
líng xiàng liàng
  • zero vector;null vector
零向量[líng xiàng liàng]
  1. 基于小脑模型关联控制器(CMAC)网络的智能摩擦补偿方法,设置权值向量为零向量,系统由常规控制器进行控制。

    The intellect friction compensation method is based on CMAC . The coefficient vector is defined as zero vector , and the system is controlled by PID controller .

  2. 以零向量问题为例浅谈发散性思维的培养

    ` A Question about Zero Vector and Developing Divergent Thinking

  3. 令Um(n,Kq)表承含q个元素的有限域Fq上的n元非零向量的集。

    Let Um ( n , fq ) be the set of nonzero n - dimensional vectors over a finite field Fq containing q elements .

  4. 利用Greville算法中的递归特性,将迫零向量的获取融合在求伪逆的过程中。

    These algorithms take the advantages of Greville ′ s recursive property and obtain all the nulling vectors during the procedure of getting the pseudoinverse of the channel matrix .

  5. 如果这个向量太小而不能被规范化,一个零向量将会被返回。

    If the vector is too small to be normalized a zero vector will be returned .

  6. 求一下导,那么d/dt就等于零向量。

    So , in terms of derivatives , it means d by dt of r cross v is the zero vector .

  7. 在考察的过程,学生往往容易忽略对零向量的考虑,缺乏分类讨论的思维习惯。(3)学生对向量各种表征形式之间的转化的理解存在一定的单向性。

    In the inspection process , students are easy to overlook the consideration of the zero vector , and lack the classification discuss in the habit of thinking . ( 3 ) Students ' understanding of the transformation between the vector form is some one-way .

  8. 令X1,,Xs为不全为零的向量组,其中

    X_1 , , X_s are not all zero , where

  9. 证明了平衡解向量位于由非零初始向量确定的超球面上的结论。

    The equilibrium vector is on the hyper-sphere surface decided by the initial vector .

  10. 假设有一个旋度为零的向量场。

    OK , so let 's assume that we have a vector field whose curl is zero .

  11. 图的一个特征值称为主特征值,如果图有一个相应于该特征值的其各分量之和不为零的特征向量。

    An eigenvalue of a graph is main if it has an eigenvector the sum of whose entries is not equal to zero , all trees with exactly two main eigenvalues have been characterized .

  12. 多位置标定及静态测试实验结果表明,采用多元回归分析可有效地标定出加速度计组件的刻度系数矩阵、等效安装误差矩阵和等效零位偏置向量。

    The results of the multiposition test and the stationary measurement test show that the matrices of the scale coefficient and the equivalent mounting error and the vector of zero bias could be calibrated efficiently by the proposed multiple regression analysis for the accelerometer units .