
  • 网络Concentration ratio;concentration rate;CRn
  1. 其中市场绩效标准主要包括勒纳指数、贝恩利润指标;市场结构标准主要有行业集中率CRn、赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数HHI;企业竞争行为标准。

    Market performance standards include the Lerner Index , Bain profit targets . Market structure standards include industry concentration ratio , the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index . Enterprise competitive behavior standards .

  2. 同时与世界主要轿车生产国的行业集中率进行对比,由此推断出我国轿车行业目前所处的发展阶段以及未来的发展方向。

    It concludes present stage and future development trend of our sedan industry through comparing concentration ratio with other main manufacturers in the world .

  3. 本文讨论了带调和势的具有临界幂的非线性Schrodinger方程,得到其爆破解在t→T(爆破时间)的L2集中率。

    We consider the Cauchy problem for the critical nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a harmonic potential , and get the rate of L2-concentration of the radially symmetric blow-up solutions .

  4. 本文采用行业集中率指数(CRn)来实证分析我国证券业的集中度,并提出一些具体的建议。

    This paper will analyse empirically the concentration rate of security industry in China with the method of CRn and make some suggestions .

  5. 方法:考察了1990年~1996年制药行业的赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数(HHI)和集中率指标。结果与结论:目前我国制药行业市场相当分散,但是集中趋势明显。

    METHODS : To calculate HHI and Concentration Ratio of pharmaceutical industry in 1990 ~ 1996 . RESULTS & CONCLUSION : Nowadays market concentration of pharmaceutical industry is low , but the tendency of concentration is distinct .

  6. 在吸取集聚经济学和产业经济学集中率系数思想的基础上,根据产业集聚的特征,构造了LQ系数,测算了我国区域物流产业聚集系数,分析了我国区域物流集聚的指向性和空间布局。

    Based on economics of agglomeration and concentration ratio of industrial organization , LQ is established to measure the concentration degree of logistics and calculate agglomeration ratio of regional logistics . Based on the result , the tendency and spatial layout of regional agglomeration in China are analyzed .

  7. 我国政府的财力较为分散,中央财政的集中率较低。

    The concentration rate of the central finance is quite low .

  8. 工业生产率与集中率关系的研究

    A Research on the Relationship Between Productivity and Concentration Ratio

  9. 论集中率的演化

    On the Evolution of Concentration Ratio

  10. 生产率、集中率与规模经济&对手表行业的实证分析

    Productivity , Concentration Ratio and Scale Economy & An Empirical Analysis on the Wrist Watch Industry

  11. 在研究中创新的采用了工业产值集中率等新的指标概念。

    Adopted " industrial production value concentration rate " to wait new concept creatively in the research .

  12. 目标设置对网球运动员发球成功率集中率和运动自信心的影响

    The Influence of Goal-Setting on Serving Success Rate and Hit Rate and Sport Self-Confidence of Tennis Players

  13. 证明香蕉是被故意种植的,因为在香蕉自然生长的地方,植物化石的集中率较低。

    proof the bananas were deliberately planted , because where bananas grow naturally the concentration of the plant fossils is lower .

  14. 同时,中国保险业是一个垄断型的产业,市场竞争主体少,市场集中率很高,市场竞争不充分。

    China insurance industry is a monopoly industry . The body of competition is little . The market concentration rate is high .

  15. 本文建立了集中率演化的理论模型,对系统的参数值进行了估算。

    N this paper , a theoretical model of the evolution of concentration ratio is set up , and the parameters of the system are appraised .

  16. 颗粒的粒度分布集中率增加,80~140目筛分的集中率由96.7%提高至97.2%;

    The distribution of particle size became sharper , the rate of particles with size of 80 ~ 140 mesh increased from 96.7 % to 97.2 % ;

  17. 结果表明:通过增加生产规模,提高集中率,可以产生规模经济,促进生产率的增长。

    The result shows that increasing the scale of production and raising the concentration ratio will result in the scale economy and promote the increasing of productivity .

  18. 籍助计量经济学,实证分析了手表行业的生产率、集中率、规模经济以及它们之间的相互关系。

    This paper , with the aid of econometrics , positively analyses the productivity 、 the concentration ratio 、 the scale economy and their relationships in wrist watch industry .

  19. 对于西北地区和西南地区,无论是过去还是现在,其工业的产业集中率均处于全国最低水平,而且随着时间的推移成进一步下降的趋势。

    As regards to northwest and southwest of China , no matter past or present , their industrial agglomeration level was the lowest , and as time goes by , this level becomes further low .

  20. 在分析盈利悖论说方面,本文采用了市场集中率的计算方法,结合相应的计算图表从规模经济优势这一角度加以阐述。

    On analyzing the " paradox of profits ", the article takes the method such as rate of market concentration , at the same time , we plus some chart to analyze the object on the aspect of economics of scale .

  21. 文中介绍了整数变换的基本原理,提出了一种结合能量集中率和去相关效率的整数变换基变换性能评价方法,从理论上选出几组性能较好的变换基。

    In this paper , after the introduction of the basic theory of 8 × 8 integer transform , a novel method combining evaluation of energy compaction and decorrelation efficiency is proposed to measure the efficiency of transform basis and several theoretically efficient transform bases are picked out .

  22. 本文通过运用市场份额、市场集中率和进入退出壁垒等指标分析我国银行业的市场结构状况,指出我国银行业具有明显的垄断色彩。

    By using the index of market share , market concentration ratio and entering and retreating from the barrier , this article analyses the situation of our countrys banks , market structure and points out that there is an evident monopoly feature in our country 's banking industry .

  23. 加强环境基础设施建设,提高城市污水和垃圾集中处理率。

    We intensified development of environmental infrastructure and brought more urban sewage and garbage under centralized treatment .

  24. 我国铁路信号设备与世界先进设备的差距在缩小,只有调度集中装备率与发达国家相距甚远。

    The spatial between the railway signal facility in China and other countries has been narrowed , except the CTC facility .

  25. 1999年危险废物实现零排放,医疗垃圾的集中处置率达100%;居民生活垃圾清运处置率达100%。

    Since 1999 , no hazardous waste has exhausted , and the centralized disposal rate of medical waste has reached 100 % .

  26. 解决五保户分散供养问题的措施:提高集中供养率。

    The solution to the problem is to raise the rate of centralized support ( Gathering these people and raising them together ) .

  27. 至2005年底,生活垃圾清运量1.52亿t,垃圾的集中处理率约为51%。

    By the end of 2005 , the quantity of municipal solid waste was 152,000,000 tons , the rate of central disposal was probably 51 percent .

  28. 排水管网和污水处理设施建设不完善,排水管网密度仅为5.93公里/平方公里,污水集中处理率仅为15.52%,大部分污水未经收集处理直接排放,严重污染水资源环境。

    Network of drain and sewage disposal facility are imperfect , whose density is only 5.93 km per kilometers and whose centralized sewage treatment rate is only 15.52 % . Most sewage is discharged without being disposed , which polluted the water sources severely . 6 .

  29. 中国制造业集中与利润率的关系

    Concentration and Pr of it Rate of Manufacturing in China

  30. 提高集中供热普及率和城市供热的科技含量。

    We should Raise the rate of universality of the concentrative heating universalize the content of heating about science and technology in cities .