
  • 网络Subject Oriented;subject-oriented;topic-oriented
  1. 数据仓库是面向主题进行分析的,分析人员根据不同的分析角度对数据进行观察,以验证他们提出业务的预测。

    The data warehouse is subject oriented . Analysts point of view depending on the angles which they observe the data , in order to verify their business prediction .

  2. 着重分析了面向主题的互联网聚焦搜索、网页信息提取、基于ODS的数据仓库体系、四库一体的智能决策支持系统等技术及其实现的方法和算法。

    Technologies of subject oriented focused Internet searching , information extraction from Web page , ODS based data warehouse architecture , " four repositories architecture " based intelligent decision support system are studied in detail , as well as their implementation methods and algorithms . Implementation .

  3. 面向主题的Web信息收集系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Topic-focused Web Information-gathering System

  4. Internet资源库&面向主题的数据网格模型

    Internet Resource Repository : A Subject-Oriented Data Grid Model

  5. 基于Agent的面向主题信息查询研究

    Research of Topic-oriented Information Search Based on Agent

  6. 文中提出的面向主题的Web信息收集系统是这类工具的核心部件。

    A topic-focused web information-gathering system described in this paper is the core facility of such tools .

  7. 本文首先设计了一种面向主题的P2P搜索引擎的框架模型。

    In this paper , a specific topic based P2P search engines framework model is designed .

  8. 本文系统地回顾了WEB信息搜索和信息抽取的研究现状,总结了目前存在的问题及发展趋势,并提出了一种面向主题的搜索引擎及WEB信息抽取的实现方法。

    This paper systematically presents the current research in WEB information search and information extraction , and it also analyses the problems and the trends in this domain .

  9. 随着Web发展,面向主题的领域数据源(本文称为领域信息系统)不仅越来越多,而且其包含的信息非常丰富。

    With the development of web , there are an increasing number of subject-oriented domain data sources ( the domain information system in this dissertation ) with substantial information .

  10. 第三章阐述了面向主题的WWW信息挖掘框架。

    The Third Chapter describes a Framework of Topic-Driven Web Information Mining .

  11. IBMResearch还致力于面向主题(subject)的编程,它提供主题―具有唯一系统“视图”的类或类片段的集合。

    IBM Research is also focusing on subject-oriented programming , which offers subjects & collections of classes or class fragments that have a unique " view " of a system .

  12. 本论文从面向主题信息检索的角度出发,研究了在信息检索过程中利用本体、知识库以及多Agent等技术来提高人们检索信息的效率。

    This thesis from the aspect of topic oriented information searching area , studies how to take advantage of self , knowledge base and multi-Agent to improve the efficiency .

  13. 一种基于数据库面向主题的IPC方法

    An approach of database-based and subject-oriented IPC

  14. 面向主题爬取的多粒度URLs优先级计算方法

    Focused Crawling Oriented Multi-Granular Priority Computation for URLs

  15. 而OLAP系统通常采用星形或雪花模型和面向主题的数据库设计。

    An OLAP system typically adopts either a star or snowflake model , and a subject-oriented database design .

  16. 面向主题的WWW信息挖掘系统

    Topic-Driven Web Information Mining

  17. 面向主题的WWW信息挖掘及实验系统TWIMS

    Topic - Driven Web Information Mining and The Design and Implementation of TWIMS

  18. 本文在研究了P2P技术和面向主题的搜索引擎技术的基础上,将P2P的Chord协议引入到面向主题的搜索引擎中,提出了一种基于P2P的面向主题的搜索引擎的设计方案。

    This paper boldly introduced Chord of P2P into a subject-oriented search engines , based on the in-depth research on P2P technology and subject-oriented search engine technology , and proposed a P2P-based design that face to specific topics .

  19. 在设计仓库中产品知识的获取与管理方法方面,提出面向主题的DR数据模型、面向OLAP的多维数据模型、基于粗集(RS)理论的规则抽取等知识管理方法,给出了启发式数据约简算法。

    It addresses thematic data model and an OLAP multi-dimension model . Knowledge management methods such as rule discovering based on Rough Set ( RS ) are discussed , and a heuristic data reduction algorithm is given .

  20. 在分析了现有网格环境不足的基础上,提出一种新的网格环境模型&基于树形结构的网格体系与环境TGrid,支持高性能计算,面向主题的资源共享和新一代的需求建模。

    After analyzing the problems in current grid environments , a new tree-based grid model ( TGrid ) is presented in this paper .

  21. 面向主题资源网络信息系统开发方法研究

    The Research of Subject Resource-oriented Development Method on the Network Information System

  22. 面向主题的舆情采集搜索爬虫的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Topic Search Engine Robot for Public Opinions

  23. 论文投稿信息的收集采用面向主题的搜索引擎来完成。

    The collection of paper submitted information complete through the subject-oriented search engine .

  24. 面向主题的互联网信息智能获取与处理工具

    An intelligent tool research for subject-oriented WWW Information Retrieval

  25. 知识的获取是面向主题的知识管理的第一步。

    The Acquisition of Knowledge is the first step of Subject-Oriented Knowledge Management .

  26. 面向主题的矿业信息数据仓库建设研究

    Research on building subject-oriented mining information Data Warehouse

  27. 面向主题的搜索引擎的出现为解决这些问题应运而生。

    As a result , subject-oriented search engine was invented to solve this problem .

  28. 知识库在解决我们的面向主题的信息检索的问题起到了很大的作用。

    Knowledge plays an important role when solving problems of topic oriented information searching .

  29. 面向主题的概念检索研究

    Research on Conceptual Information Retrieval Faced to Subject

  30. 面向主题的网络蜘蛛技术研究及系统实现

    The Research and Implementation of Topic Spider Technique