
  • 网络Facial plastic surgery;facial reshaping
  1. 波导CO2激光在面部整形中的应用

    Application of CO_2 waveguid laser to plastic operation of facial features

  2. 对于MMA斗士的面部整形包括对骨折的接骨,从身体其它部位取骨的骨骼移植,和用人造材料对骨骼缺失部位进行填充。

    Reconstruction may include the use of bone grafts , taking bone from other parts of the body to repair the facial bones , or fill in smaller areas of missing bone with prosthetic materials and implants .

  3. 据CNET报道,整形外科医务人员表示现在越来越多的病人想要进行面部整形,他们认为之所以会出现这种现象,是因为受到当下社交媒体和愈演愈烈的全民自拍风潮的影响。

    Plastic surgeons say they 're seeing more patients who want facial surgery , and they attribute the rise to social media and the growing " selfie " trend .

  4. 这项研究在网络版《JAMA面部整形外科》杂志上发表,并且只调查了年轻的白人女性。研究人员表示,该结论并不一定适用于男性或其他种族。

    The study , published online in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery journal looked only at young white women and researchers said the finding was not necessarily applicable to men , or other ethnicities .

  5. 存活者主要存在面部整形问题。

    In the survival , the facial appearance is mainly problem .

  6. 面部整形中轴型皮瓣血管解剖学的临床应用

    Clinical application of vascular anatomy of axial flap in facial plastics

  7. 结论:颜面部整形美容患者在术前存在着较明显的焦虑和抑郁情绪反应。

    Conclusion Facial plastic surgery patients pretence more anxious and depressed problem .

  8. 用于面部整形外科的关键图像处理技术

    Key Image Processing Techniques Applied in Virtual Facial Plastic Surgery

  9. 目的探讨锯齿线在面部整形中的作用。

    Objective To explore the application of sawtooth lines in facial plastic surgery .

  10. 颜面部整形患者术前情绪状态测评

    Preoperative psychological evaluation of facial plastic surgery patients

  11. 医学图像三维规划系统辅助面部整形设计的研究

    Application of 3 - Dimensional Computer and Medical Image-Assisted Systems in Facial Plastic Surgery

  12. 以上研究结果将对临床面部整形辅助系统的研制和开发以及面部整形手术的实施具有一定的参考与指导作用。

    The result will help to improve the VFPS system and the facial plastic surgery .

  13. 有些人做面部整形手术,只是为了看起来更像他们崇拜的明星。

    Some have facial plastic surgery just to look a little more like the star they worship .

  14. 目的:探讨应用医用聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶进行面部整形的最佳方法。

    Objective : To search the best method for how to use the polyamide hydrogel in face plasty .

  15. 美国面部整形外科学会的成员不仅精心着力于病人保健,而且他们与其它医学专业相比较还能接受更为广泛的颜面部外科训练。

    AAFPRS members not only have a precise focus in patient care but they also have had more comprehensive training in facial surgery than any other medical specialty .

  16. 目的:研究颜面部整形美容患者术前的情绪状态,为术前准备和术后综合治疗提供依据。

    Objective To study the emotion change of facial plastic surgery patients in order to provide a data for Preoperative preparation and A practical guide for preoperative systemitic treatment .

  17. 今年有58%的医生表示,去年一年,越来越多的三十岁以下年轻女性前来接受面部整形手术和面部注射整容。

    This year , 58 percent of the doctors surveyed said they saw an increase in patients under 30 coming in for plastic surgery and injections in the last year .

  18. 本论文主要探讨并研究了用于面部整形辅助系统中图像处理的主要关键技术问题,如:面部特征定位、眼部中心点的精确定位、局部图像的替换、融合和变形以及术后效果预测等。

    This paper details some key techniques in digital image processing of the VFPS system , such as facial features location , eye detection , image mosaic , image fusion , image morphing and preoperative visualization etc.

  19. 最后以二维和三维模型为基础,运用聚类分析等数学方法对轮廓参数进行分析和测量,得到了面部整形手术中最重要的两项参数,空间下颌角度与升支/下颌比。

    Last , the two most important parameters of mandible are computed : the dimensional mandibular angle and ratio between mandibular ramus and mandible . The result will help to improve the VFPS system and the facial plastic surgery .

  20. 自体脂肪颗粒移植治疗面部美容整形术后并发症

    Autologous fat granule injection for treatment of the complication of facial depression

  21. 锯齿线在面部综合整形中的应用

    The Application of Sawtooth Line in Facial Plastic Surgery

  22. 面部轮廓整形图像的参数测量与分析对面部轮廓整形手术的成功率以及术前准备、术后效果评估均有重要作用。

    The analysis and meterage of mandible parameter play an important role in facial plastic surgery .

  23. 结论:只要操作正确,应用该材料进行面部充填整形是安全、简便的,并可获得良好的效果。

    Conclusion : Using the PAHG to correct face deformity is a simple , safe way that can get excellent effect .

  24. 整个面部轮廓整形仿真手术过程仿真度高、精确逼真、形象生动、且能有力的真实感受、给人一种犹如在手术台上操作真实手术的感觉。

    Simulation of the facial profile plastic surgery process simulation and high precision real , vivid , and can have " power " of the true feelings , as if giving a real surgical operation on the operating table feeling . 4 .

  25. [目的]对面部外伤采用整形美容外科的方法进行清创缝合,减少伤口瘢痕。

    Objective To manage facial trauma with plastic and aesthetic surgical techniques .

  26. 中下颌面部的美容整形术32例报告

    Cosmetic plastic operation for middle and lower maxilla - facial

  27. 进行面部美容、整形手术时,应注意这些差异。

    These differences should be paid attention to in aesthetic and plastic surgery .

  28. 158例颜面部损伤即时整形修复效果分析

    Instant plastic repair of facial injury

  29. 无细胞真皮基质用于面部软组织填充整形术

    The clinical application of acellular dermal matrix for soft tissue augmentation

  30. 面部外伤的急诊整形外科治疗

    Plastic technique in emergency facial injury