
  • 网络fort wayne;IPFW;FWA
  1. 那一年,韦恩堡市长正式宣布12月21号作为全市的艾米日。

    That year the Fort Wayne mayor officially December 21 as Amy Jo Hagadorn Day throughout the city .

  2. 托普全家看了韦恩堡电视台关于斯努皮旅途的晚间最新消息,欢呼雀跃。

    The Topps , watching the nightly update of Snoopy 's journey on the Fort Wayne TV station , broke into cheers .

  3. 艾米的确实现了她的愿望,在南韦恩堡小学度过了没有取笑的一天。

    Amy did get her wish of a special day without teasing at South Wayne Elementary School .

  4. 在印地安那州的韦恩堡WJLT广播电台,参加圣诞节愿望竞赛的信件蜂拥而至。

    At radio station WJLT in Fort Wayne , Indiana , letter poured in for the Christmas wish contest .

  5. 斯努皮和斯基普抵达韦恩堡之前几个小时,托普一家就心情激动地在动物庇养站翘首以待。

    Hours before Snoopy and Skip were expected in Fort Wayne , the Topps were waiting excitedly at the humane shelter .

  6. 想尽了各种方法都无用,一天她打电话给韦恩堡的动物管理部门,把情况告诉了他们。

    One day , having tried everything else , she telephoned the Fort Wayne Department of Animal Control and told them the story .

  7. 他认为对韦恩堡的市民最好听到这位特别的三年级的故事和她非一般的愿望。

    He thought it would be good for the people in Fort Wayne to hear about this special third-grader and her unusual wish .

  8. 他们离开了在印第安纳州韦恩堡的家,带上孩子和斯努皮出发去加利福尼亚州。

    Breaking up their home in Fort Wayne , Indiana , they packed up the kids and Snoopy and set out for California .

  9. 全面范围的报纸和电台、电视台报道了这个印地安那州的韦恩堡的小女孩的故事,

    All across the country , newspapers and radio and television stations reported the story of the little girl in Fort Wayne , Indiana ,

  10. 那天晚上,韦恩堡的托普全家看见斯努皮从电视里朝他们瞧时,兴奋得又哭又笑。

    And that night , in Fort Wayne , the Topps were caught between laughter and tears as they saw their old girl peer out at them from the television set .

  11. 但反对者担心要是真的用巴力命名政府中心肯定会使韦恩堡变成深夜电视节目的笑柄。最后,政府宣布把那栋建筑命名为“市民广场”。

    but opponents feared that naming the center after Baals would make Fort Wayne the target of late-night television jokes.Subsequently it was announced that the building would be named " Citizens Square . "

  12. 全面范围的报纸和电台、电视台报道了这个印地安那州的韦恩堡的小女孩的故事,她要求的只是这样一个简单但是值得注意的圣诞节礼物——只是没有取笑的一天。

    All across the country , newspapers and radio and television stations reported the story of the little girl in Fort Wayne , Indiana , who asked for such a simple yet remarkable Christmas gift -- just one day without teasing .

  13. “是啊,我愿意帮你忙,”他们都这么说,“它真好玩,我愿意带着它作伴,可我这趟不走韦恩堡这条线。”

    " Gee , I 'd like to help you out ," one after another said . " She 's awful cute and I wouldn 't mind the company , but I 'm not going through Fort Wayne this trip . " The