
  • 网络qingyan town;Qingyan Ancient Town
  1. 青岩古镇文化保护与开发研究

    Research on the Protection and Development of the Ancient Town of QingYan

  2. 贵阳青岩古镇具有独特的文化魅力&历史文化、民俗文化、革命文化。

    The ancient town of Qingyan in Guiyang possesses unique cultural charm , concerning history , custom and revolutionary tradition .

  3. 青岩古镇地处贵阳市郊,因有着重要的战略地理位置而在明代成为屯军之所,后逐步发展为黔中地区一个重要的军事、商贸重镇。

    Qingyan old town is located in the city suburbs . On account of its important strategic location , Qingyan was an important military place during the Ming Dynasty , becoming a significant place for military and commerce in the middle of the Guizhou Province .