
  • 网络Esophageal diverticulum;Zenker's diverticulum;diverticulum of the esophagus
  1. 食管憩室:儿童组织胞浆菌病的并发症

    Esophageal diverticulum : A complication of histoplasmosis in children

  2. 食管憩室19例的外科治疗体会

    Surgical treating experience of 19 cases of esophageal diverticulum

  3. 巨大食管憩室误诊为冠心病1例

    Huge diverticulum of the esophagus misdiagnosis as coronary heart disease

  4. 外科治疗食管憩室10例临床分析

    Surgical treatment of esophageal diverticulum-an analysis of 10 cases

  5. 牵引型食管憩室诊治体会

    The experience of the treatment of tractional esophagus diverticulum

  6. 咽食管憩室的外科治疗&6例报道及文献复习

    Surgical treatment of pharyngoesophageal diverticulum : A report of 6 cases and review of the literature

  7. 结论食管憩室合并疾患较多,对于食管憩室患者尤其病程长者应行食管镜检,避免癌肿等疾患漏诊;

    Conclusion Endoscope examination should be done on cases of ED , especially in patients with long-term diseases .

  8. 食管憩室并食管及贲门癌的X线诊断价值

    Value of X-ray Barium Meal Examination in the Diagnosis of Esophageal Diverticulum Associated with Esophagus or Gastric Cardiac Carcinoma

  9. 方法对1987~1999年收治的6例咽食管憩室进行回顾性分析并结合有关文献进行了讨论。

    Methods 6 cases of pharyngoesophageal diverticulum admitted from 1987 to 1999 were analysed retrospectively . Discussion was made in related with the literature .

  10. 目的探讨牵引型食管憩室的手术与非手术治疗的原则,从而提高对该病手术指征的掌握。

    Objective To discuss the therapeutical principle with operation and non-operation of the tractional esophagus diverticulum , so as to master the indication of operation for this disease .

  11. 食管下段憩室穿孔并发纵隔巨大囊腔1例

    Image study for giant cavity of mediastinum from perforation of esophageal diverticulum : report of one case

  12. 某些食管病患者可以并发此病,例如膈疝,狭窄、贲门松弛不良以及食管憩室或咽袋患者。

    Recurrent episodes occur in some oesophageal diseases includinghiatus hernia , stricture , achalasia of the cardia , and in patients with diverticula or pharyngeal pouch .