
  • 网络Withholding;Accruals;Provision
  1. 幸运的是确实存在这种方法,就是通过调整薪水的预提税额来实现。

    Fortunately there is and it involves adjusting your tax withholding on your paycheck .

  2. 成本费用预提及使用分析应用系统

    Cost Withholding and Distribution Analysis Application System

  3. XRD分析显示分级制备白炭黑为无定型结构,而直接制备和预提纯制备白炭黑含有一定的晶型结构。

    The structure of silica by classified production was amorphous by XRD analysis . However , the silica prepared by direct production or depuration production contain some crystal structures .

  4. 为所有预提费用准备传票,以支持月末结帐。

    Prepare journal vouchers for all accrued expense to support monthly closing .

  5. 预提升管内部流动的数值计算及磨损分析

    Numerical calculation of internal flow and wear analysis of pre-riser

  6. 电子商务税收理念与制度探析&关于构建信息预提税制的设想

    An Analysis of Tax Idea and system E-Business

  7. 要先预计可能发生的相对比较稳定的售后维护及服务费用,预提并分摊到产品成本中去。

    Some regular after service cost should be estimated beforehand and joined in product costs .

  8. 预提取出的半纤维素中含有大量羟基及糖类特征峰,且半纤维素主要以β己糖为主。

    Besides , pre-extraction hemicellulose contains large amounts sugar hydroxyl peak , and major in β hexose .

  9. 预提固定资产修理费用不是企业的负债,而是固定资产修理准备。

    Predetermined fixed assets repairing expenses is not liabilities , but that prepared for fixed assets repairing .

  10. 联邦所得税的预提扣缴

    Federal income tax withholding

  11. 税款的累进预提扣缴

    Graduate taxation graduated withholding

  12. 但从7月1日起,他们将需缴纳20%的预提所得税。

    As of January 1 , however , they will be subject to a 20 per cent withholding tax .

  13. 联邦所得税的预提扣缴9扣缴义务人有要求取得代扣代缴、代收代缴手续费的权利。

    Withholding agents have the right to get commission for their withholding and remitting tax or collecting and remitting taxes .

  14. 没有回头重来,也不能预提明天,你必须根据你所拥有的这些时间存款而活在现在。

    If you fail to use up all of the day 's deposits , you can 't keep them for tomorrow .

  15. 对预提干部进行心理测查是必要的。

    It is necessary to test the level of mental health of the officers who are going to be appointed in CAPF .

  16. 第一个问题是坏账估计是基于当前的贷款损失,而没有为未来潜在的损失预提合理的准备。

    The first treatment bases loan loss provision on current credit impairment and makes no allowance for reasonable judgments on future potential losses .

  17. 本期尚未支付但应由本期负担的费用,应当预提计入本期。

    The expenses attributable to the current period but not yet paid in current period shall be recognized as accrued expenses of the current period .

  18. 面对这一挑战,各国政府可以提高预提税税率或加强税收情报交换。

    Facing this challenge , governments in various countries can solve this problem through raising tax rate of withholding tax or strengthening tax information exchange .

  19. 对总部设在香港和毛里求斯的投资者来说,如果他们在投资项目中所占比例不到25%,那么,他们的投资还可免交资本利得预提税。

    Hong Kong and Mauritius-based investors are also exempt from capital gains withholding taxes on investments in which they hold less than a 25 per cent stake .

  20. 其结构主要就是以预提盐引案为引,折射出清中期的盐政制度问题,即吏治问题和监察手段的漏洞。

    Its structure mainly analyse the withholding salt cited the case cited refraction the Salt Administration system of the mid-Qing Dynasty : vulnerability of the officials and monitoring means .

  21. 减征预提所得税的安排最初是在2009年末出台的,但申请减征的流程相当复杂,需要得到多个地方税务部门的批准。

    Reductions to withholding taxes were first introduced in late 2009 , but the process of applying for them was complicated , involving approvals from multiple local tax authorities .

  22. 利息支付情况的信息交换制度是该指令的核心,同时指令还在过渡期内规定了可选择的预提税制度,从而有效地协调了支付地国、税收居民国和受益人之间的利益。

    Moreover , the Directive provides an alternative withholding tax in the transitional period that effectively balances the interests of the state where interest is paid , the state where the .

  23. 例如避险交易的所得列入营业所得,按照常设机构原则,实行来源地税收管辖权;投机交易所得列入资本利得,对其征收预提税。

    For example , the profits of the Hedging transactions should be deemed as business income , and according to permanent establishment principle , the tax authority have source tax jurisdiction .

  24. 对催化剂的分析表明,催化剂破碎主要由于原料中钠、钒含量超标、再生温度过高和提升管预提蒸汽线速过高所致。

    The causes behind breakage of the catalyst are excessive sodium and vanadium content in the feed oil , excessively high regeneration temperature and excessively high steam velocity in riser pipe .

  25. 不考虑对受益于现行税制投资者的税收减免,美国目前的预提所得税率为30%。而中国的预提所得税率在此次下调之前也仅为10%。

    Before reductions for investors who benefit from existing tax treaties , the US currently withholds 30 per cent . Even before its cut , China took just 10 per cent .

  26. 中国放宽了预提所得税的规则以鼓励外资,此举意味着中国将对外资企业汇出境外的利润减税至多50%。

    China will cut taxes on the profits foreign companies take out of the country by up to 50 per cent after rules on withholding taxes were relaxed to encourage more foreign investment .

  27. 比如香港、巴巴多斯岛和毛里求斯等,都已与中国内地签有协议,将投资工具在红利、利息和版税等方面的预提所得税控制在5%到10%之间。

    Examples include Hong Kong , Barbados and Mauritius , all of whom have agreements with China that cap investment vehicles ' withholding exposure on dividends , interest and royalties at 5-10 per cent .

  28. 对未在我国境内设立机构场所而取得来源于我国境内的金融衍生工具交易所得的外国机构、企业,应征收预提所得税。

    Have not established within Chinese territory shall be obtained from place of institutions within the territory of China financial derivatives trading income of foreign institutions , enterprises , withholding income tax shall be levied .

  29. 新型预提升段设一套筒,预提升蒸汽在套筒内注入,底部注入流化蒸汽,在底部形成了一个小流化床。

    A casing was set in the new lifting zone , the pre lifting steam was injected through the casing and the fluidized steam injected at the bottom , thus a small fluidized bed was formed .

  30. 锦西炼油化工总厂采用洛阳石油化工工程公司的新型预提升段专利技术对Ⅱ套催化裂化装置反应提升管预提升段进行了改造,这是该专利技术的首次工业应用。

    The pre lifting zone in the riser of the II FCCU in Jinxi General Works of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals was revamped by using the new lifting zone patent technique developed by Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Corporation .