
fēi dì
  • enclave;exclave;land of one province or county enclosed by that of another
飞地 [fēi dì]
  • (1) [land of one province or county enclosed by that of another]∶指归属某一国,但却地处另一国领土内的土地

  • (2) [enclave;exclave]∶指属某行政区管辖,但与本行政区主体不相毗连的土地

飞地[fēi dì]
  1. 纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫是阿塞拜疆境内亚美尼亚人聚居的一块飞地。

    Nagorno-Karabakh is an Armenian enclave inside Azerbaijan .

  2. 他们可恼地辩称,如果允许科索沃独立,那么南奥塞梯(southossetia)以及高加索地区亲俄的其他飞地也可以如此。

    They argue mischievously that if Kosovo is allowed to become independent , so should South Ossetia and other pro-Russian enclaves in the Caucasus .

  3. 纳瓦罗现在是你的地图上标明正确的时候你去通过Gecko的飞地遇到那里。

    Navarro is now correctly marked on your map when you go there via the Gecko-Enclave encounter .

  4. 作为一块放松金融监管的飞地,长期以来备受期待的上海自贸区吸引了亚马逊(Amazon)等高端公司。上个月,亚马逊曾宣布了在上海自贸区设立物流仓库的计划。

    The long anticipated zone , an enclave of financial deregulation , has attracted some high-profile companies such as Amazon , which last month announced plans to open a logistics warehouse there .

  5. 目前专家们的分歧在于,FBI所采用的破解技术是否可用于从2013年起发布的iPhone?苹果在2013年引入了被称为“安全飞地”(secureenclave)的硬件保护。

    Experts are divided on whether the FBI 's technique would have worked on newer iPhones released since 2013 , when Apple introduced hardware protection known as a " secure enclave . "

  6. 以往,深圳市场的一个竞争优势在于其毗邻资本主义飞地(capitalistenclave)香港。香港是一个理念、建议和投资的来源地。

    One of the Shenzhen market 's competitive advantages in the past was its proximity to the capitalist enclave of Hong Kong , a source of ideas , advice and investment .

  7. 比如说,现在为俄罗斯飞地的加里宁格勒,曾经叫柯尼斯堡,是普鲁士的首都,也是伟大的德国哲学家伊曼纽尔康德(ImmanuelKant)的故乡。

    The area that is now the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad , for example , was once K ö nigsberg – capital of Prussia and home of the great German philosopher , Immanuel Kant .

  8. 但这正是部分游客对马德里的萨拉曼卡区(BarriodeSalamanca)所抱持的态度,这里大概算是这座城市里最豪华的飞地,堪与美国曼哈顿的上东区比肩。

    But that 's what some visitors do with Barrio de Salamanca in Madrid , perhaps the city 's toniest enclave , often ( and rather aptly ) compared to the Upper East Side of Manhattan .

  9. 作为文化飞地的方言区,通过方言表达对差异政治和生活政治的认同,探寻在总体制度内部建立抵抗话语的可能性,这正是詹姆逊所谓的葛兰西式的飞地(enclave)文化斗争模式。

    As the dialect regions of " culture enclaves ", they express identification with politics of difference and life , as well as by using dialects to explore the possibilities of creating discourse of resistance in the total system , which are the mode " conflict of enclave culture " .

  10. 梅利利亚和休达是摩洛哥海沿岸的两个西班牙飞地。

    These two cities are Spanish enclaves along the Moroccan coast .

  11. 飞地型城镇研究:一个新的理论框架

    Study on " Enclave " Town : a New Theory

  12. 青海省发展飞地经济模式研究

    The Analyses of the Enclave Economy Pattern of Qinghai Province

  13. 飞地工业:引领区域新型工业化发展的新思路

    Enclave Industry : a mode to an area of newly-typed industrialized development

  14. 飞地模式:中俄地区合作的新尝试

    Enclave Model : A New Model of Sino-Russian Regional Cooperation

  15. 蓝图中的飞地&南沙科学博物馆点评

    An Enclave in the Blue Print : Nansha Science Museum

  16. 围绕飞地经济发展新疆地方工业的思考

    Speculations about the Industrial Development in Xinjiang Revolving around " Enclave Economy "

  17. 飞地城市型开发区公路网规划方法

    Highway network planning in independent-city-type development zone

  18. 交换飞地被认为是辛格总理此行可能取得的成果。

    An exchange of enclaves is seen as a likely result of Singh 's trip .

  19. 珠江三角洲园区指向飞地型产业转移

    Study on the Industrial Transfer about Industrial Estate Orientation Exclave Style in Pearl River Delta

  20. 城市化,城乡迁移,移民,移民飞地和城乡分割。

    Urbanization , rural to urban migration , migrants , migrant enclaves , and urban-rural division .

  21. 会谈将在开城举行,这是韩国在朝鲜的一个投资飞地。

    The meeting will be in Kaesong , a South Korean investment enclave inside North Korea .

  22. 在加沙,以色列继续对被围困的巴勒斯坦飞地进行空袭和炮击。

    In Gaza , Israel continued to pound the besieged Palestinian enclave with more airstrikes and shellings .

  23. 在此基础上探讨全球视角中的飞地型地缘战略三角互动关系的理论(模式)与实践。

    Then , Searches for the enclave geopolitical strategic triangle interaction theory and Practice on a global perspective .

  24. 飞地型城镇就是在这种理论基础和实证基础上提出的。

    The notion of Enclave cities and towns is put forward on the base of above theory foundation and practical foundation .

  25. 飞地型城镇是城镇化过程中在贫困落后地区形成的一种特殊范例,是一种特殊城镇化类型。

    Enclave city and towns is a kind of special model in the process of urbanization in remote and poor areas .

  26. 但在美国,许多陆上赌场都集中在一些飞地,像拉斯维加斯、大西洋城和美国土著人居留地。

    But many American land-based casinos are concentrated in enclaves such as Las vegas , Atlantic City and Native American reservations .

  27. 而在这一令人瞩目的电影飞地周边,则是新主流电影模式和政治主旋律电影的日趋成熟。

    Around this eye-attracting enclave field are the daily matured new main-stream film mode and the films of main-line political film .

  28. 飞地工业发展模式在福建省内陆地区可行性理论浅析

    Theoretical Analysis of the Feasibility of the Development Mode of " Fei-di Industry " in the Landlocked Areas in Fujian Province

  29. 而以色列要哈马斯制止激进分子向以色列领土发射火箭弹,制止激进分子把武器偷运进加沙这块临海飞地。

    Israel wants Hamas to stop militants from firing rockets into its territory and the smuggling of weapons into the seaside enclave .

  30. 咫尺空间,别有天地&文化飞地廿八都镇古民居院落空间赏析

    A Limited Space , A Boundless World & Appreciating Vernacular Ancient Courtyards of a " Cultural Enclave ", 28 Du Town Culture