
  • 网络Shannon entropy
  1. 鉴于复杂性参数具有算法成熟、计算方便、可调性参数少等特点,本文选用了算法复杂性C(n)、涨落复杂性Cf和香农熵Entropy这三个复杂性参数作为指示流型的参数。

    Since complexity analysis has simple but effective algorithm with few changeable parameters , complexity parameters , including algorithm complexity ( C ( n )), fluctuate complexity ( Cf ) and Shannon entropy ( Entropy ), are adopted to indicate the flow regimes in the gas-solid fluidized beds .

  2. 以香农熵和阈值熵作为流型辨识的特征量,提出了一种基于模糊逻辑的融合辨识新方法。

    A novel identification method based on fuzzy logic fusion algorithm is presented . Shannon entropy and threshold entropy are extracted as classification features .

  3. 为了使医学图像配准满足无创、自动、高精度等临床要求,在信息论香农熵的基础上,研究者提出了互信息(MI)配准算法。

    To satisfy the clinical need for non-invasive , automatic and accurate image registration , researchers proposed mutual information based image registration .

  4. 在特征层融合时,通过同一个压力探头上的压力脉动信号的算法复杂性C(n)、涨落复杂性Cf和香农熵Entropy这三种复杂性参数的联合判别来识别流型;

    In the character fusion level , three complexity parameters , which are C ( n ), Cf and Entropy of the pressure fluctuation time series of the same pressure transducer , are combined to identify the flow regimes .

  5. 实验结果证明该方法效果良好,优于单独运用香农熵或阈值熵进行辨识的结果。

    Experiments show that the proposed method is successful , and is more effective than identification method only using Shannon or threshold entropy .

  6. 实验结果表明,采用香农熵特征参数能较好地解决鼓泡与湍动2种流化状态转换的识别;

    Experimental results indicate that Shannon entropy characteristic parameter can be used to better solve the problem of identifying flow regime transition of bubbling and turbulent motion .

  7. 比较了新算法与基于最小交叉熵以及基于传统香农熵的阈值化算法的特点和分割性能。

    The new algorithm is compared with a number of traditional algorithms based on Shannon entropy and minimum cross entropy by applying them to various test images .

  8. 就信息论的香农熵与热力学熵的联系及其内函进行理论探讨,分析香农熵作为诊断信息量的应用价值。

    His paper discusses the relation between shannon entropy and thermodynamic entropy from the information theory , and analyses the application value of shannon entropy as diagnosis information content .

  9. 总结了电话网中的五种典型攻击模式,研究了在不同网络规模中对电话网流量特征参数进行香农熵序列计算以识别检测多种攻击模式的效果。

    Summed up five typical telephone network attack patterns . With different network sizes , calculated Shannon entropy sequences of flow characteristics of the telephone network , by which tested the effect of identifying multiple attack patterns .

  10. 即对于目标的主颜色谱,依据其对应像素在不同划分区域的分布比例,应用香农熵公式计算主颜色谱分量的熵以表示其空间分部信息。

    According to the proportion of the distributing pixels in the different zoning , the entropy of the major color spectrum can be calculated based on Shannon entropy formula , which represents the spatial distribution information of the object appearance color .

  11. 首次发现香农熵能够较好的区别鼓泡和湍动这两种流化状态,而以往常用的非线性参数,如混沌特征参数和算法复杂性都很难做到这一点。

    For the first time , it is found that the Shannon entropy is able to identify bubble and turbulent in the fluidized bed , which are difficult to identify by the former nonlinear parameters , such as chaos parameters or C ( n ) or Cf.

  12. 为了解决这个问题,在原有HITS算法的基础上,引入了香农信息熵的概念,提出了基于熵的网页链接分析方法来挖掘网页结构。

    In order to solve this problem , Shannon information entropy is introduced to HITS algorithm , thus the entropy-based link analysis algorithm is presented to mine Web informative structures .

  13. 在粗糙集理论中,由于用模糊粗糙熵去度量RF集的不确定性更具有直观性,所以如何利用香农信息熵理论定义模糊粗糙集的熵的度量,是一个值得研究的问题。

    Using rough-fuzzy entropy to measure the uncertainty of RF set in the theory of rough set is much more intuitional . Therefore it is worthy of investigation of how the Shannon information theory is used to define the measurement of the entropy of rough-fuzzy set .

  14. 同时,本文还将信息理论中的香农信息熵测度尝试性地应用在模型化简领域,并取得了有效的初步成果。

    Moreover , we attempt to introduce the Shannon entropy into the mesh simplification and have received an elementary achievement .