
  1. WTO要求我国内外资企业立法一体化,内资企业立法平等化,企业立法模式统一化、内容系统化。改造我国企业立法要确立非法人企业的民事主体资格;

    The process of the entry of WTO makes it necessary for our country to ensure an equal and integrated legislation of domestic and foreign enterprises , unified modes and systematic contents of legislation .

  2. 当选总统奥巴马将提高高收入者的税率,包括许多非法人企业的企业主。

    The president-elect will raise rates on high earners , including many owners of unincorporated businesses .

  3. 对无限连带责任制度的再思考:谈非法人企业破产制度的确立

    Thinking About The System Of Unlimited Joint And Several Liabilities : On The Establishment Of Bankruptcy System For Unincorporate Enterprises

  4. 特区内企业是指在特区内注册登记的法人企业和非法人企业。

    " Enterprise " in Special Zone refers to the enterprises as legal person and non-legal person registered in Special Zone .

  5. 商自然人破产制度与破产法中的法人或非法人企业或组织的破产制度相比,无论是程序上还是实体上,都存在一定的差异。

    Compared to the bankruptcy of corporation system , the bankruptcy of commercial individual system had many difference in substantive law and procedural law .

  6. 非法人企业、组织的房地产抵押需提交其产权部门同意抵押的批准文件。

    The approval file that the estate guaranty of illegal person business , organization requires to refer branch of its property right to agree with guaranty .

  7. 明确涉外非法人企业可直接向国土资源部申请探矿权和地质勘查单位资格。

    It is specified that unincorporated foreign-related corporations will be able to apply directly to the Ministry of Land and Resources for the rights of exploration and the qualifications of a geological survey unit .

  8. 每个境内项目管理人和境外项目管理人均为由组成公司组建的非法人合资企业。

    Each of Onshore Project Manager and Offshore Project Manager is constituted in the form of unincorporated joint ventures by the constituent companies .

  9. 科技项目管理人员技能因子的实证研究&以信息技术类项目为例每个境内项目管理人和境外项目管理人均为由组成公司组建的非法人合资企业。

    A study on science & technology PM craftsmanship factors ; Each of Onshore Project Manager and Offshore Project Manager is constituted in the form of unincorporated joint ventures by the constituent companies .