
zhèn jí
  • magnitude;earthquake magnitude
震级 [zhèn jí]
  • [magnitude] 表示一次地震大小的指标。是根据地震仪器记录推算出来的

震级[zhèn jí]
  1. 用b值截距法预报中强震震级的方法研究

    Research on method predicting moderate earthquake magnitude by b-value interception

  2. 不同点:数模ML震级有差异,数字记录在确定地震参数方面有很大优势,但个别地震数字记录存在缺陷。

    The differences are that ML earthquake magnitude is differences and digital recordings have an advantage in determining earthquake parameter , but some times individual earthquake has fault .

  3. 里氏震级是测量地动的单位。

    The Richter Scale is a measure of ground motion .

  4. 地震震级为里氏3级。

    The earthquake registered 3 on the Richter scale .

  5. 1906年旧金山地震的震级为8.3级。

    The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3 .

  6. 地震的震级达到里氏5.3级。

    The earthquake registered 5.3 points on the Richter scale

  7. 现在对于距一标定过的地震仪任何距离处的任何一个地震,都可用一个震级确定之。

    Any earthquake at any distance from a calibrated seismograph is nowadays assigned a magnitude .

  8. 震级&频度的客观分布及计算b值的要点

    Practical magnitude frequency distribution and the main points computing b value

  9. 一种考虑震级不确定性的估计b值的方法

    A Estimation Method for b Value Considered the Magnitude Uncertainty

  10. 震级特征图特点与a、b值关系

    Relation between features of magnitude characteristic chart and a , b values

  11. 地震震级误差对b值的影响

    The effect of the magnitude uncertainty on the b value

  12. 当震级的一致性很差时,b值的误差也很大。

    Big b error is usually introduced when the magnitudes of the events are not well measured .

  13. 得到了利用地震序列第一天特征来判别地震类型的两个指标:地震频度N和震级级差△M。

    Two indices to distinguish the earthquake types are obtained : earthquake frequency N and magnitude difference AM .

  14. 当a、b值的变化达到相当的幅度后,震级阈值点变模糊了。

    After the variation of a , b values reached a certain amplitude , the threshold point of magnitude becomes obscure .

  15. 提出在作近震震级估算时各区应使用自己的起算函数R(△)。

    It is suggested that respective calibrating functions R ( A ), should be used in estimating near earthquake magnitudes .

  16. 研究了面波震级(MS)与近震震级(ML)间的转换关系,并推荐了新的转换公式。

    We also studied the relationship between MS and ML and a new converting formula was recommended .

  17. 震级加权四指标Blade算法及在地震带识别中的应用

    The Ms-weighted 4-index blade algorithm and its application for identifying the seismic belts in the Great North China

  18. 这场地震是中国自1976年以来最严重的地震。据美国地质调查局(UnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey)的测定,此次地震震级为里氏7.9级。

    The quake is the most deadly in China since 1976 , measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale , according to the United States Geological Survey .

  19. 对基于随机泊松分布的模拟地震样本及天然地震样本,用稳健估计方法与最小二乘方法计算b值后进行比较得出,对于天然地震样本,稳健估计得到的b值更加符合震级-频度关系。

    After compared the earthquake samples from simulated Poisson distribution and natural earthquake samples , we think that b value calculated by robust estimation is accordant with reality .

  20. Fisher方法在震级比mb/MS判据识别爆炸中的应用研究

    Application of Fisher method to discriminating earthquakes and explosions using criterion m_b / m_s

  21. 利用M估计的稳健回归方法,选取ψ函数为正态密度型函数,计算震级-频度关系中的b值。

    In this paper , using robust regression and choosing a function as normal density type function , we calculate b value in the relation between magnitude and frequency .

  22. 进一步考虑不同危险区预报震级与实际发生地震震级间的差异,文中还分震级档计算了相应的R值评分。

    And then the predicted earthquake magnitude in seismic risk areas and the happened magnitude have also been taken into account , R-value of different magnitude levels have been calculated .

  23. 结果表明,除震级范围(M2&M1)和分档间隔△M外,真值b本身的大小对估值的偏差程度也有一定的影响。

    The result shows that in addition to magnitude range ( M2-M1 ) and graded interval △ M , the size of real value b itself also has a certain effect on deviation of estimated value b.

  24. 由SK地震仪的尾波持续时间快速测定面波震级

    Fast determination of surface wave magnitude m_s from duration of coda waves recorded by SK seismograph

  25. 本文还就不同的序列处理方式及不同的震级下限对地震空间分布因子Z1的影响,进行了深入的探讨。

    Finally , the different handling methods on earthquake sequences and different low limits of magnitudes , as well as their influences on Zk values , have been discussed .

  26. 一些人可能认为,从道德败坏的里氏(richter)震级来看,这样做的震级并不高。

    Some might argue that on the Richter scale of ethical lapses this does not rate high .

  27. 用地动速度与相应周期乘积最大值的1/2π倍,即(TV/2π)max代替最大地动位移测定近震震级是正确的,但实际操作不便。

    The result to determine magnitude with ( TV / 2 π) max instead of the maximum ground displacement is correct , but it is not convenient in practice .

  28. 分别取两个地震活跃期之间的时间间隔和每一活跃期内的最大地震的震级为原始数据列,用五步建模法建立灰色GM(1,1)模型。

    Take account of time interval between two activity periods and the largest earthquake magnitude in each period as origin data set , we constructed two Grey GM ( 1,1 ) modcls .

  29. 利用近场地震加速度记录测定近震震级ML的研究

    Determination of near earthquake magnitude m_l using near-field accelerograms

  30. 依据最大熵原理求解出地震震级和地震间隔时间的最可几分布为威布尔(Weibull)分布。

    According to the theory of greatest entropy , it is found that the most probable distribution of magnitude and interval time of earthquake are Weibull distribution .