
  1. 靳以(1909&1959),中国现代作家、编辑家。

    Jin Yi ( 195 0-1959 ), Chinese modern writer , famous editor .

  2. 通过靳以小说不同审美风貌中存在的巨大悖论,剖析作家审美趣味与创作观念的矛盾。

    Through the great paradox in Jin 's esthetic expression , analyze the contradiction between the writer 's esthetic taste and writing guideline .

  3. 最后,论文从文学史的高度评价了靳以苦难书写的价值与地位,并分析了靳以苦难书写的不足之处。

    The thesis thinks highly of the value and the status of the suffering writing of Jin Yi and analyzes the disadvantage in his writing .

  4. 论文第一章将靳以的小说划分为抗战前和抗战后两段时期,分析靳以小说苦难的内涵。

    The novel of Jin Yi will be divided into two parts : composed before the War of Resistance Against Japan or the composed after the War of Resistance Against Japan .

  5. 第三章,论文分析了靳以苦难意识的来源,包括内向的性格与悲悯的人生观,不幸的身世遭遇,现代文学传统与文学环境对他的影响。

    Chapter III of the thesis will analyze the source of the misery consciousness from several aspects , such as the reserved character and the sympathetic philosophy , misery experience and the effect of the modern literary upon the suffering writing .

  6. 在三十年的文学生涯中,靳以有四十多部小说、散文集遗世,并曾主编和参与编辑过十种以上的大型文学期刊及文艺副刊,在中国现代文学史上留下了不可磨灭的足迹。

    During thirty years of literary career , Jin Yi had made great contributions to Chinese modern literature by leaving more than forty collected works , and more notable , being in charge of more than ten literary periodicals ( supplements ) .

  7. 第二章,论文分析靳以小说苦难的艺术表现形式,涉及到感伤氛围的营造,心理描写对苦难书写的意义,以及苦难叙事的策略等问题。

    Chapter II of the thesis will analyze the form of the artistic expression in the novel of Jin Yi such as the sentimental atmosphere , the significance of psychological description for the suffering writing and the narrative strategy of the suffering writing .