
  1. 中国沙棘雌株硬枝扦插育苗试验研究

    Study on Hardwood Cutting of Female Seedling for Chinese Sea buckthorn

  2. 树体磷素含量水平与板栗雌、雄花枝比例和结果枝结栗苞数量也存在密切的相关性。

    P content level in chestnut tree is closedly to the rate of pistillate shoots / staminate shoots , and bur numbers per fruit bearing shoot .

  3. 在相近的生态环境条件下,银杏雌株长枝上叶片长和叶裂深显著小于雄株,而长枝粗长比显著大于雄株。

    In similar ecological habitats , lamina length and division depth of the leaves are smaller and the ratio of thickness to length of the long branches is greater in the female plants than in the male plants .