
fēnɡ xiǎn bǔ chánɡ
  • Risk compensation;compensation for risk-taking
  1. 2在满足同样精度情况下,选用RBF神经网络建模,训练速度很快,基本误差小,较好地解决了风险补偿费率的估计问题。

    Compare with other neural networks , the RBF neural network have the features of training quickly and little errors in estimating risk compensation rate .

  2. 本文在Markowitz均值-方差模型的基础上,引入风险补偿函数,研究了在投资组合中协方差、半协方差、负指数等目标函数之间的关系。

    At the base of Markowitz M-V model , This paper introduces the function of risk premium and treats mutual relationship of the objective function of portfolio model based on the covariance , semi-covariance and negative exponent .

  3. 三是建立贷款风险补偿机制;

    Third , to establish the compensation mechanism of credit risk ;

  4. 土木工程投标报价风险补偿费用的研究

    Study of the Risk Compensation for the Civil Engineering Offer

  5. 商业银行需要建立风险补偿机制。

    Commercial banks need to establish a risk compensation mechanism .

  6. 建立我国教育助学贷款风险补偿制度的探讨

    Researches on the Risk Compensation Mechanism for the Education Loans

  7. 基于风险补偿的占线拍卖策略

    Strategies Making for the Online Auction Based on the Risk-reward

  8. 信用风险补偿机制的创立与中小企业发展

    Building of Credit Risk Compensation System and Development of Small & Medium Enterprises

  9. 建立我国多层次巨灾风险补偿机制的研究

    The Research on the Establishment of a Multi-Level Compensation Mechanism for Catastrophic Risk

  10. 2建立担保机构风险补偿机制。

    To set up a credit bail-out risk-compensation system .

  11. 审计风险补偿金理论分析

    Analyze the Theory of Auditing Risk Compensation Fund

  12. 最优投资组合的风险补偿分析

    Risk - Premium Analysis on Optimal Investment Portfolio

  13. 风险补偿法确定房地产还原利率的定量研究

    The Quantitative study of Real Estate Reduction Rate Measured By the Risk Compensation Method

  14. 完善风险补偿机制;

    To consummate risk compensation mechanism ;

  15. 黄河水权转换农业风险补偿费用测算方法研究

    Study on measuring methods of agriculture risk compensation of water right transfer in Yellow River Basin

  16. 健全风险补偿机制,强化担保投资的机制;

    Secondly , risk compensation system should be developed to strengthen the mechanism of guarantee investment .

  17. 士兵退役安置风险补偿制度设计

    Risk compensation system design of the soldiers released from military service and arranged for the placement

  18. 基准折现率应当在考虑资金成本和风险补偿的基础上加以确定。

    The BDR should be confirmed on based of the cost of financing and compensation to risk .

  19. 让我们提高透明度、加强监管、降低风险补偿,并增强对消费者的信息披露和保护。

    Let us have more transparency , better oversight , less risky compensation and better consumer information and protection .

  20. 本章首先论述了我国自然灾害的损失现状与目前风险补偿的主要途径。

    This chapter firstly depicts the economic losses caused by natural disasters in China and main compensation ways nowadays .

  21. 强化政策性金融支农的功能作用,解决农业弱质产业造成的信贷风险补偿的问题。

    Strengthening the policy function of financial support for agricultures to address agricultural industry due to weak credit risk compensation .

  22. 该模型表明,散户不愿意参加封闭式集合竞价交易,或者需要较高的风险补偿;

    This model implies that the individual investor is not willing to attend the call auction or needs risk compensation .

  23. 经典金融理论试图从理性风险补偿角度解释利润的形成机理,但是这方面研究的各种学说之间在实证检验结果上存在很多矛盾,彼此相互否定;

    Classical Finance Theory explains it as rational risk compensation . But there is a lot of contradiction in experimental results .

  24. 公平租金和公平风险补偿都会增大代理成本,都是公平偏好导致的激励效率损失。

    The FR and RCFP both will increase the agency cost , and both are incentive efficiency loss from fairness preference .

  25. 本文旨在通过论述我国完善管理风险补偿机制的必要性及可行性,结合国外建立风险补偿机制经验,提出个人建议。

    My paper will discuss the importance and feasibility of the compensation mechanism of management risk . Then propose my personal suggestion .

  26. 经理人股权激励在减少了股东和经理人利益冲突,趋同了两者利益的同时;债权人会要求较高的风险补偿(风险溢价),这将导致负债代理成本上升。

    Equity-based incentives for managers can reduce the agency cost between shareholders and managers , but creditors will demand higher risk premium .

  27. 同时,考虑到对未知信息的预期,设计了在线风险补偿启动策略。

    At the same time , taking into account the expectation of further information , we design an online risk-reward starting strategy .

  28. 引入效益&费用分析法和风险补偿率分析法,综合评价植物基因工程项目的风险。

    Introducing the benefit-cost and the risk compensation analysis method , we can access the plant genetic engineering item 's risk synthetically .

  29. 完善小企业信贷考核体系。鼓励建立小企业贷款风险补偿基金。

    We will improve the credit assessment system for small enterprises , and encourage the establishment of a loan risk compensation fund for them .

  30. 流动性对期望收益具有一定的预测性,由于证券流动性是持续性的,当前流动性较差的证券在未来的流动性也较差,因而其未来的流动性风险补偿应该较高,即预期收益较高。

    Liquidity has somewhat prediction effects . The present illiquidity stock will be of illiquidity in the future , and its expected returns will be high .