
  • 网络risk category
  1. 《新资本协议》将中小企业贷款划入更高的风险类别

    Basle II puts SME lending into different higher risk category

  2. 至于低风险类别,业绩平均值为增值近8%。

    For the low risk category the mean results were a near 8 per cent gain .

  3. 在中II和更高风险类别中,生存期相同,二组都为8个月。

    Survival was identical ( 8 months in both groups ) in the intermediate-II and high-risk categories .

  4. 标记风险类别,风险特征以及缺省值。

    Specify risk types , risk attributes and default values .

  5. 供应链风险类别、脆弱性因素及管理方法解析

    An Analysis of Supply-chain Classification , Vulnerability and Management Method

  6. 最右边的列显示风险类别。

    The right-most column shows the risk classification .

  7. 资产评估风险类别分析

    The Analysis of Appraisal Risks Classification

  8. 按照不同风险类别,给出了银行所需要的风险查证模板。

    According to different risk categories , given the risks of banks need to verify the template .

  9. 本文重点研究私募股权投资下的风险类别及其评估和控制方法。

    This paper focuses on the risk categories and their assessment and control methods of the private equity investment .

  10. 欧盟执行委员会提出的欧盟法规提案包括用于一些风险类别的人工智能的规则。

    The draft E.U. regulations from the E.U. 's executive Commission include rules for artificial intelligence used in some risky categories .

  11. 本文在分析采购风险类别的基础上,着重针对存量风险,提出了存量风险控制的一般策略;

    Based on analysis of purchase risk type , this paper has been directed against quantity risk proposing strategies of quantity risk control .

  12. 在总结结构性理财产品各种特点的基础上,分析了其主要存在的风险类别和风险管理方法。

    Summing up the characteristics of structured products , analysis of structured products in domestic banks mainly in the risk categories and risk management .

  13. 第二章主要介绍了投资银行的风险类别以及生成原理,同时提出了投资银行的风险管理体系构成;

    Chapter II will tell you the types and origins of investment banking risks as well as the composing of the risk management system .

  14. 只有运用科学的决策方法,有效识别风险类别及其产生原因,并评估其兑现时的影响,才能有效地管理风险。

    Only by adopting scientific decision-making , effectively identifying categories of risks and its causes , and assessing the impact of its occurrence , can risks be effectively managed .

  15. 最后,根据不同的土地流转风险类别,提出相应的农村土地流转风险规避的风险防范机制及对策建议。

    Finally , according to the different land circulation risk category , put forward the corresponding rural land circulation of risk aversion risk control mechanism and put forward some countermeasures .

  16. 2000年以来,银行家们创造了太多新的途径,将过去银行资产负债表中的风险类别进行分割,并出售给新的投资者。

    This decade , bankers have created a plethora of new ways to slice and dice the types of risk that used to be held on banks ' balance sheets – and sell them on to new investors .

  17. 这种方法将各种风险类别有机地结合,大大增加了风险识别的可操作性,提高了风险识别结果的准确性和全面性,更有利于工程项目风险管理的实际操作。

    Combined organically with all kinds of risks , this new method greatly strengthens the feasibility of risk distinguishment , raises the accuracy and comprehension of the result , and benefits the practical operation of the construction project risk management .

  18. 在那种情况下,货币扩张或财政扩张政策,以及银行业资产互换和担保政策,没有增加(而是减少了)安全优质资产的供应:这些政策使政府票据退出安全投资类别,转而进入高风险类别。

    Then policies of monetary or fiscal expansion or of banking sector asset swaps and guarantees do not boost but reduce the supply of safe high-quality assets : they move government paper out of the safe and into the risky category .

  19. 一种无风险资产类别的违规将带来长期后果。

    The violation of a risk-free asset class will have long-term consequences .

  20. 商业银行中间业务风险的类别和防范

    The Prevention and Category of The Risk in the Intermediary Business in Commercial Bank

  21. 产生新泡沫的唯一原因是极低的名义利率水平,它引诱人们进入了各种各样的风险资产类别。

    The single reason for this renewed bubble is the extremely low level of nominal interest rates , which has induced people to move into all kinds of risky assets .

  22. 在去年8月9日当日及之后,当此类资产价格一致下跌,而非各自走势互相抵消,几乎所有风险资产类别都相继出现了巨额损失。

    When such asset prices , rather than offsetting each other 's movements , fell in unison on and following August 9 last year , huge losses across virtually all risk - asset classes ensued .

  23. 分析了信息系统风险的类别、后果、驱动因素和行动路径,提出了信息系统风险管理过程,以期在信息系统项目管理中进行有效的风险管理。

    Risk categories , consequences , drivers and action approaches are analyzed and risk management procedure of information systems project is proposed in order to carry out effective risk management during information systems project management .

  24. 第二章通过对相关数据、资料和调研成果的分析,划分信用卡法律风险的类别,并详细阐释了五种具体的风险来源与责任。

    Chapter II , by the analysis of relevant data , information and research results , categorizes the kinds of legal risks of credit card , and explained in detail five specific risk sources and responsibilities .

  25. 本文实证部分主要从两个方面入手,一方面采用传统统计方法对指标进行筛选与处理,另一方面通过构建神经网络模型对国别风险的类别进行判定,并进一步分析网络模型的预测能力。

    One part is about the screening and processing of the indicators , the other part is about to use the neural networks to evaluate country risk and then to analyze the predictive ability of this method .

  26. 新制度纳入了经合组织(OECD)对主权债务的评级,可该组织目前仍将希腊划入风险最低的类别,尽管市场在定价时认为该国存在巨大的违约风险。

    The new system incorporates ratings for sovereign debt from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , which currently places Greece in its least-risky category even though the market is pricing in a substantial risk of default .

  27. 根据类别特征分析的结果,类别1被命名为强风险状态,类别2被命名为弱风险状态。

    Results of the Cluster feature analysis have nominated Cluster 1 as high-stake risk group , Cluster 2 as low-stake risk group .

  28. 尽管这听上去似乎很符合逻辑,但放弃套利交易,转而采取一种更随意的投资方式,会重新引发无风险基本资产类别的问题,因此一方的收益必然意味着另一方的损失。

    But as logical as this may sound , ditching the carry trade in favour of a more freewheeling approach reintroduces the problem of the underlying asset class containing no beta , so any gains by one participant must be balanced by losses for another .

  29. 我们现在来看风险可以分成哪些类别。

    We now turn our attention to the classes into which risk can be placed .

  30. 介绍了人力资本投资风险的涵义、类别和形成原因,该部分主要从环境因素和管理因素两方面加以阐述。

    In this part , it is concerned with causes to enterprise human capital investment risk .