
  • 网络rainwater collection;rainwater harvesting;Rain Harvesting;RWH
  1. 该雨水收集系统意味着家庭成员不再需要走很远的路去取水。

    The rain harvesting systems mean that a family member no longer has to walk long distances to get water .

  2. 屋顶雨水收集&印度新千年的选择

    Roof-top rainwater harvesting - india 's option for this millennium

  3. 基于GIS的西安市雨水收集潜力估算

    GIS-based estimation of potential amount of rainwater for utilization in Xi'an City

  4. 计算收获量,估产基于GIS的西安市雨水收集潜力估算

    Computation of yield GIS-based estimation of potential amount of rainwater for utilization in Xi'an City

  5. 该项目主管EricHartman本月初在坦桑尼亚发表的博客中描述了雨水收集系统。

    Eric Hartman , the director , described the water collection systems in blog postings from Tanzania earlier this month .

  6. 我国城市雨水收集利用产业发展研究

    Study on the Development of China 's Urban Rainwater Harvesting-using Industry

  7. 第8届雨水收集利用国际学术会议概况

    Survey of the 8th International Conference on Rainwater Catchment System

  8. 水&按标准配备有雨水收集与节水设备。

    Water-rainwater harvesting and water saving devices are standard features .

  9. 利用雨水收集系统解决景观用水问题

    Solving Problems of Landscape Water Supply by Employing the Rainwater Collecting System

  10. 德国的雨水收集利用与调控技术

    Techniques on rainwater collection , reuse and control in Germany

  11. 北方旱区雨水收集利用技术

    Technology of Collecting and Using to Rain Water in Northern Arid Region

  12. 空调冷凝水与雨水收集联合系统的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Air Conditioning Condensation Water and Harvesting Rainwater Combine System

  13. 德国建筑中雨水收集利用

    The collection and reuse of rainwater in in Germany architecture

  14. 对雨水收集和利用的方式进行了设计。

    The methods of rainwater collecting and using are designed .

  15. 城市道路雨水收集利用系统

    The System of Collecting and Using Rainwater in City Road

  16. 结合校园环境特点,提出了雨水收集利用的方案。

    Campus environment with the characteristics of the proposed rainwater harvesting scheme .

  17. 利用雨水收集回用系统实现城市小区雨水资源化

    Rainwater Collecting and Use System in Residential Area of City

  18. 雨水收集利用工艺及安全饮用的观察研究

    The Research On the Technology of Rainwater Collection & Utilization and Safe Drinking

  19. 渗透式雨水收集利用技术分析

    On Infiltrative form Technology for Rainwater Collection and Use

  20. 本文主要研究了城市雨水收集利用问题。

    This thesis have mainly discussed the problem of urban rainwater collection and utilization .

  21. 把雨水收集起来浇花是个好主意。

    It 's a good idea to collect rainwater for use in the garden .

  22. 陇东旱塬休闲期农田雨水收集及补灌技术研究

    Rain Collection in Fallow Period and Supplementary Irrigation in Dryland Farming Areas in Eastern Gansu

  23. 屋面雨水收集系统

    Introduction of Roof Rainwater Harvesting System

  24. 对雨水收集、利用的公共政策和相关技术法规提出可以改进的建议。

    Suggestion for public policy and relative technical regulations of water collection and utilization is carried out .

  25. 这些铝槽将雨水收集到房屋一侧大的收集罐中。

    These gutters carry the water to a large collection tank on the side of the home .

  26. 采用太阳能提水的雨水收集系统在我国干旱农牧区的利用分析

    Rain Water Gathering System which the Solar Energy Draws Water Using in Our Country Arid Farmland and Pasture

  27. 内容涉及奥运村污水处理厂,雨水收集、处理及综合利用设施。

    For these the Olympic village WTP and comprehensive rainwater gathering , treatment systems and utilization facilities are included .

  28. 作为雨水收集面的道路,其产流特性对于雨水收集利用起着重要作用。

    The road runoff characteristics as water harvesting surface plays an important role in the collection and utilization of rainwater .

  29. 雨水收集技术,包括蓄水箱和水塔,被融进了建筑物里,之后在自然景观中被再次利用。

    Rainwater harvesting techniques , including collection cisterns and towers , are celebrated and incorporated into the architecture and later reused in the landscape .

  30. 目前我国城市的雨水收集利用系统尚处在初期阶段,城市雨水缺乏综合利用。

    The system of rainwater utilization is on the elementary phase in cities of China , and rainwater of cities is short of integrative management .