
jí chéng guāng lù
  • integrated optical circuit
集成光路[jí chéng guāng lù]
  1. 光栅作为一种非常重要的光学元件,被广泛应用于集成光路、光通信、光学互连、光信息处理、光学测量等领域中。

    As a very important optical component , grating is widely used in the field of integrated optical circuit , optical communications , optical interconnects , optical information processing , optical measurement , etc. .

  2. 1.3~1.6μm波长的全硅集成光路的可行性

    Feasibility of All-Silicon Integrated Optical Circuit for 1.3 ~ 1.6 μ m Wavelength

  3. 具有高Q值的光学微谐振腔在诸多方面有其广泛的应用前景,诸如低成本高密度集成光路、高灵敏度的生物传感器等等。

    With hih Q value optical microdisk resonator has much application in many fields , such as high integrated optical path with low cost , biological sensors with high sensitivity .

  4. 光子集成光路(PICs)和光电集成电路(OEICs)是各类通信主干网节点和终端设备的关键模块。

    Photonic Integrate Circuits ( PICs ) and Optical Electronic Integrate Circuits ( OEICs ) are the key module of all kinds of communication backbone net and terminal devices .

  5. 导波声光频谱仪集成光路的研究

    Study of integrated optical circuit of waveguid acousto optic spectrum analyzer

  6. 减小集成光路衰减的探索

    A search for the Method of Decreasing Attenuation in Integrated Optical Channel

  7. 集成光路技术指标对光纤陀螺性能的影响

    Influence of Index of Integrated Optic Circuit on FOG Performance

  8. 集成光路角速率传感器的误差分析和技术关键

    The Error Analysis and The Key Technology of A Rate Sensor With Optical Waveguide

  9. 为了获得单片型集成光路,必须要有一种多功能的光学材料,而铌酸锂晶体正是这样的材料。

    In order to obtain monolithic PICs , a multifunctional optical material is essential .

  10. 因此,研究人员设想希望能够制造出集成光路来对光子进行控制。

    Thus people intend to make a kind of integrated optics circuit to control the photons .

  11. 在单片集成光路中,必须在单一材料中获得全部的光学功能。

    In monolithic integrated optics , all optical functions must be obtained in a single material .

  12. 为了能够实现硅基高密集集成光路,减小光波导的尺寸是必然的趋势。

    Reducing the size of photonic waveguide devices for enabling high-density integration in silicon photonic integrated circuits is the subsequent trend .

  13. 分析了Y型集成光路器件的插入损耗、分光比、偏振串音和背向反射等主要技术指标对陀螺性能的影响。

    The effects of insertion loss , split ratio , polarization crosstalk and back reflection of Y-type integrated optic circuits are analyzed .

  14. 以光子或光电子做为信息载体的集成光路取代集成电路成为未来发展的方向。

    The integrated optical circuit , using photon or photoelectron as the information carrier , will replace the integrated electric circuit in future .

  15. 光子晶体光波导由于其优越的光子局域化性能,因此可以实现任意的弯曲,从而大大减小了集成光路的体积。

    Because of their excellent characteristics , the photonic crystal waveguide can be randomly bent , which makes the volume of integrated optical circuit very small .

  16. 介绍了使用双面反射镜的2×2,4×4光开关的集成光路设计和工作原理;

    Operation principle of the 2 × 2 and 4 × 4 optical switches based on the two-facet reflective mirrors and micro electromagnetism actuator is introduced ;

  17. 许多光子晶体器件是集成光路的重要组成元件,例如波导拐弯器,波导分叉器,高频滤波器,波导耦合器等。

    Many PhCs devices , such as waveguide bends , branches , frequency filters and waveguide couplers , are important building blocks of integrated optical circuits .

  18. 光子晶体波导模式耦合不仅是集成光路中诸多光子晶体器件的工作基础,并且和光子晶体波导的损耗机制密切相关。

    The PCWG modes coupling is not only the work foundation of many PC devices , but also closely related to the loss mechanisms of PCWGs .

  19. 再略为详细地讨论液相外延生长过程,因为晶体生长是实现集成光路使用的必不可少的一个环节。

    The growth processes of liquid-phase epitaxy will be discussed in some detail , as crystal growth is a necessary step for the realization of integrated optics using .

  20. 基于金属-绝缘体-金属波导构造的金属环腔,以其尺寸小巧、结构紧凑,极有潜力成为新一代纳米集成光路的基本元器件。

    The ring resonator based on metal-insulator-metal waveguide with its small size , compact , has great potential to become a new generation of integrated nano-optical basic components .

  21. 由于光孤子是理想的光信号传输载体,可以预见非线性光子晶体波导及其相关器件在未来的光子晶体集成光路中具有广阔的应用前景。

    Since optical solitons are ideal forms for the transportation of optical signals , nonlinear PC waveguides bends and related functional devices will find their potential applications in future PC integrated circuits .

  22. 双通道之间能量的转移,对于波分复用器、集成光路等有着重要的意义,可以应用于光通信等领域。

    Waveguide is the base structure of optical integrated devices ( circuits ) . Energy transfer between continuous channels is very important to wavelength division multiplexed ( WDM ) and integral circuit .

  23. 集成光路技术的发展首先要解决的问题是如何将各种光功能微纳结构高精度、高效率的的复合在玻璃等基板材料上。

    The most important problem in the development of integrated optical technology is to fabricate various optical functional micro-and nano-structures in various materials , such as glass , with high precision and high efficiency .

  24. 光波导作为集成光路的最基本的组成单元,以其独特的性能、高集成化以及规模生产的低成本,在各种光器件的制造中起着重要的作用。

    Waveguide is a basic structure in integrated optical devices and plays an important role in the fabrication of various optical devices because of its excellent characteristics , possibility in integration and rather low cost in manufacturing .

  25. 以聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯为结构材料,采用旋涂和干法刻蚀技术,实现了光波导集成光路和悬臂梁-质量块微机械结构在硅基底上的集成。

    Using polymethyl methacrylate ( PMMA ) as the structure material , spin coating and dry etching technique are used to realize a structure integration of optical waveguide integrated circuit with cantilever-mass micro-machine structure on silicon substrate .

  26. 本文介绍集成光路在光纤陀螺、电场传感器、压力传感器和振动传感器等方面的应用及其进展。

    The applications and recent developments for integrated optic circuits in many optical fiber sensors , such as fiber optic gyros , electric field sensors , pressure sensors and vibrometer sensors , are reviewed in this paper .

  27. 光子晶体光开关器件由于在控制光的传输过程中具有传统器件所没有的优势,使得其成为未来集成光路元件的理想选择。

    In the process of controlling the transmission of the light , the photonic crystal optical switching devices have more advantages than the traditional optical switching devices , and it is the ideal choice for the future integrated optical circuit components .

  28. 本世纪,光学已成为现代科学发展的新亮点,欧、美及日本等西方国家在全光网和集成光路的研究方面已经走在了世界的前列。

    Optics has been a new point in the development of modern science since this century . Some western cuntries such as Europe , USA and Japanese have been in the most prominent position in the research of optional network and optional integrated circuits .

  29. 集成光路通常是利用光波导将发光元件、透镜、光传输、光调制、光耦合以及光接收等器件连接在一起,集成在衬底上,构成具有一定独立功能的微型光学体系。

    The integrated optics usually makes light-emitting elements , lens , optical transmission , light modulator , light coupler and light receiver connect in together utilizing the optical waveguide and integrate on the substrate , accordingly forming the miniature optics system with certain independent function .

  30. 目前衍射光栅应用越来越广泛,它不但作为色散元件用于光谱分析,而且在光学测量以及控制、光通讯、激光器、光学信息、集成光路、光学互连等方面都有着非常广泛的应用前景。

    Presently , the application of diffraction grating is widely used . It is not only used to analyze spectrum as dispersive elements , but also used in the area of optical measurement , controlling , optical communications , lasers , optical information , integrated optics and optical interconnection .