
yǐn shēn fēi jī
  • Stealth aircraft;stealth plane;invisible plane
隐身飞机[yǐn shēn fēi jī]
  1. 隐身飞机F-117A单站电磁散射面积仿真分析

    Simulation and Analysis of Single-Station Electromagnetic Scattering Area of F-117A Stealth Fighter

  2. 收发分置条件下F-117A隐身飞机雷达截面积研究

    Study on Radar Cross Section of F-117A Stealth Fighter under The Bistatic Condition

  3. 在对隐身飞机、巡航导弹等弱小运动目标的检测中,因其RCS减小而导致雷达回波的信噪比降低,雷达依照传统的方法难以可靠地检测到该类目标。

    In the detection of weak moving targets , such as stealth aircraft , cruise missiles , SNR comes down dramatically due to the reduction of their RCS , the targets are difficult to be detect reliably by radar in traditional methods .

  4. 本文最后讨论了对F-117A、B-2隐身飞机电磁波衍射象的光学仿真问题。

    At the conclusion of this paper , we discuss the optical simulation about the diffraction image of the electromag - netic wave with the F-117A and the B-2 warplane .

  5. 以隐身飞机F-117A为对象,提出了隐身飞机姿态角的概念,根据姿态角得到计算雷达探测概率所需要的雷达截面积;

    In this paper , American F-117 stealth fighter is studied and the concept of attitude angle of stealth craft is presented . According to the attitude angle of stealth aircraft , the radar cross section required by the calculation of radar detection probability can be obtained .

  6. 两种隐身飞机模型的雷达散射特性测试与分析

    Radar Scattering Characteristic Test and Analysis of Two Stealth Aircraft Models

  7. 隐身飞机与技术&从二次世界大战到海湾战争

    Stealth Aircraft and Technology from World War ⅱ to the Gulf

  8. 对2种隐身飞机的仿真模型进行了雷达散射特性测试与分析。

    Radar scattering characteristics of two stealth fighter models were tested and analyzed .

  9. 雷达反对抗的新领域反隐身飞机与对抗反雷达导弹

    Radar ECCM 'S New Area : Anti-Stealth and Anti-ARM

  10. 隐身飞机雷达目标特性初探

    The Researching for the Target Characters of Stealth Aircraft

  11. 隐身飞机在未来的战争中有重要的战略作用。

    Stealth airplanes play a very important strategic role in the future war .

  12. 隐身飞机在大仰角时的生存力评估

    Survivability Evaluation of Stealth Aircraft in Big Elevation

  13. 隐身飞机的雷达可探测性

    The Detectability of Stealth Aircraft by Radar

  14. 隐身飞机探测技术研究

    Research on Detecting Technique of Stealth Aircraft

  15. 隐身飞机现状及发展动向

    Status and Trends of Stealth Aircraft

  16. 挫败隐身飞机的雷达

    The stealth - defeating radar

  17. 对雷达和导弹制导系统的设计师来说,隐身飞机的目标特征信号是诱人的。

    The radar target signatures of the stealth aircraft are attractive to designers of radar and missile guidance .

  18. ·导出了晴空、降水条件下飞机尾流探测的雷达方程;分析了典型雷达系统的飞机尾流探测距离,并将其与隐身飞机探测距离进行了比较研究。

    · Radar equations for the detection of aircraft wake vortices in clear and precipitation air are deduced .

  19. 隐身飞机和隐身导弹

    Stealth Aircraft and Missiles

  20. 隐身飞机对于电磁波有良好的隐身作用,但对红外线还无法隐身。

    The stealth aircraft can not be detected by the radio , but it is useless for infrared ray .

  21. 通过分析对比,远红外激光雷达可有效地发现和跟踪隐身飞机。

    Through analysis and contrast , the far infrared laser radar can be used to find and follow the tracks of the stealth aircraft .

  22. 通过对隐身飞机的雷达散射截面积的分析,指出了雷达组网反隐身的可行性。

    Based on the analysis on the RCS of stealth craft , the feasibility of anti-stealth under radar network is discussed in this paper .

  23. 现代战争中大量使用隐身飞机、反辐射导弹、巡航导弹等飞行器。

    The flyers , such as stealth aircraft , Anti radiation Missile , and Cruise Missile and so on , are widely used in modern war .

  24. 现代电子战中面临着大量诸如隐身飞机、巡航导弹等雷达回波能量很低的微弱目标。

    In the modem electronic warfare , the radar is faced with a lot of low echo energy targets , such as stealth aircraft and cruise missile .

  25. 推导了隐身飞机的发现概率的计算模型,给出了单层防御体系在组网条件下对隐身飞机的射击效能模型。

    Then , the formula about detection probability of stealth craft is deduced and the shooting effectiveness model of air-defense system to stealth craft under radar net-works is given .

  26. 通过对二维内置隐身飞机模型的仿真及其散射截面的计算进一步研究了该器件的散射缩小功能及应用。

    The scattering minifying functions of the wave expander are further studied through numerical simulations of the two-dimensional embedded aircraft models and the quantitative calculations of their scattering width values .

  27. 在分析电磁脉冲武器特点和国内外电磁脉冲武器研究进展的基础上,论述了电磁脉冲武器抗击来袭飞机(包括隐身飞机)的可行性和方法。

    On the base of analyzing the characters of the electrom magnetic pulse weapon and its evolution , the feasibility and methods of electrom magnetic pulse weapons countering aircrafts are discussed .

  28. 但随着现在科技水平的进步和反制雷达技术的发展,雷达在面对电子干扰、反辐射导弹、隐身飞机和低空突防四个方面存在着严重缺陷。

    But with the development of the current level of technology and the anti-radar equipment , radar has serious defects in the face of electronic interference , anti-radiation missiles , invisible aircraft and low-altitude penetration .

  29. 在强杂波环境下检测一类重要小目标(如巡航导弹,反舰掠海导弹,隐身飞机)是现代雷达面临的一个最具有挑战性的课题。

    The detection of an important classe of targets , that is Low radar cross section ( RCS ) targets ( Such as , cruise missiles , Sea skimming anti-ship missiles and stealth aircraft ), embedded in heavy clutter is a challenging problem for modern radar technology .

  30. 基于电磁波集中器和折叠变换媒质模型,从内置隐身飞机模型的散射截面角度对这两类器件的散射放大功能及其在军事方面的应用进行了仿真验证与定量计算。

    Based on the models of the electromagnetic wave concentrator and the folded transformation media , the scattering magnifying functions and the military applications of these two kinds of devices are studied through the simulations of embedded stealth aircraft models and the calculations of their scattering cross sections .