
jí tǐ suǒ yǒu zhì
  • collective ownership
  1. 按照协议,扶养人承担该公民生养死葬的义务,享有受遗赠的权利。公民可以与集体所有制组织签订遗赠扶养协议。按照协议,集体所有制组织承担该公民生养死葬的义务,享有受遗赠的权利。

    A citizen may enter into a legacy-support agreement with an organization under collective ownership which , in accordance with the agreement , assumes the duty to support the former in his or her lifetime and attends to his or her interment after death , in return for the right to legacy .

  2. 全民所有制企业、集体所有制企业

    An enterprise owned by the whole people or under collective ownership

  3. 全民所有制企业里有集体所有制职工。

    Some enterprises owned by the whole people employ workers and staff originally belonging to collective enterprises .

  4. 第二条中华人民共和国实行土地的社会主义公有制,即全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制。

    Article 2 The People 's Republic of China resorts to a socialist public ownership i.e. an ownership by the whole people and ownerships by collectives , of land .

  5. 新时代推进农村土地制度改革,要坚持把依法维护农民权益作为出发点和落脚点。坚持农村土地农民集体所有制不动摇,坚持家庭承包经营基础性地位不动摇。

    We need to unwaveringly uphold farmers ' collective ownership of rural land while continuing the fundamental practice of rural families exercising their right to contract and manage land in rural areas .

  6. 按照花旗集团(citigroup)经济学家黄益平的说法,政府坚持农村土地集体所有制“阻碍发展农业生产率和实现规模效益”。

    Government insistence on collective ownership of land in the countryside " hinders growth of agricultural productivity and achievement of scale efficiency " , according to Yiping Huang , a Citigroup economist .

  7. 试论劳动群众集体所有制的科学内涵

    Discussion on the Scientific Connotation of the Work Masses Collectivity Ownership

  8. 集体所有制、合作制和股份合作制的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Collective Ownership , Cooperative System and Share Cooperative System

  9. 中国农村土地集体所有制问题分析

    Problem Analysis on Land Collectivity Possession System of Chinese Village

  10. 城镇集体所有制企业改制中存在的问题及对策研究

    Problems Existed in the Town Collectively Enterprise System Reform and Its Countermeasures

  11. 从理论上讲,集体所有制是社会主义所有制在农村的实现形式。

    In theory , the realization forms of collective ownership in rural .

  12. 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊同时,本公司是属集体所有制性质的。

    And our company are an enterprise under collective ownership .

  13. 在此过程中,大量的农村集体所有制土地被征用。

    During this process , a lot of rural collective land is expropriated .

  14. 完善集体所有制:农地产权制度比较现实的选择

    The Perfection of Collective Ownership through Reforms of the Agricultural Land Management System

  15. 我国农村土地集体所有制中的主体虚位与对策思考

    The Countermeasures for Theme Vacancy of Chinese Collective Ownership System of Rural Land

  16. 集体所有制企业改制中若干法律问题研究

    Legal Problems in the Reform of Collective Enterprises

  17. 论单位累犯土地集体所有制的历史方位

    Study on the Recidivism System of Units The Historical Position of Collective Land Ownership

  18. 论农村土地集体所有制结构改革

    On Structure Reform of Ownerships of Rural Land

  19. 关于马克思向集体所有制过渡的论述

    A Discourse upon Marxian Transition to Collective Ownership

  20. 集体所有制单位营造的林木,归该单位所有。

    The trees planted by a collectively owned organization shall be owned by itself .

  21. 劳动群众集体所有制是具有中国特色公有制的一种实现形式。

    The work masses collectivity ownership is a implementing form of China featured public ownership ?

  22. 现在北京、天津、上海搞集体所有制,解决就业问题,还不是经济的办法?

    To create more jobs , Beijing , Tianjin and Shanghai are practising collective ownership .

  23. 个体所有制必须过渡到集体所有制,过渡到社会主义。

    There must be a transition from individual ownership to collective ownership , to socialism .

  24. 现实的中国农村的土地集体所有制更像是某种社区所有制。

    The land collective ownership in current Chinese rural area is more like the community ownership .

  25. 土地集体所有制:均平易、济困难&一个特殊村庄案例的一般意义

    Easily Equalizing and Hardly Relieving under Collective Ownership of Rural Land : A special village case

  26. 论集体所有制企业产权构建

    On Ownership Reconstruction of Collective Enterprises

  27. 由此提出,变革农业经济制度是三农问题的出路所在,而当前农业经济制度正是50年代建立的农业集体所有制瓦解后的产物,因此对它的变革也就是对原有集体所有制的变革。

    So changing the agriculture economic system is the way out of three agricultures ' problem .

  28. 劳动群众集体所有制

    Collective ownership by the working masses

  29. 被调查商品所属的行业应以私人企业或集体所有制企业为主。

    The industry producing the merchandise under investigation should be characterized by private or collective ownership .

  30. 城镇集体所有制经济

    Collective economy in cities and towns