
  • 网络Adolescent sex education;The Sex Education Show
  1. 第一章通过对女中学生进行问卷调查和访谈,对农村女中学生青春期性教育的现状与问题进行分析,应用SPSS软件推理并得出了一些结论。

    The first chapter analyzes the current status and the problems in adolescent sex education of girls in secondary schools , uses SPSS software to conduct and draw some conclusions , based on questionnaire survey and interviews to secondary school girls .

  2. 国外青春期性教育对我国高校教育的启示

    Foreign adolescence sex education and its enlightenment on our higher education

  3. 中国青春期性教育的历史、现状与未来

    History , present status and future of adolescent sex education in China

  4. 三明地区青春期性教育现状调查研究

    An Inquiry into the Present Situation of Puberty Sex Education in Sanming Prefecture

  5. 长春市青少年青春期性教育现况高中生性行为及相关问题调查

    Study on Adolescent Sexual Education in Changchun Sexual Behavior of High School Students

  6. 据了解,青春期性教育课有望在该校全面推广。

    It is expected that adolescence sex-education courses are promoted in the school .

  7. 小学六年级及初中一年级女生青春期性教育干预研究

    Sex education in 6th and 7th grade girls

  8. 结合生物教学开展青春期性教育

    Carrying out Adolescent Sex Education in Biology Class

  9. 但目前中学的青春期性教育现状并不乐观。

    However , the existing status of adolescent sex education in secondary schools is not optimistic .

  10. 加强青春期性教育,促进盲聋儿童健康成长

    Strengthening Sex Education in Adolescence to Promote the Healthy Growth of the Deaf and Blind Teenagers

  11. 中学生物教学中青春期性教育对策的实验研究北京市怀柔区中学生青春期性教育必要性分析

    Necessity Analysis of Adolescent Sex Education among Middle School Students in Huairou District of Beijing City

  12. 初中生青春期性教育校本课程的开发与实施研究

    A Study on the Development and Implementation of School-based Curriculum on Sex Education among Junior Middle School

  13. 青春期性教育不仅仅是学校和社会的任务,它还应该是家庭的任务。

    Adolescent sex education is not only the task of school and society , but also the task of family .

  14. 初恋与爱情教育&青春期性教育必须要迈的门槛

    " First Love " and " Love " Education & The doorway that the youth period sex education must pass

  15. 青春期性教育作为近年来国际社会优先关注的目标,正受到人们的普遍关注。

    Being the target concerned over preferentially in the world , puberty sexual education is springing up as a heated interest universally .

  16. 浅谈幼师生青春期性教育的堵与疏青春发育突增期(高峰年龄)不同发育类型学生体质特征及健康促进

    The Physical Fitness Characteristics and Health Promotion of Different Development Types of Students in Their Spurt ( Peak Age ) during Adolescence

  17. 笔者认为,初中生青春期性教育应同其他各科教育内容一样,以中学课堂为主要阵地。

    The author is of the opinion that adolescent sex education , like other subjects , should be conducted mainly in schoolrooms .

  18. 大多数被调查对象认为青春期性教育是必需的但学校性教育仅满足了青少年对性知识的部分需求。

    The majority of subjects thought sex education among adolescents was necessary and school sex education appeared only partially to fill the expressed need .

  19. 与李佳一样,该校首批新课改的高一新生都可以选修学校开设的青春期性教育课。

    As the school has a new curriculum reform , new high school students like Li may take adolescence sex-education courses at their will .

  20. 在一次又一次惨重的教训后,人们逐步意识到对青少年进行青春期性教育势在必行。

    After going through once more miserable lessons , people gradually realized that it is necessary to have adolescent sex-education to teenagers in middle school .

  21. 目的了解智力落后学生性发育及家长对其进行性教育的状况,为做好智力落后学生青春期性教育提供依据。

    Objective To identify the puberty growth of mentality retarded students and the sex education implemented by their parents , and to provide evidence for puberty education .

  22. 第二,目标应该与内容协调起来,对于不同年龄段的青少年针对其生理、心理特点,进行适时、适度、适量青春期性教育;

    Secondly , the aim should be in harmony with the content , actualizing timing , fitting adolescent education according to the characteristic of physical and psychological of the adolescents ;

  23. 方法对北京市区6所培智学校567名学生进行性发育检查,同时对家长进行有关青春期性教育问卷调查。

    Methods Puberty growth examination was conducted among 567 mentality retarded students from 6 special education schools in Beijing . 301 parents filled in the questionnaires on family sex education .

  24. 自上世纪80年代以来,中学青春期性教育在我国日益受到重视,并被列入了有关法规。

    Since the 1980s , sex education in secondary schools has received increasing attention with each passing day in our country and is now included in the relevant laws and regulations .

  25. 本文通过调查了解中学生性教育现状,探讨青春期性教育的有效途径,促进不同教育途径间的优势互补。

    By investigating middle school students about sex education at present , to go further into efficient avenues to puberty sex education , to promote complement in superiority between different educational ways .

  26. 中学生青春期性教育现状及学校管理对策济宁市青春中前期青少年心理行为、个性特征发育的双生子研究

    The Present Situation of the Sexual Education for Teenages and Strategies of School ; A Twin Study on Development of Psychological Behaviors and Personality Characteristics in the Early and Middle Stage of Puberty in Jining

  27. 家庭性教育在潜移默化中开展,其个别式教育的及时性和长期性,特别是对女孩的性卫生教育和人身安全教育,使家庭性教育成为青春期性教育中不可或缺的一环。

    Family sex education is being launched imperceptibly nowadays , individual education in time and over a long period time especially about sex hygiene and safety of life towards girls has made family sex education a necessary part .

  28. 本人强烈地感受到适时地对青少年进行青春期性教育是社会主义精神文明的需要,是学校工作不可缺少的一部分,更是中学生身心健康成长的需要。

    I think that it is necessary for socialism mental world and for school work to have adolescent sex-education in time to teenagers , it is also necessary for middle school students ' health when they grow up gradually .

  29. 目的:从年龄的角度系统分析和比较初中、高中学生在性生理、心理方面的差异,为制定中学生青春期性教育提供可靠依据。

    Objective : To systematically analyze the difference of sex physiology and sex psychology between the middle school students and the high school students , and providing reliable evidence to carry out the sex and reproductive education to the adolescents .

  30. 从目前学校青春期性教育的现状来看,在生物课堂教学中结合学生的实际状况适时开展青春期性教育,也是对学校如何将青春期性教育落在实处的探索。

    An essential approach to improve the present situation of sex education in middle schools is to incorporate sexual knowledge into biology class , with students ' actual situation taken into account , thus to better students ' physical and mental development .