
  • 网络protogyny;protogynous
  1. 雌性先熟和延迟自交是被子植物普遍存在的机制,但是两者出现在同一物种中的报道却很少,尤其在蒺藜科植物中还未见报道。

    Protogyny and delayed autonomous self-pollination are very common in angiosperms . They rarely occur within a species , especially in Zygophyllaceae .

  2. 赤点石斑鱼(Epinephelusakaara)是名贵海水经济鱼类,雌雄同体,雌性先熟,存在天然性逆转现象。

    Red spotted grouper ( Epinephelus akaara ) is a kind of marine fish .

  3. 睡莲科的不同物种的花的开花天数不同,一般是2到数天。花大多是雌性先熟的,通常从开花的第二天开始释放花粉。

    The flowers are mostly protogynous and they are open two to several days ( depending on the species ) with pollen release usually commencing on the second day of flowering .

  4. 黄鳝是一种雌性先熟的雌雄同体鱼类,黄鳝自然性逆转现象产生的遗传背景及分子调控机制一直是研究热点。

    The first mature female Monopterus albus is a hermaphrodite fish . For the Monopterus albus ' natural sex reversal phenomenon of the molecular mechanism and genetic background in the academic community has been the focus of attention .