- 名collectively owned enterprise;collective enterprise

Monthly allocations of 2 % of the total wages of all of its employees paid to a trade union as funds by the enterprise or public institution owned by the whole people , collectively owned enterprise or public institution or government organ which established the said trade union organization ;
An enterprise owned by the whole people or under collective ownership
Problems Existed in the Town Collectively Enterprise System Reform and Its Countermeasures
Legal Problems in the Reform of Collective Enterprises
On Ownership Reconstruction of Collective Enterprises
The industry producing the merchandise under investigation should be characterized by private or collective ownership .
Huawei says it cannot launch a public stock offering because of Chinese rules that prevent companies with large employee ownership from going public .
The collective ownership enterprises play an irreplaceable role in promoting national construction , developing the national economy , arranging labor employment , maintaining social stability and many other aspects .
Also , different understandings of " state-controlled " appeared in different cases . A lot of debates exist in how to determine the nature of " private in public name " companies and collectively-owned enterprises .
This article discusses the method of the reform of collective enterprises and the final ownership of the collective assets , and to show that the reconstruction of property in enterprise reform is of fundamental importance .
This text author works in the enterprise of collective ownership for a long time , has experienced the evolution of collective ownership , shareholding system , Understand and grasp small and medium enterprises manage , manage and have question and drawback with actual operations deeply .
As for the route of ownership transition , the conclusion drawn in this paper is that the transition of collective ownership in TVEs to non - collective ownership is irreversible .
" An enterprise under collective ownership , as legal person , shall Bear civil liability with the property it owns . "
Why has the decline range of town collective economy , whether in the number of enterprises or in the number of their employees , been most radical in our ownership structural change since the nineties of the twentieth century ?