
  1. 非政府投资项目全过程工程造价控制研究

    A Study on Non-Public Investment Whole Process Cost Management

  2. 据预计,国家投资涨幅趋平缓,但是非政府投资将保持迅猛势头。

    State investment growth is anticipated to moderate but non-government investment will remain strong .

  3. 各级政府要倡导多元化供给主体,加强对非政府投资主体的引导和产权保护,推进农村基础设施建设筹资方式的创新。

    The government should make the diversification of supply , guide non-governmental investment and protect property rights , promote the innovation of financing .

  4. 根据我国现阶段国债对非政府部门投资和消费的挤出效应的特点,笔者进一步分析了其对我国宏观经济调控政策的启示。

    In view of the characteristics of the extruding effect of national debt investment and consumption in non-governmental sectors , the writer further analyzes their revelation for the macro regulatory control policy in China .

  5. 如果财政收入规模过大又将会引起企业、居民收入分配的缩小,从而导致非政府部门投资和消费需求的不足以及企业经济效率的降低。

    On the contrary , a too large one will lead to income reduce of the enterprises and individuals , accordingly , result in the insufficiency of the investment of microeconomic main bodies and that of the consumption demand .

  6. 非经营性政府投资项目,是政府利用财政性资金投资的工程建设项目。

    Non-business engineering projects that government invests use government fiscal fund .

  7. 对非经营性政府投资工程管理模式的比较与选择

    Comparison between the two management modes of non-oprational fiscal-investment-project

  8. 非经营性政府投资项目管理模式研究及政府监管

    Research on the Management Model of Non-operational Government Investment Project and Government Supervision

  9. 基于系统动力学的非经营性政府投资项目监督管理研究

    A Study on the Supervision of Governmental Non-profitable Investment Project ( GNIP ) Based on System Dynamics

  10. 代建制是针对我国非经营性政府投资项目特点发展起来的特有管理模式和制度。

    Agent construction system is the unique characteristic management model and regime of the Chinese non-profit government investment projects .

  11. 非经营性政府投资项目的投资规模巨大,对其他投资具有引导性。

    Non-business government investment projects have a huge scale of investment , they can be the guidance to other investments .

  12. 依照当前投资体制改革的精神,在非经营性政府投资项目中要推行代建制。

    According to the spirit of investment system reform , construction-agent system should be proposed in non-commercial government investment projects .

  13. 由于传统建设管理模式的诸多弊端,国务院于2004年提出对非经营性政府投资项目加快推行代建制。

    In view of the disadvantages of traditional management model , the State Council put forward the construction-agent system for non-operating government investment project in 2004 .

  14. 代建制实施可以较好的解决非经营性政府投资工程在传统模式中存在的投资、建设、使用三者不分而导致的弊端。

    The operation of deputized construction system could solve the malpractice of non-business government investment projects caused by confusion of investment 、 construction and operation in the traditional mold .

  15. 非经营性政府投资项目应采用何种管理模式,是世界各国普遍关心的难题,同时也是政府投资管理体制改革的焦点。

    What mode non-business government investment projects adopt is a difficult problem that countries in the world concern , and also the focus of reformation of government investment management system .

  16. 为了提高政府投资项目的经济效益和社会效益,我国政府在非经营性政府投资建设项目实施中采取了代建制。

    In order to increase the economic benefit and social benefit of government investment projects , Chinese government has adopted the deputized construction system in the non-business government investing projects construction .

  17. 近年来,全国各地为规范非经营性政府投资项目的管理,陆续成立国有独资的代建制企业,以负责非经营性政府投资项目的代建管理工作。

    In recent years , for regulate the management of non-operation of government investment project , local governments all over our country have set up one after another agent of the State-owned enterprises , which responsible for non-commercial agent of government investment project management .

  18. 项目的后管理是一个往往容易被忽视的环节,对于大多数非赢利性的政府投资项目来说更是如此。

    The post-management of the project is such a link that is easy to be ignored quite often , especially for most of the nonprofit government invested projects .

  19. 非经营性的政府投资项目,具有投资大、风险大、影响大的特点,影响着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高。第三部分:构建与发展我国政府公关。

    Uncommercial government project , is of characteristics including huge investment , high risk and great influence on the economic development of our society or the promotion of people 's standard of living .

  20. 于是各地纷纷进行项目管理改革,进行了代建制的试点。国务院于2004年下发了《关于投资体制改革的决定》,明确对非经营性的政府投资项目加快推行代建制。

    Decision on reform of invested system , which has issued by the State Council in 2004 , made it clear that the agent organization mechanisms for the nonprofit project invested by the government will quickening carry out it .

  21. 我国政府投资建设项目,特别是非经营性的政府投资建设项目一直采用比较落后的投资、建设、管理、使用四位一体的管理模式,产生了不少问题。

    In our country , construction projects invested by government , especially the commonweal projects and the projects with nonprofit for public always use management mode out of time that the same organization plays the role of investor , constructor , manager and user .