
xiànɡ mù bào ɡào
  • Project Reports;project paper
  1. 比如,你有个项目报告要写,可是你却在刷微博、更新朋友圈、在平板上看韩剧。

    For instance , you have a project report to finish , but you are checking Weibo , updating WeChat Moments , and watching South Korean dramas on tablet .

  2. nose项目报告说,他们已经把对并行测试的支持提交到项目trunk,但是一般用户要等到下一个版本才能试用这个特性。

    The nose project reports that they have support for parallel tests now committed to their project trunk , but normal users will have to wait for the next release before trying it out .

  3. 2010年7月,美国通过了《多德-弗兰克法案》(dodd-frankact),规定在美国登记的石油、矿业和天然气公司必须按国家和项目报告对外国政府的付款。

    In July 2010 , the US passed the Dodd-Frank act , which requires all oil , mining and gas companies registered in the us to report payments to foreign governments , both by country and by project .

  4. GMAC表示,欧洲是其2016年报告中的一个亮点,65%的欧洲硕士商科项目报告了申请人数增长,与之形成反差的是,美国的这个比例是46%,东亚和东南亚的这个比例是41%。

    GMAC said Europe constituted a bright spot in its 2016 findings , with 65 per cent of European graduate business programmes reporting an increase in applications , compared with 46 per cent in the US and 41 per cent in East and Southeast Asia .

  5. 本文是关于《里奥的真相》的一篇翻译项目报告。

    This is a translation project report on The Truth about Leo .

  6. 包含预定义报告的团队项目报告站点。

    A team project reporting site containing predefined reports .

  7. 用于通知版本决议的项目报告

    Report on project metrics for informed release decisions

  8. 理论项目报告将在学期末返还。

    The theoretical project report will be returned at the end of the semester .

  9. 本文是一篇翻译项目报告。

    This paper is a translation project report .

  10. 天津地区高校图书馆员职业生涯管理研究项目报告

    Report of " Study on the Career Management of Academic Librarians in Tianjin "

  11. 监督员将提交完成的项目报告。

    Supervisors shall produce reports on performed tasks .

  12. 翻译项目报告和文件。

    Translate reports and documents as required .

  13. 另一个原因是,本文作为项目报告必须交代大量的实践细节。

    Another reason is that it is a translation project report with many practical details .

  14. 完成开发和项目报告。

    Finish development and project report .

  15. 我们在准备详细的项目报告建议的单位过程。

    We are in the process of preparing the detailed project report for the proposed unit .

  16. 项目报告

    SHOW REPORT Project Database PROJECT

  17. 项目报告有趣的货币

    SHOW REPORT Funny Money

  18. 你的作品、之前的研究内容和项目报告会也许会提高你的竞争力。

    Some work sample , prior studies , project reports will give the committee a chance to gauge your level of competence .

  19. 对项目报告和项目活动进行必要的审核,以确保项目目标的实现,并根据客户需要对项目管理方式方法进行改进;

    Reviews reports and records activities to ensure progress is being accomplished toward specified program objectives and modifies or changes methodology as required .

  20. 在项目报告中说明知识点、程序设计过程中的难点、解决办法及编程小结或体会。

    In the project report that knowledge point , the program design process , the difficulties , solutions and program summary or experience .

  21. 经过两天的期末项目报告和晚上在学校大厅的小型庆祝会,我和同学们都相互拥抱庆祝第一学期的结束。

    After two-day final presentation and a reception this evening , my classmates and I gave hugs to each other to celebrate the end of first semester .

  22. 我还能够访问工作项目报告,可以跟踪一些新的、结束的、冲刺和发布等工作项目,这对于跟踪我的团队而言是非常有用的。

    I can also access work item reports that track trends on new work items , closed , sprint burndown and release burndown , which are extremely useful to tracking my teams .

  23. Web格式同样能够在报告中参考信息,或者项目状态报告的其他方法。

    This Web format also enables referencing the information in reports , or other methods of project status reporting .

  24. worldreader的网站提供有关该组织在撒哈拉以南非洲地区发起的多个阅读项目的报告,报告中介绍了项目的具体目标、执行过程以及项目结果。

    The worldreader website features reports about various reading projects that the organisation has launched in sub-Saharan Africa , with details of goals , implementation and results .

  25. 泰国汉语教学志愿者项目调查报告

    A Research Report of Chinese Language Teaching Volunteer Program in Thailand

  26. 浅谈项目申请报告及其编制内容与深度

    A Talk about Project Application Reports and Their Contents and Depth

  27. 重庆市牛良种繁育体系建设项目调查报告

    An investigation report of breeding system of fine breed cattle in Chongqing

  28. 常熟数字方志全文检索数据库系统项目研究报告

    " Changshu Local Record Full-Text Retrieval System " Research Briefing

  29. 图书馆丰富你的生活&中美图书馆馆长交流项目考察报告

    Libraries Enrich Your Life & Report of China-U.S. Librarians Professional Exchange Project

  30. 安徽省宾馆预防艾滋病健康促进项目评价报告

    Evaluation Report of Health Promotion on AIDS in Hotels in Anhui Province