
  • 网络pilot whale
  1. 澳大利亚野生动物官员开始处理数百只领航鲸的尸体。

    Australian wildlife officials have begun disposing of hundreds of dead pilot whales .

  2. 在弗罗里达州海岸,一群专家学者为5只搁浅的领航鲸不断浇水保湿。

    A team of experts just hydrating 5 stranded pilot whales in the shore of Florida .

  3. 专家推测,领航鲸的社交天性可能是导致其大规模搁浅的原因之一。

    Experts speculate the social nature of pilot whales may have played a part in the mass stranding .

  4. 有关官员表示,这些动物被认为是短鳍领航鲸,是一种著名的“集体”搁浅物种。

    Officials said the animals were thought to be short-finned pilot whales , a species known to strand " en masse . "

  5. 自从至少十九世纪起,长鳍领航鲸应经成为法罗人的日常主食,平均每年有850头鲸鱼被吃掉。

    Long-finned pilot whales have been a staple of the Faroese diet since at least the ninth century , with an average of850 whales taken annually .