
  • 网络collective rationality;collective rationally;group rationality;Group Rational
  1. 社会困境是关于个体理性与集体理性之间冲突关系的研究。

    The study of social dilemmas is the study of the tension between individual and collective rationality .

  2. 而囚犯难题个人理性与集体理性相冲突的传统分析同样也与科斯的新的方法、新的视角相背离,并与科斯定理的基本内涵相矛盾。

    So does the conflict of individual and collective rationality by the analysis of the prisoner 's dilemma .

  3. 我们也讨论协调个人理性和集体理性的促进团队合作博弈的机制设置问题。

    We also dicuss mechanism-designing promoting cooperative game of team to coordinate individual and group rationality .

  4. 本文认为经济法的逻辑起点是集体理性的有限性。

    The article holds that the logical start point of economic law is the limits of collective reason .

  5. 利用激励相容机制,可以实现个人理性和集体理性的统一。

    The " incentive compatibility " mechanism can help to integrate " individual sense " and " collective sense " .

  6. 在营销现实中,由于水平渠道成员个人理性和集体理性之间的矛盾,导致水平渠道冲突经常发生。

    In marketing reality , it occurs frequently because of the contradiction between individual and collective rationality of channel members .

  7. 第一部分:首先探讨了制度的含义,得出制度作为集体理性对个体理性的约束这一重要特征决定了它与道德有着天然的密不可分的关系;

    Part one will discuss institution 's signification at first , draw a conclusion that institution is connected with morality .

  8. 家族理性与个人理性、集体理性不同,是基于传统文化背景对个人理性的超越。

    Different from individual and group rationality , it takes the basis of traditionally cultural background , beyond individual rationality .

  9. 把有限知识和信息下的个体理性引向集体理性是非国民义务教育面对的挑战。

    It is a challenge for non-national compulsory education to lead individual reason under limited knowledge and information to collective rational faculty .

  10. 交易费用经济学范式中的科层失灵难以表述个人理性与集体理性的矛盾和冲突。

    The conception of hierarchy failure in transaction cost economics paradigm does not conclude contradiction and conflict between individual and collective rationality .

  11. 囚徒困境表达了经济人概念基础上的集体理性与个人理性的内在困境。

    The " prisoner dilemma " shows the internal difficulties of both collective and individual rationality based on the concept of economic homo .

  12. 投资决策中个人理性与集体理性博弈分析及对策研究契约正义存在着个人理性和集体理性的矛盾,以及个人自由追求财富无法与自然界取得先验和谐;

    An Analysis on and the Countermeasures to the Games Between Individual and Collective Rationality in Investment Decision-making contract justice has the contradiction between personal and collective rationality ;

  13. 它通过把集体理性的矛盾建立在个人理性的基础上,来解决个人理性与集体理性的矛盾。

    It solves the contradiction between the individual rationality and that of collective by putting the contradiction of the collective rationality on the basis of that of the individual .

  14. 歌队的合唱歌包裹在悲剧故事核心周围,用集体理性规约个人情感,形成情感引导机制;

    The song in chorus is parceled around the core of the tragic story , employing collective reason to regulate personal emotions so as to form emotion direction mechanism .

  15. 中国农户历来被认为具有善分不善合的传统,其深层原因是集体理性和个体理性的冲突以及信息不对称和机会主义行为的存在。

    Farmer households have been argued to have noncooperation tradition . The reasons for this are conflicts between collective rationality and individual rationality as well as the asymmetric information and opportunism .

  16. 基于人性中利己主义和利他主义兼具的特征,在理想的个人理性和集体理性基础上,提出综合理性。

    Since human nature has both the characteristic of egoism and altruism , the comprehensive rationality theory is raised , which is based on the ideal individual rationality and collective rationality .

  17. 借助这个分析思路,能够为西方近代伦理学与经济学领域中关于个人理性与集体理性关系的争论找到契合点。

    Drawing support from this approach , a point of agreement can be found for the debate over the relationship between individual rationality and collective rationality in modern Western ethics and economics .

  18. 传统哲学中的理性通常是无差别的,也即个人理性和集体理性是合二为一的,这最终导致了传统哲学中的囚徒困境。

    The reason in the traditional philosophy usually is indistinctive , that is individual reason and collective reason consolidate . This finally leads to the Prisoner 's Dilemma in the traditional philosophy .

  19. 本文以新乡市银行同业公会进行典型调查,从集体理性角度论证银行同业公会的契约性组织行为特征。

    This paper shows that one of the characteristics of the banking association is the collective rational contractual behavior by the observation on the operation of banking association of Xinxiang City , Henan Province .

  20. 在合作博弈部分,笔者从供应链的建立、运行、收益分配等供应链管理的全过程角度来分析如何建立既满足成员企业个体理性,又符合供应链集体理性的协调机制;

    As for the part of cooperative game , author put forward a collaborative mechanism from the whole process of supply chain management , which includes the establishment , operation , and allocation of the supply chain .

  21. 金融衍生工具的演进蕴含着个人理性和集体理性从冲突走向协调的博弈过程且表明有效的外在制度安排是协调两性冲突的关键因素。

    The evolvement of financial derivatives is the gaming process of individual interest and collective interest , is the way from confliction to harmony , and shows that the effective institutional arrangement is the key to the harmonization .

  22. 后现代语境下的哲学转向,意在恢复个人理性的话语功能,重新挖掘个人理性的潜在能量,并为个人理性和集体理性的对话提供了新的契机和可能。

    The philosophical conversion in the postmodern context wants to refresh the linguistic function , newly digs the potential energy of individual reason , and offers the new moment and possibility for the dialogue between individual reason and collective reason .

  23. 要在个体理性的效率追求与集体理性的共同信念中实现可持续发展战略,必须明确政府责任并进行追加性制度投资。

    In order to realize the strategy of sustainable development in the co-existence of the efficiency target of individual rationality and " common faith " of collective rationality , we must define clearly governmental responsibility and make additional institutional investment .

  24. 进而认为:只有建立起既满足个人理性又满足集体理性的运行机制,并建立起我国民族传统体育统一的组织领导机构,才能促使其与现代竞技体育的协调发展。

    It 's held that only by setting up a working system that can satisfy both personal interest and collective interest and establishing a specific organization to lead the development of TCS can it have a harmonious development with modern competitive sports .

  25. 根据动态联盟中核心企业与成员企业的委托代理关系,设计了动态联盟成员企业私人成本显示的委托人激励契约,基本上避免了机会主义行为的出现,实现了动态联盟集体理性和个体理性的统一。

    According to the principal-agent relationship between the core enterprises and the partners , the agent revelation contract of enterprise 's personal cost in dynamic alliances is designed in the paper to avoid the opportunism and make the individual and group rationality consistent .

  26. 从团队的定义和特征入手,运用囚徒困境博弈模型进行分析,指出团队工作中低绩效存在的原因是个人理性与集体理性的冲突。

    This article begins with the definition and characteristics of team , analyzes it by means of the " Prisoners ' Dilemma " game model , and points out that the clash between individual rationality and collective rationality results from low team performance .

  27. 其次,深入研究了我国政府信用存在问题的原因,即:经济人与政治人双重身份的内在冲突、个体理性与集体理性的冲突、发展过程中的制度供给不足。

    Secondly , this paper is an in-depth study of the Chinese government credit existence of the problem , namely economic and the political identity of the person double inherent conflict , Individual and Collective Rationality in the conflict , the development process of the supply system .

  28. 基于理性经济人假设,不仅无法解释由囚犯困境所引发的个人理性与集体理性之间的悖论,也无法解释现实中行为主体在囚犯困境情境下对合作行为的选择。

    Based on the hypothesis that people are rational economic men , we cant give a reasonable explanation on the paradox between individual logos and collective logos which are caused by prisoners dilemma , and cannot explain why people choose cooperation when they are in prisoners ' dilemma .

  29. 如果博弈的均衡没能实现可持续发展的目标,可以通过施加强制力来改变消费者的效用函数或者生产者的成本函数来达到个人理性与集体理性的统一。第11章是结论及政策建议。

    If the equilibrium of the game failed to achieve sustainable development objectives , through coercive force to change the utility function of consumers or of the cost function of producers to achieve the unity between individual rationality and collective rationality . Chapter ⅺ are conclusions and policy recommendations .

  30. 结构性衍生工具与新兴市场国际资本流动中的集体非理性

    Structured Derivatives and Collective Irrationality in International Capital Flows to Emerging Markets