
  1. 森林环境具有显著的外部性、公共物品性、非市场交易性等。

    Forest environment has the characters of externality , public goods and non - market goods .

  2. 社会习惯集中表现在是否存在非市场交易即网络交易。

    And social customs focus on whether there exist non-market exchanges , that is , net exchanges .

  3. 个体社会资本与社会偏好&对于信任、非市场交易和网络权威的一个微观分析

    Individual Social Capital and Social Preferences & An Analysis of Trust , Non-market Transaction and Authority in Social Networks

  4. 再者,国家作为非市场交易的主体,也应该有效发挥其功能,在规范集体建设用地市场和税收调节方面发挥积极作用。

    Moreover , the state as the main non-market transactions , it should perform its functions effectively , in regulating the collective construction land market and tax regulation play an active role .

  5. 中国对非市场双边交易的偏爱,可能会使一些最重要的全球市场效率降低。

    This preference for off-market bilateral deals potentially reduces the efficiency of some of the most important global markets .

  6. 然而,在当前的网格系统中,市场理论的应用主要聚焦于资源管理和任务调度,而非网格市场交易平台。

    However , the application of economic theory in the current grid is focused on resource management and task scheduling , rather than grid market trading platform .

  7. 由于目前国内地下空间使用权交易处于起步阶段,市场发育不成熟,市场成交案例缺乏,且大多数案例是不规范的非市场产权交易案例,所以市场比较法的应用缺乏前提条件,不具备可行性。

    Because the underground space land-use right trading is at the initial stage , the immature market , lacking of market transactions cases , and most cases are non-market transactions , so the application of market comparison approach is not feasible .

  8. 关联交易作为资源配置的有效途径,是在关联方之间进行的一种非市场化价格的交易方式。

    The affiliated transaction , as the effective way of resource distribution , is a way of non-market oriented price transaction .

  9. 不愿参与非公开二级市场交易的风险投资家指出,这正是导致此类市场可靠性低的原因。

    The venture capitalists who shun these secondary markets say that is exactly the thing that makes secondary markets so unreliable .

  10. 前者源于生产要素的效率优势,但其实现有赖于非效率市场力量或者交易方面效率市场力量的存在。

    The former derives from efficiency predominance of production factors and its realization depends on the existence of non-efficient market forces and efficient market forces in trading .

  11. 非市场服务生产、非市场服务交易与非市场服务产出

    Production , transaction and output of non-market services