
fēng zǔ
  • windage;wind drag
风阻[fēng zǔ]
  1. 但是,随着自转角速度的增加,克服风阻和轴承摩擦的功率急剧地提高。

    However , as spin speed is increased , the power required to overcome windage and bearing friction rises sharply .

  2. 该实用新型利用桨叶合理自转有效克服风阻,提高风能利用率。

    The utility model uses the reasonable rotation of the blades to overcome windage resistance effectively and to increase the utilization rate of wind energy .

  3. 这家伙与“帅气”一词相差十万八千里。然而,值得指出的是,车身线条流畅的S级的风阻系数仅为0.24,因此它在空气动力方面的表现要好于丰田(Toyota)的普锐斯。

    This thing isn 't within 10000 kilometers of ' pretty . ' But it 's worth noting that the smooth-skinned S-class achieves a 0.24 coefficient of drag , making it more aerodynamically efficient than a Toyota Prius .

  4. 最后,分析了风阻系数、迎风面积、滚动阻力系数和传动系效率对整车燃油经济性的影响,为ISG-MHV进一步的优化设计提供了依据。

    In the end , the effect of coefficient of aerodynamic drag , rolling resistance coefficient and efficiency of powertrain on fuel economy are analysed .

  5. 多排数翅片管空冷器风阻特性的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of finned - tube air cooler with many rows

  6. 旋转状态下阶梯齿风阻温升的初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis of the Windage Temperature Rise in Rotating Labyrinth Seals

  7. 管带式汽车散热器传热与风阻性能研究

    Performance Study on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of the Automotive Radiators

  8. 超细线径有效降低风阻提供旋转控制。

    The thin profile promotes improved aerodynamics and spin control .

  9. 用风阻值绘制通风机特性曲线的探讨

    Discussion on Application of Ventilation Resistance Value to Mapping of Ventilation Characteristic Curve

  10. 高位垂直进气径向出流旋转盘腔风阻效应的实验

    Experimental investigation on frictional loss in shrouded rotating disk with high-positioned air inflow

  11. 矿井风阻测定及数据处理方法研究

    Study on the Method of Measure of Mine Ventilation Resistance and Data Processing

  12. 我要完全没有风阻的机身。

    I want no wind resistance on the fuseiage .

  13. 矿井巷道空气动力学老化对巷道风阻的影响

    Influence of Mine Roadway Aerodynamics-Aging on Ventilation Resistance

  14. 独特的导流板外型设计,提高在高速驾驶时的刮拭表现,消除风阻及刮拭噪音。

    Unique design for the spoiler improves wipe and cut off the chatter and noisy .

  15. 矿井通风系统总风阻的影响因素及其降低途径

    The Factors of Determining Equivalant Resistance of Mine Ventilation System and the Ways to Reduce it

  16. 斜拉索顺桥向风阻系数的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Drag Coefficients of Stay-cables Corresponding to Wind Direction along the Bridge Central Line

  17. 全尺寸实车风阻计算方法及优化研究

    Computation of Drag Coefficient with the Full Scale Vehicle Model and Study on Design of Air Dam

  18. 本装置具有空气净化效率高、风阻小、噪声低的优点。

    The utility model has the advantages of high purifying efficiency , small wind resistance and low noise .

  19. 就室内机部件对柜式空调器整机性能的影响进行了试验研究,研究结果表明:室内机箱体的风阻最大,其次是蒸发器和进气面板;

    Carries out experiments for influence of indoor unit components on the performance of a floor standing air conditioner .

  20. 大风阻碍了船的前进。GB/T15335-1994矿用风筒漏风率和风阻的测定方法

    The ship made little headway against the gale . Determination of leakage rate and specific resistance for mine air duct

  21. 并且可以得到矿井全部巷道的风阻,可以为风网解算提供完整的基础数据。

    And we can get all resistance of lanes , then it can supply the complete basic data for ventilation network calculation .

  22. 前叉肩部的延伸边缘和车架的下管形成一个虚拟的连续迎风面,从而有效地减少风阻。

    Trailing edge of fork crown and frame down tube present a virtual continuous surface to the wind . reducing aerodynamic drag .

  23. 由于风阻,你不需要使用就像你在静态磨合机上时的高档位。

    Because of the wind resistance , you don 't need to use higher gears like you would on a dyno machine .

  24. 用驾驶室顶部导流罩,改进驾驶室的外形等,可减少风阻35%,节油15~17%。

    Using cab top deflectors and improving the configuration of tractor 's cab will reduce drag resistance 35 % and improve fuel economy 15-17 % .

  25. 首先,洗车并打蜡&这不仅仅因为会让你的车看上去更漂亮,而且实际上它也能降低你爱车的风阻。

    First off , wash and wax your car & it doesn 't just look good , it actually lowers the wind resistance of your vehicle .

  26. 提高通风机能力,有利于克服通风机通风系统总风阻飘移的问题;

    That is to say , the improvement of the capability of the fan can help to overcome the problem of the total ventilation resistance drift .

  27. 矿井通风系统内巷道的风阻是进行通风管理的重要基本参数。

    In a coal mine 's ventilation system , the resistance of airway is an important parameter which is helpful to the management of ventilation system .

  28. 风阻小、容尘量大、过滤精度高,可以根据客户需要加工成各种尺寸和形状,适合不同的机型使用。

    Low air resistance , large dust containing capacity , high filter precision , able to be processed into various shapes and suitable for different models using .

  29. 通过对飞轮的自由刹车曲线进行回归分析,得出由风阻和轴承磨损等引起的系统损耗模型。

    The model of system loss model caused by wind resistance and bearing friction is established based on the regression analysis of flywheel 's free brake curve .

  30. 如果分析每一条分支风阻变化对通风系统的影响,即每一条分支都安设风速传感器是不可能的。

    If the changes of air drag for each branch on ventilation system are analyzed , that is impossible of placing air velocity transducers in every branch .