
  • 网络group strategy
  1. 用该公司集团战略总监菲利普•托里翁(PhilippeTorrion)的话来说,就是“我们不能与世界脱轨”。其他很多法国企业似乎不觉得脱轨有什么问题——它们每年提供的假期普遍接近两个月。

    In the words of EDF 's group strategy director Philippe Torrion : " We cannot be out of step with the world . " Many other French companies seem to have no problem with being out of step - and offer almost two months of holiday a year as standard .

  2. 中国实施大企业大集团战略的特色

    The Feature of China Carrying out Big Enterprises and Big Group Strategy

  3. 第三部分报业集团战略诊断模型由PEST分析、五力分析和系统分析三部分组成。

    The strategic diagnostic model includes three components : the PEST analysis , Five-Forces Model analysis and system analysis .

  4. 谈到中国,科技智囊集团战略通讯社(StrategicNewsService)的马克•安德森指出,中国从其他国家获得知识产权的30年历程将难以为继。

    Speaking of China , Mark Anderson of strategic News Service says that the 30-year effort by the Chinese of " obtaining " intellectual property from other nations is coming to a head .

  5. 略论大集团战略的实施和跨国经营

    On the Strategy of Large Group Enterprises and Transnational Management

  6. 新疆大企业大集团战略与中亚经济合作

    The Economic Cooperation between Large-Scaled Enterprises in Xinjiang and Central Asian Countries

  7. 才博咨询集团战略和人力资源首席顾问。

    Chief strategy and HR consultant of Goodcareer Consulting Group .

  8. 安第斯集团战略方针计划

    Strategic Design for the Orientation of the Andean Group

  9. 本章的内容是制定集团战略规划的主要依据。

    Those changes are the basis of strategy planning .

  10. 论实施“异性互补、关联扩张”的大集团战略

    Research of implementing the big group strategy of " complementary and correlative development "

  11. 深圳地铁集团战略标杆管理的探索与实践

    Practice of Strategy-Benchmarking Management in Shenzhen Metro Group

  12. 黑龙江飞远集团战略选择

    Hei Long Jiang Fei Yuan Group Strategy selection

  13. 汽车工业实施大集团战略的研究

    Research on Conglomerate Strategy of Automobile Industry

  14. 基于IT产业发展的联想集团战略规划研究

    The Strategic Project Studies of Lenovo Group on the Basis of the Development of IT industry

  15. 中国第一汽车集团战略联盟研究

    Research on Strategic Alliance of FAGC

  16. 实施大集团战略;

    Implement the strategy of bloc ;

  17. 费顿负责集团战略制定,并持有集团10%股份。

    Mr fedun is in charge of strategy and owns a 10 per cent stake in the company .

  18. 第四章是华西集团战略分析与选择,确立了企业的经营思想和发展战略。

    Chapter four is strategic analysis and selection and set up strategic targets and demonstrate selection of development tactics .

  19. 材料采购是建筑企业的一项重要环节,文章通过分析,提出了集中采购方式比分散采购方式更适合大型建筑集团战略化发展的需要的见解。

    This paper puts forward the opinion that the centralized procurement more fits the large-scale construction groups than the disperse procurement .

  20. 近几年来,我国一批大型国有企业集团先后实施了资产一体化改革,实施大企业、大集团战略。

    In recent years , a series of large-scale state-owned enterprise groups have been implementing the reform of assets integration successively .

  21. 最后,本文还为如何确保集团战略的有效实施提出了一系列的保障措施。

    Lastly , this article also made a series of safeguard measures on how to ensure the effective implementation in Group strategy .

  22. 事实表明大庆油田电力集团战略导向型企业文化的实施效果已初步显现,并得到了广泛认可。

    The fact indicates the implementing effect of corporate culture of Daqing Oilfield has already appeared tentatively , and has approved extensively .

  23. 由会计核算、财务控制和集团战略管理组成的财务信息化体系,构成了协作、动态适应的有机整体。

    Financial information system composed of approved accounting , financial control analysis and group strategy management forms coordination and dynamic organic entity .

  24. 并指出实现此战略目标的具体方针:实施大集团战略;

    The article also points out some concrete methods to realize the strategic aim : carrying out the strategy of the joint group ;

  25. 为应对国际竞争,推动国民经济的发展,我国提出了大集团战略,依靠政府力量大力推进企业集团的发展。

    To develop national economy , we carried out the strategy of giant enterprises groups to develop such groups based on the government .

  26. 分析中南控股集团战略定位之前,首先有必要深入剖析典型案例的内外部环境。

    Before analyzing the strategy position of Zhongnan Group , we need to deeply understand the exterior and interior environment through some typical cases .

  27. 实施大企业、大集团战略,是我国国有经济战略调整与国有企业改革的重要内容。

    Implements the big enterprise , the big group strategy is our country state economy strategy adjustment and the state-owned enterprise reform is an important content .

  28. 母公司如何通过绩效管理来有效控制和激励子公司以实现集团战略和协同效应已成为母子公司管理研究领域的焦点之一。

    How to effectively control and encourage subsidiaries with performance management to realize the group strategy and create corporate synergies has become the focus of this flied .

  29. 应当看到,虽然自改革开放以来,我国实施大公司、大集团战略取得了显著的成绩,但与世界先进的企业集团相比,我国的企业集团还缺乏相应的竞争能力。

    Compared with the advanced conglomerates in the world , Chinese conglomerates lack relevant competence though China has made great progress by enforcing the strategy of developing conglomerates .

  30. 同时,简要介绍了国内外对国企集团战略转型的相关研究文献与结论。介绍了本文的研究内容与框架。

    Meanwhile , it gives a brief review of the related research bibliography and conclusion on the strategy transition of SOEs , together with the contents and framework of this paper .