
xiānɡ bīn jiǔ
  • champagne;bubbly
香槟酒 [xiāng bīn jiǔ]
  • [champagne] 一种发泡的白葡萄酒,此酒先在木桶中经受主发酵作用,再在玻璃瓶内经受次发酵作用,后者产生二氧化碳而使葡萄酒形成气泡

  1. “这香槟酒是温的!”他气愤地说。

    ' This champagne is warm ! ' , he said disgustedly .

  2. 乔恩一来就意味着要喝更多的香槟酒了。

    Jon 's arrival was a cue for more champagne .

  3. 人们举起香槟酒为这对幸福的伉俪干杯。

    The happy couple were toasted in champagne .

  4. 杯里的香槟酒嘶嘶地冒泡。

    Champagne was fizzing in the glass .

  5. 她酷爱香槟酒。

    She has a penchant for champagne .

  6. 香槟酒喷得到处都是。

    Champagne sprayed everywhere .

  7. 这瓶香槟酒只卖3.50英镑,太便宜了。

    At only £ 3.50 , this champagne is a steal .

  8. 如果买不起香槟酒,就买汽酒好了。

    If you can 't run to champagne , buy sparkling wine .

  9. 史蒂夫打开几瓶香槟酒庆功。

    Steve uncorked bottles of champagne to toast the achievement .

  10. 客人来后,都有香槟酒招待。

    Guests were presented with glasses of bubbly on arrival .

  11. 香槟酒的香味会特别浓郁。

    Champenois wines can be particularly fragrant and perfumed .

  12. 拉里正把香槟酒倒入4只玻璃杯里。

    Larry was pouring out four glasses of champagne

  13. 香槟酒晃洒了。

    The champagne sloshed and spilt .

  14. 香槟酒从瓶口冲出来了。

    The champagne burst the bottle .

  15. 他们想让经济舱的乘客看到托盘里的香槟酒被送进了头等舱。

    They like the economy passengers to see those trays of champagne being taken into club class .

  16. 托盘里有两杯香槟酒。

    There were two glasses of champagne on the tray .

  17. 玻璃杯里的香槟酒面上泛起一层泡沫

    The champagne mantled in the glass .

  18. 他们坐在那里大喝香槟酒

    They sat there swilling champagne .

  19. 噼噼啪啪香槟酒的瓶塞的声音此起彼伏。

    Women in stiff bright-colored silks strolled about long verandas , squired by men in evening clothes .

  20. 结果表明,C1、C3、C4菌株的性能优良,具有发酵活性高,泡沫细腻,絮凝性强等优点,适于香槟酒(起泡酒)二次发酵。

    The results show : C_1 , C_3 , C , have excellent properties such as high fermentation activity , tiny foam , excellent flocculation and tolerance to alcohol and sulfur dioxide . It is very satisfactory to use them in second fermentation of champagne .

  21. 力拓(riotinto)或许曾经在中国经历了一些艰难时光,但如今交易又回来了香槟酒便是证明。

    Rio Tinto may have had gone through some tough times in China , but the deals are back now and there are champagne corks to prove it .

  22. 如今,酿酒师娜塔莉·弗莱尔(NatalieFryer)制定了一整套的酿造方案,包括商业化的玫瑰口味简茨、香槟酒、还有少量单一年份酒。

    Today , winemaker Natalie Fryer masterminds a full program , including a commercial rose and Brut plus small-batch single vintages .

  23. 酿酒师们喝下了好几瓶Savart,这是一款当下受到热捧的独立酒庄香槟酒。

    The winemakers downed multiple bottles of Savart , the cult grower Champagne of the moment .

  24. 酩悦轩尼诗发言人向葡萄酒杂志《品醇客》(Decanter)表示,这是首次款按照法国传统工艺在中国酿造的香槟酒。

    A Mo ë t spokesperson told wine magazine Decanter that this will be the first sparkling wine made in China using the traditional French methods .

  25. 这个领域近来进行的其它收购交易包括:法莱提(ferretti)游艇制造业务(品牌包括pershing和riva),泰廷爵(taittinger)香槟酒公司和法国奢侈化妆品和美容产品供应商selectivebeauty。

    Other recent Buy-outs in this area include the Ferretti yacht-making business whose brands include Pershing and Riva , the Taittinger champagne house and selective beauty , the French luxury cosmetics and beauty products supplier .

  26. 我懒洋洋地躺在大床上,享用着开胃点心,喝着香槟酒,摆弄着电视。只要一触碰按钮,电视机就会象亚瑟王的神剑(Excalibur)一样,从毯子盒里升起来。

    I lounge on the bed eating canap é s , drinking bubbly and playing with the television , which I discover rises - Excalibur-like - from a blanket box at the touch of a button .

  27. 你应该留一些香槟酒干杯。

    You 're meant to save your champagne for the toast .

  28. 请将这香槟酒送给那位女士,说我请客。

    Please send this champagne to that lady with my compliments .

  29. 放心吧!化妆舞会、晚餐聚会、香槟酒!

    Good lord ! Masked balls , dinner parties , champagne !

  30. 对于香槟酒生产商而言,中国的前景一片光明。

    For champagne makers , the country is full of promise .