
  • 网络howard university
  1. 美国人西娜·霍尔(SheenaHall)是美国马里兰州本地人,在华盛顿霍华德大学(HowardUniversity)攻读政治学,她今年春天曾作为本杰明·吉尔曼(BenjaminA.Gilman)学者在印度的海得拉巴(Hyderabad)学习过6个月。

    American Sheena Hall , who is a Maryland native studying political science at Howard University in Washington , studied in Hyderabad , India , for six months last spring as a Benjamin A.Gilman scholar .

  2. 我母亲打四份工将我送到霍华德大学读书

    My mother worked 4 jobs to send me to Howard University

  3. 切尔西·琼斯是霍华德大学的第一代大学生,现在在I'mFirst组织指导学生编程。

    Chelsea Jones , who now directs student programming at I 'm First , was a first-generation college student at Howard .

  4. 霍华德大学是一所史上著名的黑人大学,为第一代学生提供了一系列的资源,包括帮助学生找顾问、让第一代学生相互联系以及TRIO项目,即一个支持200名霍华德大学学生的国家项目。

    Howard , a well-regarded historically black college , had an array of resources for its first-generation students , including matching kids with counselors , connecting first - generation students to one another , and TRIO , a national program that supported 200 students on Howard 's campus .

  5. 霍华德大学校长说了如下这些话

    the President of Howard University spoke these words He said

  6. 祝贺大家上帝保佑你们上帝保佑霍华德大学

    congratulations , God bless you , God bless Howard University

  7. 而我一直在讲霍华德大学美丽的“野牛”女生

    and I was just talking about our beautiful bison women

  8. 我还记得自己在霍华德大学度过的第一天

    I can still remember my first day at Howard Universe

  9. 现在他是霍华德大学政治系学生。

    Now he 's a political science student at Howard University in Washington .

  10. 之后我被录取到霍华德大学

    And then I went and enrolled into Howard Universe

  11. 这是霍华德大学给予你们的终极礼物

    That is the ultimate gift Howard has given you

  12. 进入霍华德大学后,我离开了家,学了四年管理。

    I left home to go to Howard University and study management for4 years .

  13. 在霍华德大学法学院休斯敦训练了一群一流的黑人律师。

    At Howard University Law School , Houston trained a cod-ray of topnotch black lawyers .

  14. 我想谈谈能来到霍华德大学对我来说有多么重要

    I wanna say , how great it is for me to be here at Howard

  15. 我感谢你们在霍华德大学期间所做的社会服务工作

    I thank you for the community service you have done here while you 're at Howard

  16. 还有霍华德大学的所有人

    and everybody here at Howard University

  17. 科茨分享了他在西巴尔的摩的艰苦童年,以及他在霍华德大学度过的鼓舞人心的大学生活。

    Coates shares his tough childhood in West Baltimore and his inspiring college life at Howard University .

  18. 一位霍华德大学毕业生华盛顿特区市长沃特尔·华盛顿就像我一样站在讲台前

    And a Howard graduate , the mayor of Wasington D.C. , Walter Washington stood up at the podium as I am

  19. 在大学就读期间,她学习过英语,古典文学等专业,还曾在霍华德大学和耶鲁大学教授过文学。

    She studied English ( minored in classics ) in college and has taught literature at Howard University and Yale University .

  20. 我感谢那些教导你们和为学校正常运转付出劳动的人们以及到场的霍华德大学的支持者们

    I thank those who taught you and work to keep this university going and the supporters of Howard who are here

  21. 在准备这次演讲的过程中,我们对霍华德大学的历史做了一些了解,而了解到的情况给我留下了深刻印象。

    In preparing for this speech , we did some research on Howards history . I was impressed with what we found .

  22. 如果我在你们之中随便选出二十人让他们待在霍华德大学一间舒适的房间�

    If I pick twenty of you at random from this crowd , and I put you in a nice room in Howard

  23. 卢利特并不是美国人,但是她曾在美国住过几年,并且在华盛顿的霍华德大学学习。

    Lulit is not an American , but she lived in the States for several years and attended Howard University in Washington .

  24. 包括霍华德大学在内的每一所学校都承诺只花经费的7%做三到四年的工作

    Everyone of these schools including Howard is commited to doing this work for three or four years for only 7 % overhead ,

  25. 我想说的不只是霍华德大学在帮助人们为科学工程技术数学事业做好准备这方面的领导力

    And I wanna try to talk about not only Howard 's leadership in preparing people for science , engineering , technology and mathematics careers

  26. 弗格森最近几天来已经趋于平静而且联邦政府介入可能会起到作用,霍华德大学专家格雷格·卡尔说道。

    Ferguson has been calmer in recent days and the involvement of the federal government may be helping , Howard University expert Greg Carr .

  27. 据我们了解,这是世界银行集团行长第一次在霍华德大学发表讲话。

    To the best of our knowledge , this is the first time that a president of the World Bank Group has addressed the Howard community .

  28. 但对我来说更重要的还是霍华德大学在所有这些方面以及我没有提到的方面的公共服务上表现出的全国领导力

    But more importantly for me , is the national leadership Howard has shown across all these disciplines and all the ones I didn 't mention in service