斯勒已被认定为FCA的“走量”品牌,但它的销量还是不及宝马(BMW)、奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)和马自达(Mazda)。

    Chrysler has been designated FCA 's volume brand , but it is currently being outsold by BMW , Mercedes-Benz , and Mazda .

  19. 马自达(Mazda)的总部位于广岛,远离震区,因而外界本以为马自达可以幸免于难。

    Mazda was thought to have been spared because it is headquartered in Hiroshima , far from most of the damage .

  20. 日产(Nissan)、马自达(Mazda)等汽车制造商在燃料效率评级方面极具竞争力,其车型使用了较小较轻的发动机,因而得到消费者和政府部门的高度评价。

    Automakers like Nissan and Mazda are highly competitive in fuel efficiency ratings , using smaller , lighter powerplants to score high with consumers and governments .

  21. 阐述了马自达M6轿车后悬架分装过程中,对其车轮的外倾和前束进行激光检测的原理及应用。

    The principle of laser detecting technology was introduced while detecting toe and camber angle of wheels during rear suspension subpackage process of M6 .

  22. 介绍了一汽马自达M6轿车电子防盗系统故障的具体检查方法,并同时给出了各种故障的故障代码。

    It presents the test methods of the fault to the electronic guard against theft of Mazda M6-car , and given the fault codes .

  23. 马自达RX-7型轿车采用带蜗轮增压器的汪克尔式双缸转子发动机。

    MAZDA RX 7 Car is equipped with Wankel double cylinder rotary engine with turbosupercharger , which adopts ECU control ignition and fuel injection systems .

  24. 其与铃木的这一最新协议,很可能将类似于去年其与马自达(Mazda)达成的合作,而不涉及资本联系。

    Its latest agreement with Suzuki will likely be similar to the partnership Toyota struck with Mazda last year that does not involve capital ties .

  25. 介绍了一汽马自达M6轿车自动空调系统主要部件的位置和电气元件的检测方法。

    It presents the main electric elements and test methods for Mazda 6L automatic air-conditioning system produced by the No. One Auto Factory of China .

  26. 介绍了马自达M6轿车CAN(多路通信系统)故障代码的读取方法,并对故障代码表、故障代码的检查和常见故障的诊断与排除方法进行了论述。

    It presents the reading ways of the malfunction codes of Mazda 6 CAN , and discusses the related malfunction diagnosis , solution and maintenance .

  27. 汽车业专家将上个月丰田和马自达(MazdaMotorCorp.)在华销量下滑归咎于中日之间的紧张关系。不过,本田汽车(HondaMotorCo.)销量同比却上升了15%。

    Auto-industry experts blamed the tensions for a drop in China sales last month for Toyota and Mazda Motor Corp. , 7261.TO - 2.13 % though Honda Motor Co. 7267.TO - 4.88 % saw a 15 % rise from a year earlier .

  28. 尽管马自达的发动机在一个很宽的转速区间内形成一个扭矩曲线平台,但是他们没有能力和VTEC发动机的灵活性相比。

    While Mazda 's engines do maintain a flat torque curve over a wide range , they do not have the capacity to match a VTEC engine 's flexibility .

  29. 后来几年,马自达将紧凑型轿车的生产外包给铃木,最近,该公司将皮卡汽车的生产外包给五十铃(Isuzu),使自己得以专注于核心业务。

    In later years , Mazda outsourced production of compact cars to Suzuki and more recently , pick-up trucks to Isuzu , allowing it to focus on its core business .

  30. 本可行性方案严格按照工业项目可行性分析的要求,从各个方面论证了ZP公司专营一汽马自达M6轿车项目的可行性。

    This feasibility research project was strict according to the requests of feasibility research , proved the feasibility of the chengdu M6 sedan sales and service center Project of ZP Auto Sales Company from each aspect .