
  • 网络Nonlinear compensation;non-linear compensation
  1. 合成孔径雷达成像非线性补偿CS算法的研究与实现

    The Research and Imaging Disposal of Non-linear Compensation to Chirp Scaling Algorithm

  2. 铂电阻测温仪表的简化设计与非线性补偿

    The Simplified Design of Pt Resistance Temperature Instrument and Non-linear Compensation

  3. 传感器动态非线性补偿方法及DSP实现

    Nonlinear Dynamic Compensation of Sensors and Its Realization Based on DSP

  4. 介绍了一种非线性补偿的实用算法,并列出用C语言及汇编语言编程时应注意的技巧。

    The article introduces a practical algorithm of nonline compensation and lists the technicality about C language and Assemble language .

  5. 基于非线性补偿的PID控制器

    A PID controller based on nonlinear compensation

  6. 基于SVM逆模型的电涡流传感器非线性补偿

    Non-linearity compensation of eddy current sensor based on SVM inverse model

  7. AD转换非线性补偿实用算法

    AD Nonline Compensation Practical Algorithm

  8. RBF神经网络在称重传感器非线性补偿中的应用

    The Application of RBF Neural Network in Nonlinear Compensation of Weighing Sensor

  9. 介绍了二极管p-n结正向电压随温度变化的关系及进行非线性补偿的一种方法;

    The relation of diode p-n knot 's forward direction voltage with temperature changing , and methods of proceeding nonlinear reparation are introduced .

  10. 讨论了BP神经网络模型在传感器非线性补偿中的应用。

    BP ( Back Propagation ) neural network models are applied to the nonlinearity compensation of sensors in this paper .

  11. 重点研究了采用双级模糊控制器对结晶器钢水液位进行模糊控制的策略,并用C语言编程实现了带有非线性补偿的双级模糊控制算法。

    The emphasis of this paper is to research the fuzzy control mode with two level fuzzy controller , and to compensate the clearer with arithmetic .

  12. 改善宽带PCS信道的非线性补偿算法

    An improved nonlinear compensation algorithm in broadband PCS channel

  13. 改进型的神经网络PSD非线性补偿研究

    Research on nonlinear compensation of improved neural network PSD

  14. DOAS方法在线测量污染气体浓度的温度与非线性补偿

    Temperature and nonlinearity compensation for in-situ concentration measurement of polluted gas with DOAS method

  15. 一种抑制电传系统PIO的非线性补偿方法

    A Nonlinear Compensation Method for Curbing PIO in Flight by Wire System

  16. 阐述了电源电压为1V的非线性补偿CMOS电压带隙基准源,该基准源具有很高的温度稳定性.一种低功耗差动CMOS带隙基准源

    A 1V matched nonlinear correction ( MNC ) CMOS bandgap reference with high temperature stability is presented . A Low-Power Differential CMOS Bandgap Reference

  17. 光耦隔离传输中的非线性补偿反射式光耦的CTR工艺控制

    Compensation for nonlinear distortion in the isolated transmission process of photocoupler CTR Technological Controlling on Photo Coupler

  18. 本设计使用了外部EEPROM存储器,存储瓦斯安全浓度、非线性补偿系数、零点漂移系数,实现了掉电保护功能;在通信方面,本文采用RS-485总线技术实现瓦斯传感器和主站之间进行数据传输。

    Gas safety concentration , nonlinear coefficient and zero drift coefficient are stored in an external memory EEPROM , achieved power-down protection .

  19. 1V电源非线性补偿的高温度稳定性电压带隙基准源

    A 1V MNC Bandgap Reference with High Temperature Stability

  20. 本论文以视频测试指标为依据,在分析性能瓶颈的基础上,提出了DA非线性补偿算法和DDS三级累加补偿算法,提高了输出视频的性能指标。

    This paper points out the shortcomings of the video performance , designs two arithmetics to compensate the nonlinear of DAC and DDS accuracy , which improves the video performance .

  21. 提出一种基于神经网络高精度线性化子块网络集成插值实现光电位置敏感器件(PSD)背景光非线性补偿方法。

    A method for nonlinear compensation of background light voltage of position sensitive detector ( PSD ) based on neural network high accuracy linearization sub-block network integration interpolation is presented .

  22. 该系统在国内首先解决了电调系统同CCS的接口问题,并成功地利用非线性补偿方法解决了原电调系统在汽机调节压力的方式下存在的系统不稳定问题。

    This system completely solves the interface problem between the CCS and MICROREC DEH system and applies the nonlinear compensation method to overcome the system unstable problem .

  23. 超磁致伸缩驱动器(GMA)的磁滞建模与非线性补偿是实现GMA高精度定位的基础。

    Hysteresis modeling and compensation for nonlinearity on Giant magnetostrictive actuator ( GMA ) was the fundation and necessary for precision positioning of GMA .

  24. 设计RBF神经网络非线性补偿控制器,提出了混沌系统线性状态反馈的复合控制方法,将可调系统混沌行为镇定到期望目标位置或者变成周期运动。

    A nonlinear compensation controller with RBF neural networks was developed , a hybrid control technique for chaotic system based on linear state feedback was presented . The chaotic behavior of controlled system could be directed to the desired targets or periodic trajectory .

  25. 本文所采用的模糊自适应PID控制器,有效的结合了模糊逻辑控制器的非线性补偿能力和PID控制器消除静态误差的优点,不仅提高了系统的稳态精度,而且改善了系统的动态性能。

    The fuzzy adaptive PID controller , proposed in this paper , combines effectively the nonlinearity compensative capability of the fuzzy logic controller with the PID controller 's advantage of eliminating static error , not only enhances the static accuracy , but also improves the dynamic performance of system .

  26. 通过分析发现用非线性补偿能够进一步提高其译码性能,所以就想到了采用可变校正因子的思想对NormalizedBP-Based算法进一步改进,提出了基于均值分类的可变校正因子算法。

    This is a linear compensation . In this article the nonlinear compensation was used to further improve the decoding performance after the analysis . So the idea of using variable correction factor on Normalized BP-Based algorithm was occurred .

  27. 就光纤AMCATV外调制发射机的关键问题,即光源的选择、调制器的选择、非线性补偿、限幅失真抑制及CSO和CTB的闭环控制进行了较全面的论述。

    This paper presents overall discussion on the key elements in the optical fiber AM CATV externally modulated transmitter , including demand on light source , choice of modulator , nonlinearity and compensation , clipping distortion and compensation , close loop control on CSO . CTB etc.

  28. 三坐标测量机结构误差非线性补偿方法研究

    Method of nonlinear error correction for 3 D coordinate measuring machine

  29. 伺服系统两种低速非线性补偿方法的对比实验

    Two low - speed non line ar compensations for servo system

  30. 电液伺服系统加速度失真非线性补偿控制策略

    Nonlinear compensation control scheme for acceleration distortion of electro-hydraulic servo system